Lacour Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 anything from that one area in star ocean 2nd story, i believe the cave of trials Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted September 19, 2006 Posted September 19, 2006 The Venom Star Wolf encounter on Expert Mode in Starfox 64. They friggin dodge the seeking bombs!! Quote
The Author Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 I have to say Megaman ZX deserves some mention. I have yet to finish the game, but I have met frustrating bosses. And not the "OMG this is so cheap *stops playing*" bosses. More like "OMG I WAS SO CLOSE!!!*proceeds to try again 25 times*" bosses.Now I am up to the last mission, and frankly, I doubt I'll finish it that easily. Rebeating every boss is gonna be a bitch. Frankly, I was kinda disapointed, that last boss had easy to spot patterns. So did "secret something I cannot reveal but it is an optional boss." However, I was not able to ge "Secret reward" simply because of the spikes. Also, I am missing one tank because of a stupid lava room... I'll try again and see if I have to put it on slow again, cuz so far I say its impossible. Megaman ZX is a frustrating yet extremely fun game. Quote
The Tiger Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Hitoshura from DDS: Avatar Tuner in Hard Mode.That battle is seriously nearly impossible. Agreed. There are many parts of that battle that really are out of your hands. Quote
RJG Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Richard III on Gorilla Mode of Donkey Konga. I just couldn't get the gold. I did in the end, my vision swimming form the moving icons and scrolling backgrounds, nearly passed out from fatigue. Of course, the time I had spent trying to get it didn't help, only adding to my inability to miss the beat. Quote
Dexie Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Weigraf when you fight him for the last time in final fantasy tactics. You have to level up at least 5-10 levels and have all the certain skills from the squire and dragoon classes to beat him. You alos have to equip certain items. The thing is you go through all these battles in a castle where u save after each one before you get to him, so if you can't beat him then ur screwed bc you can't go back to the overworld and level up at all. Most people end having to restart the game all over again, I was one of em Dragoon Class? HAH. All you need is Ramza's Accumulate and Yell abilities. Piece of cake. :/ Quote
RepressedChaos Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company. Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT! Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter. Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win. Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment. Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. LMFAO... its all about the friggen Mexicans eh? Quote
RepressedChaos Posted September 20, 2006 Posted September 20, 2006 Weigraf when you fight him for the last time in final fantasy tactics. You have to level up at least 5-10 levels and have all the certain skills from the squire and dragoon classes to beat him. You alos have to equip certain items. The thing is you go through all these battles in a castle where u save after each one before you get to him, so if you can't beat him then ur screwed bc you can't go back to the overworld and level up at all. Most people end having to restart the game all over again, I was one of em Dragoon Class? HAH. All you need is Ramza's Accumulate and Yell abilities. Piece of cake. :/ lol that guy was a piece of cake... how many people do u know of that have enough time to get Bolt 4 and leviathan before finishing Chapter one... (and I went and got all the magic legit) Quote
Burning_Kamikaze Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 Bowser...or the hugeass brain in SF 64 Quote
TheJazzist Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 The most difficult boss, in my opinion,is Smithy from Mario RPG. Oh my goodness, I still haven't beat him. I don't think I will ever, haha. Quote
Drakonis GTR Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 How about the Water Dragon in Lunar: Eternal Blue on PS1? I've owned the game for over a year and I've been stuck there for eight months of it ! Or Ghaleon at the end of Lunar: The Silver Star Story on the Sega CD? On the PS1, he was a breeze compared to his first appearence on the Sega CD. For Lunar Eternal Blue, I had far more trouble with the Black Dragon. I actually managed to beat him by accident, which is a funny story. I fought him for maybe 20 minutes, just pounding on him with everything I had. He eventually managed to kill everyone in my party EXCEPT Lucia. I almost reset the game, thinking that the battle was pretty much over, but I didn't, for some reason. For those of you wondering why, you don't control Lucia, the computer does. Anyway, he just couldn't seem to kill her, as she always healed herself right afterwords, and then attacked him for about 160 damage. She did this 3 times, and he died. I nearly fell out of my chair when that happened. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Anybody here remember Star Trek: 25th Anniversary? Neat little PC adventure game featuring Captain Kirk and the others, with voice acting provided by the original actors in the CD-Rom version. However, it does also have its fair share of space combat, and that's what I wanted to talk about here. In the final mission you're put up against a replica of the USS Enterprise as well as three Vardaine ships. Well, let me put it this way: this battle is flatout impossible. The Enterprise is under such a huge barrage of fire that you'll inexorably die within a minute or so. Even if you keep firing like mad you'll only destroy two ships at best before going down yourself. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Anybody here remember Star Trek: 25th Anniversary? Neat little PC adventure game featuring Captain Kirk and the others, with voice acting provided by the original actors in the CD-Rom version. However, it does also have its fair share of space combat, and that's what I wanted to talk about here. In the final mission you're put up against a replica of the USS Enterprise as well as three Vardaine ships. Well, let me put it this way: this battle is flatout impossible. The Enterprise is under such a huge barrage of fire that you'll inexorably die within a minute or so. Even if you keep firing like mad you'll only destroy two ships at best before going down yourself. I own this game, but have never played it. My computer won't run it, it basically gives me a message that says it's too primitive or something. Quote
Alex Auldron Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 anything from that one area in star ocean 2nd story, i believe the cave of trials I found it quite easy, maybe that part where you had to go two people through the dungeon (not the boss, just getting to it) but nothing hard, even the last boss there only took two time to kill. Quote
Alex Auldron Posted September 22, 2006 Posted September 22, 2006 Hardest boss? I would say Red from Mega Man X7, but he's more annoying than hard. Probably that guy at the end of the game Sunset Riders for SNES. (it was something Rose, can't remember his first name) You had to shoot him, well, his barrier first, then him, but of course, there was at least a hundred different enemies helping him out from every possible window/door. And even when you beat him, he pulls out a bulletproof chest plate, then fights you again on the spot. (Even with all the power-ups, it was impossible to keep them with all the enemies firing at you) Quote
Ryan914 Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 SaGa Frontier bosses: (Max Char HP 999) Black X Emporer Marathon: Fight Berva, Shuzer, and Arachne all at the same time, and they are much stronger than before MBlack3: Has about 100K HP, hits with Moonscraper, Dark Phoenix, Glider Spike, a normal kick and a Tornado attack BossX: Judgment X: Hits all characters with a missle barrage from UFOs IronBall: Crushes character with iron orb Lord's Cannon: Powerful version of Rail Cannon (Hits several times in 1 turn) Hypergaze: Gives all characters status ailments Graviton: Beam type attack Lord's Dinner: Eats a Character to restore health He has over 100K HP and is dang ugly to boot Virgil: Can't be defeated normally, you need to pull of Combos of 3 or more (DSC Works well) Master Ring: Has 9 Allies that assist with restoring health, causing status ailments, increasing stats, or attacking for it. Oscillation: Powerful sound based attack Revolution 9: Kicks in when all allies have been killed Genocide Heart: Carnage: Unblockable attack that causes 300 Damage Can shift modes and do various attacks based on mode. Orlouge: Not too hard but the only thing you have to watch out for is his Selection and 3 Mistresses attacks, they do pretty nasty damage, and Selection Petrifies a character Mondo: His robot changes modes after doing a set number of damage, later in the battle he pulls off some nasty attacks using the base itself to help him Hell's Lord Ill Storm: Poisons all characters Smile: Paralyzes all characters Sabers: Attacks all characters In his demonic state he will throw breath attacks and claw you Quote
Rainman DX Posted September 23, 2006 Posted September 23, 2006 So, I have a funny story about a hard boss... Granted, Giygas was far from the hardest boss I've faced, and realitstically he isn't even close to the hardest boss in EarthBound alone, but even so, if one does not know how to defeat him, then it can get kind of tricky. At one point, I was in Giygas's last incarnation, and I had prayed a total of 8 times, with the standard results, and everything was going as planned, when suddenly, after inputting my teammates' attacks, (NESS: Bash, PAULA: Pray, JEFF: something?, POO: Lifeup, Ness) Giygas's attack rendered Poo 'confused.' No big deal, since only Paula had to survive to pray just one more time, and the game would be over. No such luck - after Ness got his bash in, Poo used lifeup on... who?... Giygas! Lifeup Sigma completely revives the HP of exactly one of your party members, and, confused, he had accidentally revived Giygas to full HP! That's exactly what the script read, too. "Giygas HP is restored!" or whatever. So, mouth agape, I watch as Paula performs her 9th prayer, and... it works, just like it's supposed to, proving that the final battle is just a script, just as we suspected it was. But in retrospect, I found that story to be quite humorous. Quote
The Coop Posted October 7, 2006 Author Posted October 7, 2006 On the NeoGeo, there was a shmup released called Viewpoint. It's an isometric shmup, and it's hard a hell. A couple years later, the Genesis got a port of it, and though the music and graphics were toned down, the difficulty level was left fully intact. Now, there's really no easy part in this game. Partly because of bullets going everywhere, and partly because of the view. But on Stage 4 of this game, everything comes together to make for a big old fashion cluster fuck. See, at the end of the stage, there's a four faced rock... thing. Each face has a different attack. One face fires a bullet spread and charges at you, another fires bird-like things which fire at you, and another puts up a barricade of things that block your shots as they rotate around the rock creature. There's a fourth attack pattern, but in truth, it escapes me at the moment. Anyway, so here's a four phased pain in the ass, firing everywhere, moving around, and the only time you can hurt it is when it's mouth is open for a short time. So needless to say, this battle takes a while in terms of shmups battles. The viewing angle doesn't make dodging easy (watch your shadow), and being killed is like a slap in the face. Why? Because it sends you back into the stage by about a third of its length (check points anyone?). This make for a long, frustrating battle... over, and over, and over again. The game's not too bad up to this point, but this boss makes up for any ease you may have had in reaching it. Quote
JohnDriLLL Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 The mexican boss in Timelord. It takes at least 3 months to kill him. Jason in Friday the 13th is also a hard boss Quote
Bummer Posted October 8, 2006 Posted October 8, 2006 The last battle in Secret of Evermore was harder than I thought, I should stock up some more ingredients next time. But for now, intense training. Quote
xeroblaze Posted October 12, 2006 Posted October 12, 2006 I just bought Tales of Symphonia. It's a great game, very pretty, but I messed up fairly early on. Instead of taking the boat across the sea, I walked around the continent (never found the person to talk to until later). So I continue on my journey until the Tower of Mana. I make my way to the top and got my ass handed to me. So I level up a few levels and get some new abilities and after a 15-20 minute battle (full out combat), Genis dies, then Colette, Kratos, then me, all within like a minute or two. The boss is the lightning dog thing. Since I now know that I messed up early, I don't think I have the levels for the battle. Quote
raydoit Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 the last part of sonic 2 was pretty hard when you played as knuckles becuz he couldn't jump high enough to hit dr.robontic Quote
Rainman DX Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 the last part of sonic 2 was pretty hard when you played as knuckles becuz he couldn't jump high enough to hit dr.robontic ... Knuckles was in Sonic 2? And you could play as him? Quote
Jimmy Jazz Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 That lazer thing in the sky fortress zone in Sonic 2. These little spinny spiky discs came out, and you had to jump on them, then wait till the lazer stopped, then hit it and run before it shot, well, lazer at you. And then you had to fight the first Metalix straight after it, using only the rings you had from the battle with the lazer (which was usually none. Well, for me anyway). And that last Collosi in 'Shadow Of The Collosus' was a total bitch as well. Seriously, It took me 2 hours to beat that boss. Oh, and raydoit wrote: the last part of sonic 2 was pretty hard when you played as knuckles becuz he couldn't jump high enough to hit dr.robontic ... Knuckles was in Sonic 2? And you could play as him? If you opened the top of the cartridge for 'Sonic and Knuckles' and put 'Sonic 2' in the slot thing, you could play Sonic 2 as knuckles. Quote
RepressedChaos Posted October 21, 2006 Posted October 21, 2006 The mexican boss in Timelord. It takes at least 3 months to kill him.Jason in Friday the 13th is also a hard boss The Mexicans are always the hard bosses Quote
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