Aki Kitsune Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 This has probably been mentioned, but the pumped-up version of Indalecio from Star Ocean 2 is bloody impossible. D: I was going to say this but I recently beat him by giving in and doing the bloody armor method. It was still a pain though. I'm going to go with Freya in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time now. Can't wait for THAT on 4D mode. Wooo a boss with 60,000,000 HP. If I can do at least 1,000,000 HP of damage each minute the fight won't be longer then an hour! Quote
Doulifée Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 It is rumored that when this thread will die, OCR will never be the same again. the "All time hardest boss..." thread is the OCR equivalent of Ruby weapon from FF7 Quote
speculative Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 For me, it's the boss in Conquest of the Crystal Palace for NES. I played that game against last year, and couldn't even get past the 2nd level. This is one of those old action/platformer old-school games that had no save system, and no password system. You had a few lives, and a few continues, and that was it. You could get a few extra lives in various levels as well. So basically, the entire game was the boss because you had to beat all the levels just to reach the boss. I played it for 20+ hours straight, got to the boss, died 3 times, and returned it to the rental place. Insanely tough. Quote
ekm Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 This thread is still around? It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever. And bumps only makes it stronger. Just thought you should know. What if everyone stops posting and just casts "Delete Post" every turn? I'm thinking Earthbound here... Quote
Doulifée Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 This thread is still around? It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever. And bumps only makes it stronger. Just thought you should know. What if everyone stops posting and just casts "Delete Post" every turn? I'm thinking Earthbound here... or cast a lock if your main character job is "Moderator" Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 here's one for you, final boss in Batman: Return of the Joker for NES...you have 80000 hit points, which sounds like a lot, till you realize that each attack takes off about 4-5 hundred a piece, joker has 250000 and virtually no safe spots, and each of your attacks do, well, considerably less! Quote
Back_Lit Posted March 13, 2006 Posted March 13, 2006 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Jinx While Jinx is actually not all THAT tough at your higher levels I am trying to beat the game below level 20, which is the only challenging way to play the game, and I can't beat him at lvl 13 =/ damn Quote
Mae Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 This thread is still around?Okay, any Dragon Quest VIII players out there? What are your thoughts on the bonus dungeon bosses? GOSH DANG THOSE GUYS ARE TOUGH! Hahaha, I think I quit on the SPOILERS Dragovian Trials after the...I think it was the third version he went to decided to just kill a couple of party members in one turn. END SPOILERS With the game having been so easy up to that point, I just decided it wasn't worth screwing around with. I'm only at the second dragon, and I've managed to live long enough to see that he's got over 6225HP. So, I'm running around the Heavenly Dais trying to level up...but, eh, it's probably not helping too much when I'm already level 48. Levelling up takes forever now. Quote
zylance Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 This thread is still around? It is indeed the hardest boss. Its incredibly powerful attack, "Rollback", throws the entire forumverse back in time! I could never find that post again. Lost. Forever. And bumps only makes it stronger. Just thought you should know. What if everyone stops posting and just casts "Delete Post" every turn? I'm thinking Earthbound here... or cast a lock if your main character job is "Moderator" Pray. Thats how you win. Or be like conker and crash the server. Quote
tyler_lucero Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 And it sounds like you didn't even see any of the extra bosses in the Arena, and Nemesis. How do you take down EarthEater? Quote
Bummer Posted March 19, 2006 Posted March 19, 2006 And it sounds like you didn't even see any of the extra bosses in the Arena, and Nemesis. How do you take down EarthEater? Beat him up, soon he will fall backwards and there's your chance to do some serious damage. I don't remember how to avoid Megaton punch though. Quote
Zipp Posted March 20, 2006 Posted March 20, 2006 You know, I don't think there's any boss in any game past the NES that's defeated me forever. I mean, there's those ridiculous special bosses in FFX, but I don't really think they count. Generally, if I don't beat a boss, it doesn't mean it's too hard for me to beat it, it means I'm too bored of the game to try. In games with levels, you can always level more, rendering bosses stupid easy. In games without levels, it's generally bad controls that make a boss hard, like that stupid star in Mario Party 3. The final boss in Max Payne 2 really bugged me though. Quote
Bummer Posted March 20, 2006 Posted March 20, 2006 You know, I don't think there's any boss in any game past the NES that's defeated me forever. I mean, there's those ridiculous special bosses in FFX, but I don't really think they count. Generally, if I don't beat a boss, it doesn't mean it's too hard for me to beat it, it means I'm too bored of the game to try. In games with levels, you can always level more, rendering bosses stupid easy. In games without levels, it's generally bad controls that make a boss hard, like that stupid star in Mario Party 3. Well, try to get you Sphere grid completely equipped. Then you can start removing the weak speheres (like Strength+1) and replace it with a better sphere ( Strength+4), but since that includes SOOOOOOO much work with all the leveling up and stuff like that, I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds. Quote
Zipp Posted March 20, 2006 Posted March 20, 2006 You know, I don't think there's any boss in any game past the NES that's defeated me forever. I mean, there's those ridiculous special bosses in FFX, but I don't really think they count. Generally, if I don't beat a boss, it doesn't mean it's too hard for me to beat it, it means I'm too bored of the game to try. In games with levels, you can always level more, rendering bosses stupid easy. In games without levels, it's generally bad controls that make a boss hard, like that stupid star in Mario Party 3. Well, try to get you Sphere grid completely equipped. Then you can start removing the weak speheres (like Strength+1) and replace it with a better sphere ( Strength+4), but since that includes SOOOOOOO much work with all the leveling up and stuff like that, I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds. Yeah, i wasn't really interested in beating them. That's why i don't think they count. They are not required to beat the game, so one solution is just to not fight them. I think the guy on the first page hit it pretty good. That boss in time lords is ridiculous hard. But then again, that's an NES game. Those were almost all of them ridiculous hard. So, basically, I think older systems and RPGs are out, unless leveling can't help you in the RPG. Like for instance, there's this one mission in Tactics where you have to beat the level in like the second turn or else the NPC you're trying to protect gets annihilated. You all know what I'm talking about? I beat it, of course (using ninja shoes), but I thought that was pretty stupid hard. I was very leveled by that point, but since the NPC's don't level with you, it didn't matter. Quote
mastergohan Posted March 20, 2006 Posted March 20, 2006 I always thought sephiroth in kh was a pain in the ass...but now he's cake. Quote
rabix Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Toughest boss I'm ever going to know comes from Romancing SaGa 2 for the SNES. I dare any of you to beat this boss legitly, that is, without using the most powerful water spell that cancel's the enemies attack that round. Heres a little bit about how the boss works: "This is a multi-stage battle. Every 6000 HP in damage that you deal to the boss, the body of another Hero sprouts out of it. It starts with Rocbouquet at the beginning of battle, then Subier (blue guy with single horn in forehead), then Noel, and then randomly with the other four Heroes. Now, this is very important: the final boss has available every technique, spell, and signature move belonging to those Heroes currently visible. So, at the beginning with Rocbouquet, the final boss can use Temptation, an electrical attack, Siphon, and weak epee attacks. As soon as Subier pops out, however, the final boss ALSO has Maelstrom, water spells, and spear attacks. For every Hero visible, that's one attack the final boss has, every turn, choosing from any attacks belonging to those Heroes. So by the end of this, the final boss will be throwing seven attacks at you EVERY ROUND, with everything ranging from weak stabbing attacks to Maelstrom and Psycho Bind. Scared yet? As I mentioned, each "stage" of this battle has 6,000 HP before the next form will open up. Any damage done over that 6,000 is wasted, because the HP resets upon form change (so if you hit the boss with a 7000 damage technique, that's 1000 damage wasted). After all seven Heroes become available, the HP resets to over 65,000. So, in total, the final boss has around 100,000 HP." So, I guess you can be considered an RPG god if you beat this game the "legit" way. I however, pussied out and went with the spell Quicktime, so I didn't have to endure THAT many attacks. Quote
Zipp Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 That's terrifying. Good thing I never cared to go back and play the SaGa series after the PS1 games were so awful. Quote
linkspast Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds. you are a game nerd, you are posting on OCR... Quote
Metsuo Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds. you are a game nerd, you are posting on OCR... He didn't spend 300 hours leveling up to beat a bunch of palette swaps, though. Quote
Bummer Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 I always thought sephiroth in kh was a pain in the ass...but now he's cake. Remove all your accessories and only use Kingdom Key, then we'll see how good you are. I managed to do it at level 76, but MAN, was he tough. I'll rather pass and leave it to the game nerds. you are a game nerd, you are posting on OCR... Oh yeah? Well..... *looks at previous post* ...no comments. Quote
WesPip Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Maybe I just suck, but I find Ares in God of War [particularly on God mode] rediculously difficult. Yeah. Quote
Zipp Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Maybe I just suck, but I find Ares in God of War [particularly on God mode] rediculously difficult.Yeah. No, you don't suck. He was fairly tough. That's just a matter of doing it enough so you learn his patterns and can tell what move he's gonna pull out next. Like most of the DMC fights. Quote
The Coop Posted March 30, 2006 Author Posted March 30, 2006 OH! Ooooohhhhh... this is bad. Okay. So while I was at a local flea, I decided to pick up a copy of the original Darkstalkers game for the PS1. I'd heard various things about it, ranging from it being programmed by Psygnosis (published by Capcom), to it's being a better port of Darkstalkers than the Saturn version of Nightwarriors was of that arcade game. So, since it was damn near in mint condition, I figured what the hell and grabbed it for a whopping $7. Ho-ly shit. This game, is hard. I don't mean "you just have yet to learn the moves"-hard, I mean "GAH! MAKE IT STOP!"-hard. On one star, this game will kick your ass. On eight stars? Just give it up. The difficulty level of this game is ramped way up compared to Nightwarriors and Vampire Savior (Darkstlkers 3 for PS1 folk). I tried the game on four stars. After three hours, I got to Pyron, the final boss. I couldn't beat him. I honestly couldn't beat him. I'm rather good with Jon Talbain and Morrigan. I can beat both Saturn games quite handsomely on four stars of difficulty. But the PS1 Darkstalkers is just insane. Pyron moves so quickly from one attack to another, I was starting to think he was stopping one attack before it was actually over so he could do the next one. Jump in the air? Get knocked down. Stay on the ground? Get pummeled. It was a no-win situation. I don't know if the rumors regarding Psygnosis' programming the game are true, but whether they're responsible or not, the PS1 Darkstalkers game is a test of will and endurance... topped by an ego crippling encounter with the final boss. I think I'll go play Vampire savior on my Saturn on eight stars of difficulty. It's easier Quote
Bummer Posted March 30, 2006 Posted March 30, 2006 The bosses in Zelda wind waker has so far been quite easy, but it was the first one I had the most problem with. I couldn't hurt him, I couldn't pierce it, I couldn't in no way make it weaker, but on the third try, that's when i got him. I won't spoil it, but take the item you got in the dungeon and try to use it somewhere in the room. Maybe one of the most basic rules perhaps, but still. Quote
fel!x Posted March 30, 2006 Posted March 30, 2006 Grandia II Semispoiler, not worth masking... Melfice. Demon Horde Slash. Wailing Soul is NOT his ultimate attack... Quote
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