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I'm not reading through all these pages (I never took the time to check out this thread), so this might've been mentioned already. But the Chrisophinx in Chrono Cross, THAT FUCKING BITCH! It's a secret boss, guides say he has 13,000 HP, but that's total bullshit :evil: I was fighting him for like 5 hours, fell asleep WHILE FIGHTING HIM, then tried for about 1-2 hours after I woke up.. he wouldn't go down.. Still haven't beaten him :evil:


not that it really matters in this thread but one of the easiest FINAL bosses ive ever faced (without cheating) is megaman juno in megaman 64. :?

all i do is hold the z trigger, run around in circle, shoot at him, and jump over his attacks. it may look unskilled, but it's easier and not a cheat.


I've seen these kinds of threads so many times.

Anyway, the hardest boss I've ever faced ...

That DAMN OCTOROK MINIBOSS IN THE JABU JABU THINGY IN ZELDA 64. First time I faced that little b*tch, I died. And the second through tenth times were pretty much a repeat. Now that I've long since beaten the game, he's easy, since I know what to do and stuff. But he had me in a corner for quite a while. Maybe he wasn't hardest, though...

[sarcasm]There was always that tree in Kirby.[/sarcasm]


This is gonna sound totally mean

But my friend is so lame at video games that he -died- three times on that tree boss on Kirby.


It wasnt even hard on -hard- mode.



ok kill me... the trex and the final boss from turok 1. i have never been able to beat that game without cheatin. (damn level 5 and last bosses.) level 5 is soo fuckin hard that it ain even funny, damn annoyin ass leapers comin back and shit. no guys to kill in there to get ammo from so when ya pick up the ammo, thats just it.


I submit any final boss from SaGa Frontier and the Egg from SaGa Frontier II. I swear, they made those things CRAZILY hard to beat. The only final boss from SaGa Frontier I actually managed to beat was Genocide Heart, and THAT was an accomplishment. Doubt I'll ever beat Egg, though. Good freaking grief...


SA-X is fun to toy with, the first time you actually have to get chased by her. Keep making her spin back and walk to the pillar youre hiding behind by firing consistently. Im sure X have feelings of frustration.

But then she totally kicked my ass. I guess X have feelings of vengance as well.

Damn SA-X. Always ruining my flower bed. I'll get the hose ready next time.


SA-X is kinda hard on Fusion. She just down right scares me. The scary music comes on, and then SA-X comes and chases, shoots, kills. I beat the game though. The last boss was not very hard, died on him once. Fighting SA-X was not very pleasent, but when she turned into the monster thingy it was simple, of course the X virus then fought me with the shooting plasma beam and I died on the Friggin' X. It pissed me off.

Great Game though.


Personally, I'm currently stuck on the part in Sector 2(?), TRO, where you have to actually run from her. Well, this is the second time you have to run, the first time was with the power bomb ... or if you were stupid enough to reveal yourself when she walked over that tunnel ... but it's really tough. She's gone from "Scary clone who walks by eerily" to "Psycho B*tch".


I think the hardest boss ever is the final boss from Legend of Dragoon. You have to beat all four of its forms (if I remember correctly) and it keeps getting stronger. The fight takes over a hour even if you are doing well! There is nowhere that you can stock up potions or anything before you fight it and eventually it starts just eating your characters, then spitting them out at another character, which hurts a lot. It usually eats your healer, too. Damn it!! I never finished the game.


Eh, he's not that tough if you give Miranda that ring that regens 10MP a round. Free all heal spell every other round! If I had to name a toughest boss, it would have to be Emerald Weapon. Yeah, there's a way to beat it, but it mostly relies on your luck. Blow that!


Hardest part I can remeber for a boss would be right at the end with Sonic and Knuckles running after Robotnik and trying to outrun the falling platforms because I hate it when you bounce off him and when you get the last hit in you find that you die in the pit of no retrun.


I kept getting so tensed that anyone who bumped me made me jump and all which scares the S*** out of me...

I literly jump out of my seat sometimes while playing DooM also...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:

The last boss of SaGa Frontier 2. I mean, geez, the rest of the game was a breeze and then all of the sudden you have this really tough last boss.

Also, this isn't a boss but the Battle of South Moundtop was INSANE.

You are SO right! The egg was an insane boss battle. And the battle of south moundtop. A pain in the ass

I have to make my own little hard boss battle up here. Anybody remember Indalecio...the last boss on Star ocean 2-the second story. Most of the bosses in the tower were tough but damn. That was tough unless you really really prepared! alright ill think of more bosses :twisted:


wow, i thought this thread had died, but since it's still alive and kicking, i'll throw in my 2 cents:

i'm having a helluva time with kingdom hearts. i think i read somewhere on these forums that the more rpgs you play, the more your reflexes turn to mush since all you have to do is select battle commands. so me and my mushy reflexes are finding kingdom hearts kinda difficult. it took me about 20 tries to beat ursula in that second form. and i won't even go into what a pain in the ass sephiroth is. anyway, my 2 cents has been thrown and i'll shut up now.


The unlimited version of Indelcio from StarOcean the second story is hands down the most difficult boss of all time.

He moves 3 times as fast your characters, can cast spells while moving, and most of those spells are 1 hit kills to everyone in the party.


I have to say, that I think the worst Boss of all time has to be Dr. Willard in Tomb Raider III. Not only is it rather intimidating to have to face a giant, otherworldly, spider-thing--but he's invincible, too! You have to run all over the damn place picking things up while avoiding his instantly-fatal acid spray and not getting trampled. Not to mention the pools of acid surrounding his happy little bubble. Damn bug.

The unlimited version of Indelcio from StarOcean the second story is hands down the most difficult boss of all time.

He moves 3 times as fast your characters, can cast spells while moving, and most of those spells are 1 hit kills to everyone in the party.

Dude you know i agree. I mean hes the last boss, does all this crazy shit and has like a million freaking hit points. But I have to bring up the secret dungeon on Star ocean 2. Remember the last boss in there :D oh and i have another, the last boss in Valkyrie Profiles dungeon. :twisted: It was maniacally evil!

The unlimited version of Indelcio from StarOcean the second story is hands down the most difficult boss of all time.

He moves 3 times as fast your characters, can cast spells while moving, and most of those spells are 1 hit kills to everyone in the party.

Indeed the hardest battle


i got another one, the boss and\or entire game of Zombies Ate My Neighbors on the snes.

47 levels......3 lives......no continues........passwords start u on that level with a damn water gun! 8O

the final boss would take over an hour to beat with game genie cheats,

even if u can beat him, u then have to win the ending!, u have to fight ur way through a insanely difficult lvl to see the ending credits


I think one of the hardest bosses was mizar on Jet Force Gemini, the second time you fought him. You don't even know if you're doing the right thing until about twenty minutes of doing it gets you through the first part of the battle. Thank god the rest was pretty easy.

Another one was Grandia Xtreme's final boss, and it's not cause of his abilities, well, not entirely. The game was so amazingly unbalanced that by that time, I had gotten used to relying on one character for all my hits (play it and you'll know who), and the game is ridiculously easy, right up until him. Not to mention there are four or five floors of monsters you can't skip, who conviniently soften you up for him. Not to mention he has about seven other things to hit at the time, which are all hitting you. Not to mention he has the most irritable (half because it doesn't fit him at all) voice. Not to mention Kroitz. Goddamn Kroitz! He's not in the final battle, but jesus christ, I hate him anyway.

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