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MEETUP: New York City, NY Meetup '06 - Pics on Pages 30 And 32-34!

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I'm going to heading in to the Port Authority. I'm probably going to take the shuttle to Grand Central. I prefer warm to cold any day... even if it's a bit funny smelling... If I catch a bus at 10:30-ish, then get there around 11:30, walking + shuttle = 12:00-ish. I think I have this down. I just hope that there is a bus at 10:30 and not at 11:00... otherwise I'll be late. I'm not planning to be of course.. I usually get somewhat stressed whenever there are deadlines. I might even get there early.

About the museum, I think that bustatunez's point was that you can't take luggage in there with you. You have to check them at the door. If the attendents are nice and the museum closes fairly late, then we could essentially have them hold it for us. Hopefully the overnight people are packing light.

Should we somehow exchange cell phone numbers and stuff? I wouldn't want anyone to be left behind. That's just a random thought I have.

Oh yeah, by the way, my other friend said he wasn't too sure if he was coming either. So... at the very least, I'll show up by myself... yeah...


EDIT: Kat, perhaps we can meet up at Port Authority?

My cell # is 919 810-1528.

Sure. Since we're meeting up, I'll try to get there a little earlier. If I have to wait, I can play my DS or listen to music... which I generally do since I don't pull out my DS in areas which are highly populated with people.

My cellphone number is 732-397-7464.


I... dont have a cellphone.

Now, odds are, we can leave anytime we want, but I asked this earlier, do we have any idea when, say, dinner is? getting to zircons? How long are we waiting for stragglers at grand central?

Even a better question. I don't visit the city frequently. Does anyone know how to get from Penn Station to Grand Central? I could probably just look it up on a map...

Ooh, I'm getting so excited. I mentioned this before the winter break, but, I did mention this to one freind, it spread... I may be bringing 3. At least, one, but this goes without saying, don't judge me on them.

I'm really looking forward to this... see you all in a few hours!


zircon's is a little too much distance if you're not staying overnight or live in the county - it's about 45 min to an hour by train to get there. Dinner should be sometime at 6-8 or so.

As for Penn Station to Grand Central - take the 1, 3, or 9 (the red subways) up to Times Square, and then take the S (the gray subway) to Grand Central. Find us in the main hall, which is where the information booth with the clock on top of it is. You can't miss it, trust me.


OK, so lets say dinner's over at 9. Are we going right to zircons? Which would mean at about 10. Could I stay two hours and just head home afterwards? May be an inconvenience to me, to go on all those trains, though...


I'd say going on all those trains isn't worth it for just that amount of time - you're from Long Island right? So you'd have to go up to Pleasantville, stay for 2 hours, and then leave to go back to Grand Central, and then take two subways to get back to Penn Station for your train back home. That sounds like too much of a hassle.


I'm at work again...

We loitered for at least a half-hour last time collecting participants. Try to make it.

You have either the S (shuttle) or the 7 train to get to Grand Central.

7pm's a reasonable suppertime, given a generous amount of time to each of our stops.

We do head to zirc's after dinner.

And I gots me a cell phone for Kwystmas! But I'm waiting for it to be delivered.

I won't be late this time.



Turns out I have two personal days left in the year at work, and if I don't use them, I lose them, so my supervisors are telling me not to go into work tomorrow.


Despite all of my statements that I'd have to go to work tomorrow, I don't. Which means there's a possibility I can make it.

I will let you folks know, most likely in the form of a call to Zircon.


Well... I might be coming to this little "Get together" since its only in NYC and I can just take the bus up.

Yeah, I really love to do things at last minute!

I'm trying to pull Ian up there too.

So yeah... if you see me, do not shoot cause I come in peace!


Andy, do you have your strat at your house?

Also, to those of you comming first to Port Authority: what time do you expect to get there? I'll be getting there around 11:30, so if you're comming in to Port Authority, give my cell a call sometime tomorrow after 10:00 am, and we can figure out if/where/when we'll meet before heading off to Grand Central.

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