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Wow, i just found this by accident when looking for pokemon remixes. Im a wee bit late to even attempt a remix. But i was wondering, does Poinko have the artwork done and dusted already? As soon as i saw this thread, i had a few ideas i could pitch, maybe some sketches... that is if the designs havent been finalised yet, which id imagine they are.

Anyway, cant wait to see the final result. Good luck.


Do you have a list of available tracks? Im not very experienced, but i can give something a go.

Also, im somewhat of a pixel artist, so if i can help with any little pieces of pixelart, id be honoured. There are some examples in my sig, and here http://pixeljoint.com/pixelart/35566.htm#c204901 http://pixeljoint.com/pixelart/35567.htm#c201459 http://pixeljoint.com/pixelart/35583.htm and http://www.ff-xiii.net/boards/showthread.php?t=3927


Hey everyone. I too would love to do some artwork if possible. I volunteered my services in the Megaman 4 thread but I'm not exactly sure what that project's current status is.

You can see my stuff at http://www.jamiepogue.com (there's a link to my blog there as well). Thanks a lot and good luck!

(love Pokemon music by the way. The battle music in Ruby and Sapphire is still probably my favorite even if it was one of my less favorite games in the series)

edit: Love that Pokeball/vinyl image! Really great idea.


Awesome, I love your style, especially the colouring you've used in the soggy socks piece.

Have you regisered here yet? http://poke.prxbx.com/forums/index.php

Id love to talk more about what exactly we need. Things have gone a little cold on the artwork side, so its great to see more enthusiasm. And maybe it'll spur on the remixers :D


Id love to talk more about what exactly we need. Things have gone a little cold on the artwork side, so its great to see more enthusiasm. And maybe it'll spur on the remixers :D

from my understanding most of the tracks are finished...we're just waiting on artwork and a release date since there seems to be a waiting list....


OK, no offense to anyone, but who decided to just let people join randomly? I hadn't even been been gone one day, and suddenly we have a new artist?

Yes, Pixel has some nice stuff, but that didn't mean people should have just given him an account without asking me first. This may come off as something snooty and bossy, but last I heard, I was the one running the project. Please, in the future, ask me first.

Now, Pixel is already on the project boards, so I'm going to tell him now that he can not download everything done to date and start giving it out. Also, I'm not really interested in pixel art, but your pokéball LP player is more like what I'm looking for.

cobaltstarfire has taken over the artwork department. He's put out some great coloring of Poinko's art, and he's done with school for now, so he can concentrate on more artwork for now. I would suggest that any artwork matters go through myself first, and collaborate with cobaltstarfire as well. I know people want to do stuff and that's nice, but just going off on your own isn't a good use of the talent pool we have.

OK, Pixel, please PM me here so we can discuss things more. GAG, next time, please wait to hear from me first instead of personally inviting someone on your own.

As for remixes, I decided to stop taking any more submissions now. People have joined and done nothing, and there are still lots of WIPs to finish. I'll update the FAQ to relate this.

Sorry if this came off the wrong way, but some of us made decisions that weren't theirs to make. It's happened and it's over, but please don't do that again. It undermines the whole point of having a project director.


Sorry, didnt mean to step on anyones toes there. There just didnt seem to be much happening with the artwork... well, from what i could see here anyway. You should let cobaltstar continue with what he's doing, and ill step aside. i guess i can chip in ideas in this thread.

Feel free to delete the account over there. And dont worry, you can trust me not to distribute anything.


Boy, you're in now. There's no escape.

I do want to use that poké ball player. I have some ideas about.

In the artwork thread on the boards, I posted some ideas. Your included in them.

I'd suggest that you, cobaltstarfire, GAG and myself get together on IRC at some point in the next few weeks and whip out some ideas.


I'd suggest that you, cobaltstarfire, GAG and myself get together on IRC at some point in the next few weeks and whip out some ideas.

I'm for that, just pm me and stuff so I can plan for it. I'll PM my exceptionally empty schedule to you later so you know when I can and can't be around.

As a side note, after spending about 2 hours staring at a mudkip as I lined and colored it in I have to say, they are some pretty creepy little guys given enough time. Also, only got 4 more sketches to clean up and color!

Also also, should I sign up for these mystical forums?

I'm for that, just pm me and stuff so I can plan for it. I'll PM my exceptionally empty schedule to you later so you know when I can and can't be around.

As a side note, after spending about 2 hours staring at a mudkip as I lined and colored it in I have to say, they are some pretty creepy little guys given enough time. Also, only got 4 more sketches to clean up and color!

Also also, should I sign up for these mystical forums?

I thought you were already. How odd.


Hey Damned, it was either you or Prophet who I sent a PM. I decided to try my hand at a Sprout Tower mix as just something for myself. Whatever link I sent is pretty old by now, and the composition of that track has come a long way. I can link you to it if you like.

I noticed you said you didn't want any new track artists due to a lack of effort, but I figured I'd mention it because I already have a modest piece done.

If you'd like to consider including it as part of this project, let me know.

Hey Damned, it was either you or Prophet who I sent a PM. I decided to try my hand at a Sprout Tower mix as just something for myself. Whatever link I sent is pretty old by now, and the composition of that track has come a long way. I can link you to it if you like.

I noticed you said you didn't want any new track artists due to a lack of effort, but I figured I'd mention it because I already have a modest piece done.

If you'd like to consider including it as part of this project, let me know.

Ah yes, I remember that.

I'm not going to flip-flop on the tanking/not taking remixes thing. I've done it a couple of times already... Sorry. Still, you should try for the regular OCR remixes any way. Every remix added is only a good thing, and if it's a Pokémon one, so be it.


Damned, I know it's your decision, but if he finishes his track and let us hear it, what's there to lose?

If we like it, it's already done and there won't be an increase in half-done wips. If we don't then it's no biggie either. Like I said, it's your call, but we can always use extra sonjgs. The Tales project has increased a lot it's final days


Any idea when the forums will be back up? No rush... I just need to get opinions on a few things before I can crack on with stuff. :)

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