Blueearth Posted February 3, 2007 Posted February 3, 2007 Have any of you guys successfully found Ishteen, one of the Hunt Club mobs who supposedly appears in East-West of Barheim Passage if you wait long enough? I can't seem to make him appear. Quote
Hawkwing Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 So after not having the time to play this for 2 months i sat down yesterday and played it again...and i realized that a lot of the music sounds like its from FFIV Quote
Bahamut Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 So I've been playiing this game for the past week/week and a half...why do they force you to level up still . Even after exploring all sorts of areas of maps, I still find I'm generally underleveled and underequipped. I'm currently up to Ahriman, and that boss pisses me off. Quote
Citan Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 So I've been playiing this game for the past week/week and a half...why do they force you to level up still . Even after exploring all sorts of areas of maps, I still find I'm generally underleveled and underequipped. I'm currently up to Ahriman, and that boss pisses me off. Yeah, the excessive grinding was one of the biggest problems I had with the game. After every dungeon, I'd have to spend anywhere from 2-3 hours grinding so I can gain a few levels and buy new equipment so the monsters in the next area don't completely annihilate me. It took me 75 hours to beat the game, and I probably spent half that time just grinding. Even worse, I had a 4 level advantage over the final boss, and I just barely won the battle with him by the skin of my teeth. He'd just sit there and pummel my entire party with one flare-based spell after another, effectively cleaving off half of my health per hit. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 Have any of you guys successfully found Ishteen, one of the Hunt Club mobs who supposedly appears in East-West of Barheim Passage if you wait long enough? I can't seem to make him appear. I found him, it's just a matter of waiting long enough. the liklyhood of finding him increases the longer you're in that place. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Yeah, the excessive grinding was one of the biggest problems I had with the game. After every dungeon, I'd have to spend anywhere from 2-3 hours grinding so I can gain a few levels and buy new equipment so the monsters in the next area don't completely annihilate me. It took me 75 hours to beat the game, and I probably spent half that time just grinding. Even worse, I had a 4 level advantage over the final boss, and I just barely won the battle with him by the skin of my teeth. He'd just sit there and pummel my entire party with one flare-based spell after another, effectively cleaving off half of my health per hit. Yeah, like I need to level up a lot still for better equipment, a few almost 10k gil spells, and a lot of techs still...this game is starting to get as ridiculous as FF3 DS. It's the opposite of fun. Quote
Hawkwing Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 I found him, it's just a matter of waiting long enough. the liklyhood of finding him increases the longer you're in that place. I came across him by accident and just said "what the fuck is this guy?" and realized he was rare game. pissed me off cause i was on my way to hunt bloodwing and get zalera. Quote
Citan Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 Yeah, like I need to level up a lot still for better equipment, a few almost 10k gil spells, and a lot of techs still...this game is starting to get as ridiculous as FF3 DS. It's the opposite of fun. What's even worse is that there's a spin-off of FFXII in the works for the DS: Ever since Enix bought and merged with Square, the FF series seems to have taken more of a "quantity over quality" approach. Just the name of FFX-2 was terrible... Why would anyone call a game "10-2"? And this whole "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" crap is just awful, it's a rape of one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) games of all time. Quote
SleazyC Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 What's even worse is that there's a spin-off of FFXII in the works for the DS: Ever since Enix bought and merged with Square, the FF series seems to have taken more of a "quantity over quality" approach. Just the name of FFX-2 was terrible... Why would anyone call a game "10-2"? And this whole "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" crap is just awful, it's a rape of one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) games of all time. Revenant Wings actually looks pretty decent as far as spinoff's go. I'm interested in seeing how they evolve the combat system to fit into a portable-gaming environment in comparison to the console environment. As far as FFVII spinoffs go Crisis Core looks absolutely stunning for a PSP game but I am still a bit wary since Dirge. I really want to believe that it will be a good game and regardless the game looks just so damn pretty I may buy it. PICTURE SPAM INCOMING: Quote
Citan Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Make no mistake, Square Enix definitely knows how to make things flashy. Have you seen the FFXIII trailer? I think it's absolutely jaw-dropping. But lately, it's begun to dawn on me that being flashy is almost all they are anymore. Quote
WesPip Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 So I really don't wanna fight Yiazmat. It look me a good hour or so to kill the bloody Hell Wyrm, and Yiazmat's supposed to have roughly 5 times the HP. Not looking forward to that. Quote
Thin Crust Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 Lets see, I beat the game already. Rushing through it actually took me almost 70 hours. I am currently level 37-38 at 41 hours and I am about to go to guerovegan(sp) to get the treaty blade. Also, I saw the trailer for revelant wings and if it comes out in the US, I will buy a ds for it and ff3. Come on people. Just because it is a spinoff, doesn't mean that it is a bad game. It looks like an ff tactics game which is fitting because the same people that brought you ff12 are the ones that brought you ffT. I will say it again, who cares if it is a spinoff? If it is good, then would you complain that it is? Find out if it is good or not and then decide to critize it. Don't they look younger? Also, the characters look like they are made in the same style as ff9. EDIT: By the way, I am currently listening to the credits because that music isn't in the game. I so wish someone would do a remix of the song starting at 2:05. It was on the trailer for the game and I was looking for it all game and it finally came in at the end. Quote
Thin Crust Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Ok, so I need a little help. I am 42 hours into the game and ironically all my characters are also level 42. Maybe one 43. When the key to the Luthusu(sp) mines fell from the sky city, it would wash up on shore somewhere. Well, in the hunters camp outside of Archedia, I found someone talking about it, but I have talked to everyone there in that hunter camp and there have been no other clues. Also, any help with getting into those two doors in the necoral of nabudis would be great. Same with the Sochen cave palace. There is a locked door there as well. Quote
Thalzon Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 1) Check near the guy who fell from Bhujerba, the key is next to him on the ground. 2) The three (not two) doors in Nabudis are part of a seperate sidequest. To start it, go talk to Old Man Dalan if there's a nu mou guy in his room. 3) The sochen door is where Hell Wyrm is. You need to get the key from the crazy guy on Cerobi Steppe, who is around windmill #10. 4) Go to gamefaqs next time. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Just finished the game. Avoided this thread until I had all spoilers out of the way. I finished the game hunts, killed Yiazmat. Got the Tournesol. Missed the Zodiac Spear though. As much as some didn't enjoy that fight, I sure did. I guess all I have left now are the rare game that I missed and Omega. Quote
Hector Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 What'd you have to do to get the Yizmat figtht? I've done every hunt and summon in the game with the sole exception of Yizmat, and Montblanc still hasn't handed over that quest. And is there any sensible way of taking him down that does not absorb all of your time? I've heard he has 50,000,000hp, and that equates to summonning Zodiac 1,000 times. I enjoy a brutally difficult fight (Zodiac is perhaps my favorite boss), but not when my chief concern is with regards to how long it would take. Quote
Glenn565 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 What'd you have to do to get the Yizmat figtht? I've done every hunt and summon in the game with the sole exception of Yizmat, and Montblanc still hasn't handed over that quest. And is there any sensible way of taking him down that does not absorb all of your time? I've heard he has 50,000,000hp, and that equates to summonning Zodiac 1,000 times. I enjoy a brutally difficult fight (Zodiac is perhaps my favorite boss), but not when my chief concern is with regards to how long it would take. You have to complete all the hunts and defeat Hell Wyrm. The best part is you can leave and come back and he will still have the same HP as you left him. So you don't have to beat him in one sitting. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 Summoning stuff to kill Yiazmat is the stupidest thing to do ever. Unless you really want to sit though a few thousand summoning spells that do miniscule damage. The toughest part of the Yiazmat fight is the boredom of the 95% of the fight (I simply picture-in-picture play it while watching TV), then the annoying last 5% of the fight where he uses a lot of cheap fast attacks. All you really need to do is concentrate on Curaga, Arise and the occasional Berserk for one offensive character. Hastega in the Gambit is great too. Oh, and maybe taking down Yiazmat's overall defense with Expose (you have to repeat exposing Yiazmat 20 times each time you rezone and come back). Quote
The Orichalcon Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 For the last 5%, I got rid of all gambits except for Arise and Attack. Bubble belts on them all and just let them bash the hell out of Yiazmat. He combos way too fast for Cure spells to be affective. Don't summon anything, it's a waste of MP and a waste of time. Just put Genji Gloves and Genji Helmet on whoever has the Masamune, cast Bravery/Protect/Haste on him, and let him combo over and over on Yiazmat while your other two heal him. That's how I got him down. The fight took me 5 and a half hours, and I stopped to save 9 times. You need to finish all the hunts and kill the Hell Wyrm in Sochen Palace before the Yiazmat hunt will be offered. Quote
Thin Crust Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 I'm sorry to bring this thread up again, but I need to ask a question. Where do you think is the best place to level up? So far I have been going through Nabudis over and over again and it's starting to get really repetative. Oh, and I also found the merchant there by accident and got some cool stuff. I saw somewhere that there was a merchant but I never knew where to look. I just beat guerovegan(sp) and I don't want to go any further because I want reddas to be at as high a level as I can him because he doesn't improve. All my characters are currently between lvl 53-55, and I have no hunts left or espers to get. Also, I just beat the hell wyrm. Son of a gun was the worst or rather unpleasent, boss I have ever faced. It took me 3 hours and all my guys were between lvl 48-50. That hp/mp inverse was a godsend to me because I couldn't have finished it in my first try if it didn't do it. I only had about 8 ethers, 5 high ethers, 5 elixers, and 5 megalixers. And that wouldn't have been enough if he did not do that little favor for me. But back to the origional question: Where do you think is the best place to level up? The place where you get the most exp? Quote
Alexis Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 I just beat the hell wyrm. Son of a gun was the worst or rather unpleasent, boss I have ever faced. It took me 3 hours and all my guys were between lvl 48-50. That hp/mp inverse was a godsend to me because I couldn't have finished it in my first try if it didn't do it. Lol, I just beat him the other day and my characters are all lvl 70 right now and I just set up my gambits and put down the controller. The only annoying thing was having to check back every so often in case the party leader died or something...But even with my characters at that level, it still took like two hours to finish. I'm wondering if anyone has beaten Yiazmat, what level were you and how long did it take? The Orichalcon, what level were your characters? Quote
The Orichalcon Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 The Orichalcon, what level were your characters? 99. I did the Henne Mines levelling trick. Also, I should point out that I only used Balthier, Vaan and Bash. Never levelled Ashe, Penelo or Fran. Never summoned a zodiac (except to open the Giruvegan door.) The fight is easy if you keep switching the Masamune/Genji Gloves combination between characters (and disabling everything other than attack and revive gambits.) You can usually get between 3-12 combo hits with those two equipped. And just keep the Ragnarok and Tournesol on the other characters. Lots of guides I've seen have people wielding really slow weapons in fights with Yiazmat which makes no sense. Since the damage is capped, you're better hitting 3+ times at 3,000 damage than once at 6,999. The only reason to switch weapons is that your MP eventually dies down on the two other characters as they take the job of healing, casting bubble etc. The Masamune hits hard and fast so it regenerates HP for the hitter pretty fast, then you just keep switching it to whoever needs MP. Quote
Thin Crust Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 99. I did the Henne Mines levelling trick. What's that? I went into the phase 2 shaft but the stuff there didn't give much exp so I just packed up and left for nabudis. Quote
The Orichalcon Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 What's that? I went into the phase 2 shaft but the stuff there didn't give much exp so I just packed up and left for nabudis. There's a 3-way area in the second section of the mines (towards the last esper) that generates 20 or so of those nasty bats all at once when you flick the gate switch. You can set your characters up to cast sleepaga to put them all to sleep, then to cast curaga (holy magic harms them), three hits of 9,999 curaga will kill them all. That's 20 bats killed in 2 minutes for something like 3,500 xp each (I think), then you just run two screens and return to flick the switch again over and over. Faith, bubble and hastega on your party helps. Although eventually the chain level will max and you'll be picking up coins that'll cast protectga and shellga on your party. Quote
Thin Crust Posted April 24, 2007 Posted April 24, 2007 Ok cool, but what exactly does faith do "augment characters magick"? Haven't a clue how that's supposed ot work. And the curing oponents. Do you need to use gambits to do it? I have never tired it out before. And also, the origional question still stands. Where is the best place to level up? Is it in the mines? What other places are good? Quote
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