DJ_Aquagenesis Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 The cyberdemon from Doom. Sorry kiddies but he ownz you. Oh and that one level In Doom II where both the cyberdemon and fight you at once. D00D. EZ FIGHT. RUN AROUND IN A CIRCLE UNTIL THE SPIDER MASTERMIND HITS THE CYBER DEMON! THEN THEY WILL DUKE IT OUT. then it takes about 3 rockets to kill off the victor Quote
DisTORteD_DreAM Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 **Warning Chrono Trigger Spoilers Ahead** Okay My Current Hardest Boss is in Chrono Trigger... Now if I can set the Tempo for why it's hard then maybe you'll understand... Firstly: CRONO on Lv. 16, MARLE on Lv. 16 and ROBO on Lv. 12... Secondly Fighting LAVOS (end Boss) the first time you can select too... For those who don't know what I mean... Basically once you reach THE END OF TIME, you just have to obtain MAGIC then you can use the BUCKET WARP which teleports you to 1999 A.D. DAY OF LAVOS... Fighting LAVOS at different stages of the game means you get different endings and/or funny things happen. It also means you can finish the game very quickly as once LAVOS is Beaten it's the End (obviously) Well I want to see all the Endings so I decided to take on LAVOS straight away to get first ending well now he's turned his ATTACK MODE to MAGUS.... for those who don't know MAGUS Requires the FROG to Have MASAMUNE (think that's correct spelling) otherwise you only do an average of 12 hits of health (normal bad guys take around 111 from CRONO), I need to eventually do a total of 6666 (ooh spooky) anyway FUCKING HARD!!! ... Maybe need to level up more... hmmmm... Quote
Jogilius Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 The cyberdemon from Doom. Sorry kiddies but he ownz you. Oh and that one level In Doom II where both the cyberdemon and fight you at once. D00D. EZ FIGHT. RUN AROUND IN A CIRCLE UNTIL THE SPIDER MASTERMIND HITS THE CYBER DEMON! THEN THEY WILL DUKE IT OUT. then it takes about 3 rockets to kill off the victor 3 rockets? WTF! FAR MORE... CyberDemon is far more superior to Spider Mastermind, so to finish him off, lots of rockets are needed... And especially when there are lots of enemies around, Spider Mastermind's lifespan decreases faster since minigun is an efficient way to make other baddies angry. That's level 20 btw. But that isn't even a difficult level in the end. The most difficult ones, when playing the levels the one & only way (Ultra violence starting off with only the pistol and without saving) are probably levels 23 and 29. Or that's how I remember it. anyway, theCore, if you think Cybbies are difficult (which they aren't, they are just so goddamn long-lasting), try my level, in which you get to telefrag some Cybbies: Telefragging cybbies was indeed the original idea when I started building that level, but the level grew more complex, and is in UV very difficult, but very much possible. I think I've played it through twice on uv without cheating. Doom Mega-mayhem... Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 **Warning Chrono Trigger Spoilers Ahead**Okay My Current Hardest Boss is in Chrono Trigger... Now if I can set the Tempo for why it's hard then maybe you'll understand... Firstly: CRONO on Lv. 16, MARLE on Lv. 16 and ROBO on Lv. 12... Secondly Fighting LAVOS (end Boss) the first time you can select too... For those who don't know what I mean... Basically once you reach THE END OF TIME, you just have to obtain MAGIC then you can use the BUCKET WARP which teleports you to 1999 A.D. DAY OF LAVOS... Fighting LAVOS at different stages of the game means you get different endings and/or funny things happen. It also means you can finish the game very quickly as once LAVOS is Beaten it's the End (obviously) Well I want to see all the Endings so I decided to take on LAVOS straight away to get first ending well now he's turned his ATTACK MODE to MAGUS.... for those who don't know MAGUS Requires the FROG to Have MASAMUNE (think that's correct spelling) otherwise you only do an average of 12 hits of health (normal bad guys take around 111 from CRONO), I need to eventually do a total of 6666 (ooh spooky) anyway FUCKING HARD!!! ... Maybe need to level up more... hmmmm... ..... Impossible. Most of his attacks will be enough to kill any 16 level character. Someone here is bullshiting us. But hey, the New Game plus is the best way to see all endings... Quote
DisTORteD_DreAM Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 OI arashi no tora!!! I NEVER said I SURVIVED his attacks I just said I got that FAR when fighting him... So you can take your "Someone here is bullshiting us." and Stick it up your Arse... Sorry Everyone but I Won't be talked to in that way... Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Well, just the intro attack from the first Lavos is a 250 damage attack. Quote
Israfel Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Well, just the intro attack from the first Lavos is a 250 damage attack. Which makes him a pretty darn hard boss. *looks at thread topic* Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Well... yeah... right, Lavos... hard.... .... Anyway... if you would fight Final Kefka at level 16, would he be hard ? And the One Winged angel Sephiroth at level 20 ? That must mean they are the hardest boss ever.... Quote
DisTORteD_DreAM Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Just Checked and Crono has 277 health and Robo has 265... so do the math... anyway that's enough of me Defending myself (you gotta admit this is childish to fight over)... Anyway arashi no tora, you got a point in what you said in your last message: "Anyway... if you would fight Final Kefka at level 16, would he be hard ? And the One Winged angel Sephiroth at level 20 ? That must mean they are the hardest boss ever...." so I guess that we all have to take things from Perspective. (Warning Final Fantasy X Spoiler Ahead) In FFX I took out my Aeons with an Overkill every hit... My Friend got killed by almost all his Aeons (thank god for the Faeyth)... (End of Spoilers) Especially in the Case of RPG's it just depends on Your Level and skill... also I thought the Topic was asking what each of OUR All Time Hardest Boss was... I mean it's impossible to say one boss is the Hardest over all... I mean I found DOA2's Tenchu (or whatever his name was) to be really hard... I eventually got good enough to beat him within 5 tries... so in retrospect we all need to take into consideration each others Skill. On a side note i took on Sepiroth's Last form (well technically second to last) with No Level 4 Limit Breaks and on a very low level... can't remember exactly so i must say he was MY second hardest boss of all time... (I Survived on HP Materia alone, and of course a little skill , just if you were wondering(on another side note i got my arse whooped by him approx. 20 times in one session... took a week to finally beat him, lost count of overall defeats)) Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 IMHO i beleive that no rpg boss is hard, and with the propper leveling can be beaten. Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 ... Omega Weapon Level 100 all around... A "near perfect strategy" I never had a chance... Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 ...Omega Weapon Level 100 all around... A "near perfect strategy" I never had a chance... dont need a near perfect strategy, just the right equipment Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 As in all their top weapons and everyone with a 100 ultimas junctionned to magic defense ? And Auras to status defense ? Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 As in all their top weapons and everyone with a 100 ultimas junctionned to magic defense ?And Auras to status defense ? what was your strategy? Quote
The Author Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Cerberus, triple aura, let him reduce me to 1 hp, and use holy war. After this failed I tried fighting him the "traditional way" But Omega Weapon, at level 100 is a bitch. Quote
Doulifée Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Lavos is a though one indeed, but i have unlocked all the ending of chrono so i fought him again and again; it's not a thought one now!! actually i vote for Meta-Ridley in hard mode in metroïd prime !! Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Cerberus, triple aura, let him reduce me to 1 hp, and use holy war.After this failed I tried fighting him the "traditional way" But Omega Weapon, at level 100 is a bitch. the key to beating this guy is patience, takes 30+ min, but its not the hardest boss i ever fought against. wouldnt recommend the holywar route, try to keep all chars alive and as fully healed as possible Quote
Daedalus Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Heh, if any of you are familiar with the Saturn version of Virtual-On, then you know Z-Gradt with Viper II is damn near impossible before time runs out. Quote
StriderYoko Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Heh, if any of you are familiar with the Saturn version of Virtual-On, then you know Z-Gradt with Viper II is damn near impossible before time runs out. hehe ive beat the game with all characters, with vipper 2 you have to do his special move Quote
DJ_Aquagenesis Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 The cyberdemon from Doom. Sorry kiddies but he ownz you. Oh and that one level In Doom II where both the cyberdemon and fight you at once. D00D. EZ FIGHT. RUN AROUND IN A CIRCLE UNTIL THE SPIDER MASTERMIND HITS THE CYBER DEMON! THEN THEY WILL DUKE IT OUT. then it takes about 3 rockets to kill off the victor 3 rockets? WTF! FAR MORE... CyberDemon is far more superior to Spider Mastermind, so to finish him off, lots of rockets are needed... And especially when there are lots of enemies around, Spider Mastermind's lifespan decreases faster since minigun is an efficient way to make other baddies angry. That's level 20 btw. But that isn't even a difficult level in the end. The most difficult ones, when playing the levels the one & only way (Ultra violence starting off with only the pistol and without saving) are probably levels 23 and 29. Or that's how I remember it. anyway, theCore, if you think Cybbies are difficult (which they aren't, they are just so goddamn long-lasting), try my level, in which you get to telefrag some Cybbies: Telefragging cybbies was indeed the original idea when I started building that level, but the level grew more complex, and is in UV very difficult, but very much possible. I think I've played it through twice on uv without cheating. Doom Mega-mayhem... yea 23 and 29. BUT DUDE! IT TAKES ONLY ABOUT 3 ROCKETS AFTER THE SPIDER MASTERMIND AND THE CYBERDEMON GO AT IT. THE SPIDER MASTA USUALLY LOSES BUT THE CYBERDEMON ENDS UP TAKING ALOT DAMAGE. THEN AFTER THAT LIL SCUFFLE WITH THEM, FIRE 3-5 WELL AIMED ROCKETS. TAKE THAT YOU Quote
DJ_Aquagenesis Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 ...Omega Weapon Level 100 all around... A "near perfect strategy" I never had a chance... dont need a near perfect strategy, just the right equipment nuff said on this subject. lol Quote
snarfoogle Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 Super Beryl from Sailor Moon: Another Story, for the Famicon. It's possible to kill her, but she'll just school you with her 9999 damage to all attack. You're supposed to lose, but try winning without a cheat code when you get killed in the first few turns. Quote
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 i think the hardest boss in any video game is...well...i don't know, but a hard one is probably on the 54th or 53rd lvl boss of zombies ate my nieghbors when the friendly scientist drinks the kool-aid and turns into the giant spider thing that, i swear i'm not making this up, i used 99 bullets from the bazooka on this sucka and i missed only twice ! the funniest thing is... HE DIDN'T DIE! I never got past him... i need to find the rom for that game somewhere... Quote
NightWish Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 The cyberdemon from Doom. Sorry kiddies but he ownz you. Oh and that one level In Doom II where both the cyberdemon and fight you at once. D00D. EZ FIGHT. RUN AROUND IN A CIRCLE UNTIL THE SPIDER MASTERMIND HITS THE CYBER DEMON! THEN THEY WILL DUKE IT OUT. then it takes about 3 rockets to kill off the victor 3 rockets? WTF! FAR MORE... CyberDemon is far more superior to Spider Mastermind, so to finish him off, lots of rockets are needed... And especially when there are lots of enemies around, Spider Mastermind's lifespan decreases faster since minigun is an efficient way to make other baddies angry. That's level 20 btw. But that isn't even a difficult level in the end. The most difficult ones, when playing the levels the one & only way (Ultra violence starting off with only the pistol and without saving) are probably levels 23 and 29. Or that's how I remember it. anyway, theCore, if you think Cybbies are difficult (which they aren't, they are just so goddamn long-lasting), try my level, in which you get to telefrag some Cybbies: Telefragging cybbies was indeed the original idea when I started building that level, but the level grew more complex, and is in UV very difficult, but very much possible. I think I've played it through twice on uv without cheating. Doom Mega-mayhem... yea 23 and 29. BUT DUDE! IT TAKES ONLY ABOUT 3 ROCKETS AFTER THE SPIDER MASTERMIND AND THE CYBERDEMON GO AT IT. THE SPIDER MASTA USUALLY LOSES BUT THE CYBERDEMON ENDS UP TAKING ALOT DAMAGE. THEN AFTER THAT LIL SCUFFLE WITH THEM, FIRE 3-5 WELL AIMED ROCKETS. TAKE THAT YOU You guys ever played those Doom mods that let you fight 10 Cyberdemons in ONE GIANT ROOM? My GOD that was scary! You go into this octagonal room thinking that normal demons would come out, but NO. TEN CYBERDEMONS! The fun part is when cyberdemons shoot eachother and they go on a war, but one rocket would waste you anyway... Man that was fun... Quote
bloodydust Posted April 24, 2003 Posted April 24, 2003 You guys ever played those Doom mods that let you fight 10 Cyberdemons in ONE GIANT ROOM?My GOD that was scary! You go into this octagonal room thinking that normal demons would come out, but NO. TEN CYBERDEMONS! The fun part is when cyberdemons shoot eachother and they go on a war, but one rocket would waste you anyway... Man that was fun... i wouldn't call that "fun". i'd call that "a bad map". Quote
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