aragornx45 Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 All time hardest boss... This thread!!! AHHHH WILL IT NEVER DIE!??!?!?!?!!?!?!? still lives...failed again................................... Quote
Vaashwolf Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 All time hardest boss...This thread!!! AHHHH WILL IT NEVER DIE!??!?!?!?!!?!?!? still lives...failed again................................... Has anyone come up with a definitive hardest boss yet? Because we might as well say it's the Tetris blocks. I know what the ugliest boss is. It's the last boss in the Genesis version of Ecco the Dolphin. That thing is straight from hell. Or another planet, whatever. Quote
Mr. Bottle Rocket Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Robo Robotnik from sonic 2. No rings, had to beat metal sonic first, the attack window was minimal in size and time, his attacks were tough to evade...never did beat the s.o.b. ;_; that is untill i got a genisis emulator and could save. Take that you fat bastard! Quote
oO0Phoenix0Oo Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Has anyone come up with a definitive hardest boss yet? Because we might as well say it's the Tetris blocks. Going with the tetris theme, I remember trying to beat Bowser in Tetris Attack was quite the feat, when I first played through the game. Man that shit was kinda tough, what with the blocks rising so fast and having to do combos to hurt him. A nightmare when you aren't pro. I can do it a little easier now, but it still takes me a few tries. Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Definitely, the hardest boss for me would have to be *SPOILER* Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X... her damn triple casting Zombie, Life, then blast, blast, blast, blast... it was like, gawd! I have triple the people you have, and I get one attack for one of your seven! This is the Medusa looking version, that is... I think... not sure. She was tougher than the last three bosses... Jecht, Seymour, and even Yu Yevon... those three you could figure out and take down... Yunalesca was just a bitch, hehe. *SPOILER END* Though the Spoiler warning's don't exactly work too well, as no one can just stop reading in the middle of a post... oh well, sorry for anyone... Quote
Jenga Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Filplanet. You know....from that game called internet. Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Definitely, the hardest boss for me would have to be *SPOILER* Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X... her damn triple casting Zombie, Life, then blast, blast, blast, blast... it was like, gawd! I have triple the people you have, and I get one attack for one of your seven! This is the Medusa looking version, that is... I think... not sure. She was tougher than the last three bosses... Jecht, Seymour, and even Yu Yevon... those three you could figure out and take down... Yunalesca was just a bitch, hehe. *SPOILER END* Though the Spoiler warning's don't exactly work too well, as no one can just stop reading in the middle of a post... oh well, sorry for anyone... You got to be kidding me right? Good lord some of the recent suggestions are off the wall stupid I beat all 3 forms of Yunalesca with in less then 10 minutes. Its easy if you know what you are doing. Seems you didnt. Since you got me so ticked off let me break it down for ya. Dont use Overdrive in the first 2 portions Always keep yuna or rikku in for healing purposes NEVER LEAVE ZOMBIE ON A CHARACTER Haste if you have that spell is a godsend When you get the final form let it rip with everything you got! Start with the overdrives If you are smart you have Yuna at overdrive at this point let it rip with Bahamut!Follow that up with Shiva asap. The combined effects of the overdrives should cut her health in half right there also one key thing...ANTI ZOMBIE omfg how anyone can forget that kind of armor right then and there is beyond me. As for the last boss in 8 This is one case where one of the side quests wasnt just a good thing its essental. The Card Game in that is so friggin vital cards you need for this fight are as follows Angelo=100 elixers Gilgamesh (ESSENTIAL!!!!)=10 Holy Wars (COMPLETE INVINCIBLITY FOR A LIMITED TIME) Bahamut 100 Mega Elixers (Forming the ulitmate team no matter what) This is a long process but worth the trouble First off you need every card level 4 or higher Preferably mutliples of those All the 8-10 cards are once and done refining. If you were smart and got the refining ablites right out of the box you will be able to take full advantage of your collection. If you manage to get every card in the game then you will be able to create superior GF's And superior characters without having to use the devour ablitiy. which route you take is up to you. Honestly if you got Angelo Bahamut and Gilgamesh you wont have too many problems. (Weapon Refinement is essential though) Hardest boss i have ever faced. Try the CNC general's Boss in General's challenge mode then tell me one of the above ones are harder. Quote
Warmech Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Actually for Yunalesca I did leave the Zombie on my characters so her Mega Death attack wouldn't have any effect on them. Then I beat the crap out of her. Didn't take me that long either. Quote
K-roz Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Yeah, Masa and Mune weren't all that difficult. I'd have to say the hardest boss... For me, anyway, it would have to be the Omnidragon from Chrono Cross. DAMN, that thing took a beating before it went down. And what with all the switching innate elements, you have to have a really balenced party to the the maximum damage possible. He was hard without being cheap (as in one really hard hit that whipes out/significatly drains your party). Actually, that can be said for most of Chrono Cross's bosses. omni dragon takes it Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 You got to be kidding me right? Good lord some of the recent suggestions are off the wall stupid Well, thanks for the belittling... I had actually known for the most part what I was doing... I think the most trouble for me was that at the time, my brother and I were cooperatively playing the game. Though he always told me not to play the game without him, he had no problem doing the opposite on his own time... Without the guide, without any prior knowledge of even such a thing as Anti-Zombie even existing, let alone what items were needed to add them to armor, or even how to do it... I guess being handed the paddle accompanied by a "you try beating her" doesn't work too well... Hmm... I'll have to play through that game again some time. Hehe, thanks for bringing Anti-Zombie to my attention, among other things... though I'm sure there was a better way Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 You got to be kidding me right? Good lord some of the recent suggestions are off the wall stupid Well, thanks for the belittling... I had actually known for the most part what I was doing... I think the most trouble for me was that at the time, my brother and I were cooperatively playing the game. Though he always told me not to play the game without him, he had no problem doing the opposite on his own time... Without the guide, without any prior knowledge of even such a thing as Anti-Zombie even existing, let alone what items were needed to add them to armor, or even how to do it... I guess being handed the paddle accompanied by a "you try beating her" doesn't work too well... Hmm... I'll have to play through that game again some time. Hehe, thanks for bringing Anti-Zombie to my attention, among other things... though I'm sure there was a better way Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 You got to be kidding me right? Good lord some of the recent suggestions are off the wall stupid Well, thanks for the belittling... I had actually known for the most part what I was doing... I think the most trouble for me was that at the time, my brother and I were cooperatively playing the game. Though he always told me not to play the game without him, he had no problem doing the opposite on his own time... Without the guide, without any prior knowledge of even such a thing as Anti-Zombie even existing, let alone what items were needed to add them to armor, or even how to do it... I guess being handed the paddle accompanied by a "you try beating her" doesn't work too well... Hmm... I'll have to play through that game again some time. Hehe, thanks for bringing Anti-Zombie to my attention, among other things... though I'm sure there was a better way As far as Masa and Mune... the first time I took those guys on I didn't know what to expect and got slightly thrashed... the second time was complete and utter obliteration of those two... Omnidragon... I can't remember what fighting him was like... yet another of those games I had a struggle knowing completely about because of my brother... hmm... well, I've never liked fighting bosses with the whole elemental shield change spell... it just sucks... Though I did enjoy killing that one mage on top of the Fanatics' Tower in FFVI - with four people who knew Ultima, it being a non-elemental spell, and having Life3 was fun - ... Chrono Cross... Another game I need to play through again... Quote
Vaashwolf Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 I know what the ugliest boss is. It's the last boss in the Genesis version of Ecco the Dolphin. That thing is straight from hell. Or another planet, whatever. Let's add ugly bosses in the mix. I've got the first one, exactly what I said it was above. A stupid jellyfish got in the way, and his head is too big to fit. Nasty Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 then lets change this topic into "the ugliest and easiest bosses of all time" ? My contribution to that is : 1st boss of Lifeforce , in view of it being a huge brain with 2 big eyes watching your every move sure is pretty pathetically EASY and ermm.. Ugly. Quote
Sibtiger Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 The only boss I've been unable to defeat is really kinda pathetic... I could not, for the life of me, get past the part where Solidus strangles you in MGS2 on Extreme. I couldn't do it. I just gave up....after beating all those freaking Rays, it was pretty disappointing. Quote
shrimpchips Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Super Punch Out had some good ones. Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Oops, sorry about the triple post... Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Oops, sorry about the triple post... Quote
south pacific islander Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Dullahan from GOlden Sun: The LOst Age. When a headless kinght can summon CHaron and able to drain all your Djinn in one turn, that is something to fear. Quote
Uberwulf X Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Mr. X, Streets of Rage 2. Welcome to my SPOILER ALERT. Beating Shiva is hard enough... he breaks through any of your combos of +3 hits, and likes to back-slam you all over the place. It's a pathway straight to hell on Mania difficulty. But Mr. X? Not only does he move around all the time, not only does he have a seemingly infinity number of drones to help him fight you (emphasis on "seemingly..." he does run out after you beat about a million of them), but he also has a machine gun that he likes to shoot. All the time. The normal strategy against him is that if you have Skate, you can just skate (run) past the stream of bullets if you time it right, and get by him. But if you're late at all, then he'll turn around and crack your skull with the butt of his gun. More baddies keep coming, so they can break your combo, team up, and it's hell from there. Anyone else? Stand still and do the special attack- it doesn't take energy unless you hit someone, and it makes you invincible as the bullets pass. You know, unless he catches you in that .05 seconds while your char comes out of his move. Or if you're out of energy- can't do the attack. Or if he gets bored and decides to run at you, swing his gun at your head, then stand over you and laugh, just to spite you. SoR3? Time limit, bomb? Oh hell no. I hope you burn long and hard, Mr. X. Quote
Odd_Eye The Sasquatch Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 As for hardest I would have to go with either Dr. Wily's second form in MM7(Super Nintendo) or Emereald Weapon From Final Fantasy 7. MM7, I just couldnt dodge those stoopid balls of fire and such no matter what I did. And you only do 1 damage no matter what weapon you used and most didnt even effect him.I have the rom of it and all weapons and abilaties and still get owned each time T_T. But unlike Dr. Wily I beat Emerald Weapon after about 15 Game overs. All i had to do was Equip Cloud with 8 Counter materia. Do you know what 8 X 9999 is? A SHIT LOAD OF DAMAGE THATS WHAT!!! He got owned after a couple of rounds of that. Plus Knights of the Round X 2 didnt hurt either. As for ugliest....ummm im not to sure. I supose it would be Andross from Star Fox 64. I mean common you have to kill him alot and his brains come out and stuff. He was a fruitloop. As for easyest it would have to be Ifrit form FF8.A couple of attacks and shiva atacks and he was out like a light. Quote
cheese-cube Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Anyone remember Dark Link from Zelda: Ocarina of Time? DAMN, I hate that bastard. Everyone was like "Just use the hammer!" and you know what? I used the hammer. And it didn't work. He either used his shield to block it, or stabbed me before I had a chance to connect. Then everyone told me "Damnit, man! Just use magic!" and you know what? I used magic. I spun around with my flaming magical sword so many times that it made me dizzy. Then I ran out of magic power, realized I had no green potions left, and died. Then they're all "No, you ass! The OTHER magic!" so I used Din's Fire. The bastard STILL kicked the shit outta me, because I kept running out of fooking magic!! I swear to God, that little Dark Bastard still pisses me off. Because, for some unknown reason, he suddenly became massively easy. I finally connected with the freaking hammer, and then it was child's play. He never came back from that first blow, I just kept whacking him before he recovered. Go figure. Dark Link was incredibly easy. I don't know why you found him hard... Quote
cheese-cube Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Filplanet. You know....from that game called internet. Yeah Fileplanet is the hardest. I tried to register then they charged me money to use their servers. Bitches! Quote
Masa_and_Mune Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 I have to say METROID PRIME on hard mode is really hard. Took me three tries to beat OMEGA PIRATE but some reason i just cant take down METRIOD PRIME. That is really irritating . The art gallery better be good. Quote
Masa_and_Mune Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 FUCK YEAH I just beat METRIOD PRIME on hard mode... so useless but yet such a great accomplishment for me Quote
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