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Going to try this a different way. I'll PM everyone a link to the WIP spreadsheet so no one has to give me email addresses right now.

For those of you reluctant to give email or personal info, please note that I will need this information when it comes time for album submission, but in the meantime, I will certainly respect your privacy if you don't want this information posted on the overview, etc.

23 minutes ago, classic_gamer_76 said:

@Starphoenix -- Damn, son. That is some pretty solid mix you're producing for this album. Can't wait to hear the final version!


Thanks! Your track is pretty cool too. I love what you and the others did for "Scramble." Loved every minute of that track. 

1 hour ago, TheChargingRhino said:

How can I improvise? 

Please tell me, Star.


Well, I like what you did when you went from a slow pace to a faster place. Might be cool if you play to that and on the slower parts kind of create a chill, melodic, almost ambient environment, only to build back up into something high energy. Your soundscape would suit something like that.

Just an idea.

1 hour ago, TheChargingRhino said:

How can I improvise?

The way I was taught improvisation on the guitar was to first find the key the song is in. Then, practice practice practice the scale of that key until you memorize the notes. After that, jam, noodle around, and experiment with the scale until you find a rhythm or progression you like and sounds good with the melody/harmony/bass/whatever accompaniment you have. Sleep on it, listen again, adjust as needed.

Be aware that some songs change key mid-track or even mid-measure sometimes.  Your scale will change with any key changes.

15 hours ago, The Nikanoru said:

The way I was taught improvisation on the guitar was to first find the key the song is in. Then, practice practice practice the scale of that key until you memorize the notes.

I'd also recommend you record all of your improvisation sessions -- there's nothing more frustrating than forgetting how you played that specific solo you performed two days ago, also some parts of your first improv' could fit pretty well with parts of your second or third one.

So yeah, like the Boss said -- jam and experiment stuff until you're satisfied with it. Also, go and listen to cool solos to get some sort of inspiration and lead in that regard -- Guardian Heroes has a few interesting sax solos (Shuffler in the Dark, Rough and Ready, "Toki" Meki Saxophone) and F-Zero X: Guitar Arrange Edition has great guitar and synth ones (also a good example of that drum wildness I was talking about yesterday) for instance.

15 hours ago, The Nikanoru said:

Be aware that some songs change key mid-track or even mid-measure sometimes. Your scale will change with any key changes.

Oh, man. The memories of working on ‎Toshihiko Horiyama's compositions -- so challenging but so much FUN too :)!

43 minutes ago, Ronald Poe said:

Is it too late for me to join. I have an eccentric style and am very passionate about music. I was curious which tracks are left and if any of them would be recommended. I was thinking "Space Armada" myself but I'm open to requests. 

You were right, Nika!

Can't speak for Nika, but I'll welcome you just the same.

Nika and I had a small discussion about Space Armada around two days ago.

I'll be doing a bonus track of it. 

No, you won't have competition. 

Because if your claim is verified, you'll be doing the track for Disc Two. 

I'll be doing the track for the Bonus Disc. 

Again, welcome. 

We are also working on a HUGE Andross collab at the moment. 

Yes, this means EVERYONE on the project. 

Including you, if you wish. 

1 hour ago, Ronald Poe said:

Is it too late for me to join. I have an eccentric style and am very passionate about music. I was curious which tracks are left and if any of them would be recommended. I was thinking "Space Armada" myself but I'm open to requests. 

Of course you can join! @TheChargingRhino has given you a pretty good run-down of what we're up to - and yes, you can certainly claim Space Armada. :)

The tracklist is on the first page of the thread, but to save you a click, we have six tracks left open:

  1. Title Theme or Great Fox Theme
  2. Sargasso Space Zone (or a Boss Theme)
  3. Fichina
  4. The Awesome Black Hole (with Map Select, hopefully)
  5. Space Armada
  6. Out of this Dimension

Check out the Project Overview if you want to hear source tracks or see where we're at. In the meantime, I'll put you down for Space Armada; let me know if you decide to go with something else.

Welcome aboard! :)

45 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

You were right, Nika!

It's like PaRappa the Rapper says - you just gotta believe!

Thanks for rolling out the welcome mat again, Rhino. :)

24 minutes ago, TheChargingRhino said:

Nika, can you also add Google Drive links as well?

This will take some work, as I'll have to copy everything over from the Box, update all the new links on the WIP page, then work out of two accounts every time I have an update. 

I can do that, but it may take me a couple of days to get to. I will advise when I've got it done. PM me if there's anything specific you'd like to listen to in the meantime and I'll see what can be done.


@CrimsonCobalt and @Etzaen has given the OK for their WIPs to be posted! Check them out and let us know what you think!

14 minutes ago, The Nikanoru said:

Of course you can join! @TheChargingRhino has given you a pretty good run-down of what we're up to - and yes, you can certainly claim Space Armada. :)

The tracklist is on the first page of the thread, but to save you a click, we have six tracks left open:

  1. Title Theme or Great Fox Theme
  2. Sargasso Space Zone (or a Boss Theme)
  3. Fichina
  4. The Awesome Black Hole (with Map Select, hopefully)
  5. Space Armada
  6. Out of this Dimension

Check out the Project Overview if you want to hear source tracks or see where we're at. In the meantime, I'll put you down for Space Armada; let me know if you decide to go with something else.

Welcome aboard! :)

It's like PaRappa the Rapper says - you just gotta believe!

Thanks for rolling out the welcome mat again, Rhino. :)

This will take some work, as I'll have to copy everything over from the Box, update all the new links on the WIP page, then work out of two accounts every time I have an update. 

I can do that, but it may take me a couple of days to get to. I will advise when I've got it done. PM me if there's anything specific you'd like to listen to in the meantime and I'll see what can be done.


@CrimsonCobalt and @Etzaen has given the OK for their WIPs to be posted! Check them out and let us know what you think!


Thanks again.

What I'd most like to listen to is the Venom track. 

Thanks in advance. 

On 11/10/2016 at 11:23 AM, The Nikanoru said:

Done! I'm glad my subtle hint was effective. :) 

I am looking forward to hearing how this comes out, hopefully as a collab from our trio of sax players. I do hope @Theory of N and @Pichu's Dad are paying attention...

Thanks for the offer, Jorito! Much appreciated, I'll put you down for Audio Support.

For sure! You know I'm down. I've been swamped with a lot of projects so I'm catching up with the progress of everything going on in this thread so don't count me out!


I've come to the conclusion that we need a boss theme to close the first disc. Who is up for the job?

I would prefer either the Corneria or Asteroid Belt boss themes from SF SNES, or one of the boss themes from SF64/Assault, but any boss theme from any of the games will do. I'd even accept something from SF Adventures, as this will be placed after @classic_gamer_76's Krazoa Palace remix. If you're interested but aren't sure which boss theme to choose, let me know I can track down some source tracks for you to go through.

Please note that although I have it marked in the thread otherwise, Sargasso Space Zone is still open to claim as well. :)

52 minutes ago, Gario said:

Depending on the arrangement (as in, if it would fit), I can offer some elaborate chiptune leads and/or wankery, if you would like. It would be fun.

Well I'm sure I can make room for some chiptune extravagance. :P


22 minutes ago, DS394 said:

Make sure to put some hardstyle in it too just becuz ;)

Actually never heard of this until now. Looked a bit up on YouTube. It could work, in doses. Lol

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