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Lufia II: Of Gods and Men


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Hi everyone! I was recently sent this direction as a potential collaborator and wanted to see if anyone needed some of my instrumental services? I'm working on some tracks on the Star Fox anniversary album and am taking on some claims there so I am probably too busy to dedicate myself to whole track, but would happily lay some tracks down on arrangements made here! Electric/acoustic guitars, Tenor/alto saxophones, some brass, some folk instruments (tin whistle, harmonica), mandolin, and bass guitar You can check out some of my arrangements of other video game themes on my artist profile if interested. Thanks!

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On 2/14/2017 at 5:38 PM, Thirdkoopa said:

Is the Sinistral Battle Theme available, Gario?

Sorry, I missed this!

Unfortunately (or fortunately, pending on your point of view), the Sinistral's battle theme is Battle #3, which has an amazing finished arrangement from Prince uf Darkness and Snappleman. Do take a look at the links on the front page, though - perhaps one of the Sinistral themes when you encounter them is to your liking instead? Just a suggestion!

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Double-post time! It seems to be the right time to start getting this ball rolling hard, so here we go!

@bLiNd @Moseph @XPRTNovice @Cyril the Wolf @PabloComa @zykO @Eitzpii @Jorito @Sbeast @DjjD @Amphibious @Alephmale @Quinn Fox

Giving a heads up for people that want to claim tracks without submitting a WIP, this is the last week I'll be taking those claims. After this, there will be two things that will happen:

1. There will be a concurrent competition that I will be organizing that will be utilizing the sources that remain. If one of these compos are available, this will be the strongest opportunity to get a spot on the album as a newer or less recognized arranger moving forward. I will be taking three sources at a time, and aside from the first round (which will be a freestyle round) I will be adding genre conditions/preferences. One more detail is that you will have one month to complete a competition track; ample time to submit something of solid quality, but it's short enough to keep you on your toes and push you toward finishing.

While the sources are being set aside for the competition, though, I will NOT be accepting WIP claims on the track, so if you wait to make a claim past this week I can't promise the track will be available solely to you (though you may put your track among others into the competition). There will be some advantages to working on your track in a competition format, though, so keep an ear out for it!

2. If the competition schedule doesn't claim your track, you still have the opportunity to claim it yourself, but I will ONLY accept claims with a functional WIP attached to it from this point on - there will be no more red claims on the board from this point forward. If you still want a chance to nail your claim, now's the time. Of course, if you've made the claim, awesome! I will be keeping an active, watchful eye on your progress moving forward, so be ready to be bugged by me soon. ;)


If you're one of the venerable members that have a near finished track from ages ago, I will be spending the next week getting in touch with you one-by-one, seeing if there's anything I can do to help get you guys the supplies to finish your track (getting in touch with musicians to help, offering feedback if needed, etc.). I've made a cursory attempt to get in touch, but I will soon be actively pursuing your finished WAV. I am hoping to have these particular finished WAVs long before the final deadline, though, so expect me to be giving you guys some annoying nudges from time to time.

Alright, here's hoping I start seeing people pushing forward with their music soon!

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17 minutes ago, Jorito said:

I got a wip already, it's just that I'm not happy with it yet. I hope/expect to have some time in the next days to work on it. Regardless you'll get a wip from me end of the month.

Sweet! There's no pressure to get something in QUITE yet, so feel free to take your time if you need to. First deadline is literally just for non-WIP claims, so you're covered.

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Alas, I don't think I named it correctly on the front page (Sorry!). That track actually was covered with a solo piano performance by Evory, so I don't think that spot is available... I'm not one to shut a decent track down, though. Send me what you have, and I'll see if we can make it fit. I have some ideas of how it would fit with bookending an album like this, so get in touch with your WIP. :)

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On 2/21/2017 at 1:29 PM, Gario said:

Sorry, I missed this!

Unfortunately (or fortunately, pending on your point of view), the Sinistral's battle theme is Battle #3, which has an amazing finished arrangement from Prince uf Darkness and Snappleman. Do take a look at the links on the front page, though - perhaps one of the Sinistral themes when you encounter them is to your liking instead? Just a suggestion!

Logimos Shrine (Below Ground) / Lost World

Is that good? I see it on the unclaimed list. :D

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2 hours ago, Gario said:

It's indeed a claim you can stake. I'm not too familiar with your music, though, so would there be a chance that you could PM me some samples of your work? Thanks - I'll hold that track for you until then.

yeah sure

And I'll have a demo ASAP - I know my arrangement stuff... I just need to step up my instrumentation game and my mixing/production game.

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2 hours ago, Eitzpii said:

Gario: If i send you tomorrow two WIP tracks, do i still have to compete to hold my tracks?

Haha, shoot. You don't have to compete for the tracks yet - you're in the clear. The whole 'Survival of the fittest' thing is for people that miss a deadline listed, which is not for another month or so.

A WIP tomorrow would be great, though - I look for it. ;)

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20 hours ago, Gario said:

Haha, shoot. You don't have to compete for the tracks yet - you're in the clear. The whole 'Survival of the fittest' thing is for people that miss a deadline listed, which is not for another month or so.

A WIP tomorrow would be great, though - I look for it. ;)

Ah damn, i screwed up some of my recordings :o. I will send you my WIP ASAP.

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Alrighty, so the end of February has come and gone, and I've received a lot of claims to track (as well as a few WIPs!). We're moving along great!

Now we're in the stage where I start ampin' the pressure on you guys a bit, so heads up! I'll likely be checking in whenever I can on your progress, so keep in touch on that. The next due date is April 31st, so if you haven't submit a WIP yet that's when I'll need to have something.

As you know, as far as making a claim on a track, the period where I'll be listing your claim on here has passed. Feel free to vocalize a claim here, but if someone else submits a WIP of it, that's tough luck on your part! If you want a hold on a track, submit a workable WIP and it'll still be yours!

In the meantime, I'm still hashing out ideas for a compo to hold. It needs to make sense, but it also needs to have a tangible incentive to get people to participate. I've got some ideas, but there's still some back room discussing that I need to figure out before I lay it on the table.

Alright, folks - let's push this to the next stage of the project!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@zykO @Jorito @DjjD @Sbeast @Amphibious @Alephmale @Quinn Fox

Alright, the time for the first REAL deadline is creeping up on us, so it's about time for me to start acting like a project manager and get on people's asses about getting something in, here. Aside from @Eitzpii (I appreciate you coming in with progress!), my PM box has been pretty empty, over here. So a week and a half from the deadline, here I am to remind you all that yes, your first WIP deadline is coming up. It doesn't need to be much - any progress that shows that you have some idea what direction you want to take your track will be enough for this deadline, but give me something, here!

I appreciate @bLiNd coming in to let me know his track will be touched up (it's still one of my favorites, looking forward to it!), and @Moseph has gotten in touch via PM some time ago about his tracks, but I still need to touch base with @PabloComa @XPRTNovice @Cyril the Wolf and figure out when they want to get their finished WAVs subbed. I love your stuff so far, but if you won't be able to get your tracks finished this year for any reason (you feel it's not representative of your current skill level, lost the project files, etc.) do let me know so that I can open the spaces up for others who may be interested. Communication is key!

If you don't make the deadline, it's not the end of the world - just get it in as soon as you can. However, understand that if someone else comes in and drops a WIP for the track I will take that instead, and you'll lose your claim. Initiative is important, here - I love you all, but if someone else shows that they're willing to give their all they will get my attention. We're not there yet, though - I may get plenty of tracks flooding my inbox and nothing will open up. That's my hope, so let's get to it!

Yes, I know I said compo stuff, and I've basically gotten stuck on an incentive to participate in something like that. While I'm mulling over that in my mind, if someone has some ideas as to what could be used as incentive for something like that it would actually be quite helpful. One idea I had was skipping the inbox, but... well, I shot myself in the foot there, as we're actually caught up at the inbox now. A spot on the album is pretty much a given, so that's not necessarily a decent reward, either. Album keys for OCRecords? Maybe - I'm not against putting in a few dollars to get people excited for this. Any ideas from the loving public would be appreciated. ;) 

Alright, hope to hear from y'all soon!

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Fear ye not, I'll get you something for sure. I already got a WIP going like 2 months ago :) However, I will send it to you at the last moment because I want to work on it some more before I drop it, and preferably get the main arrangement done.

As for compo incentives, I am not the right person to ask. Creating the music itself is my primary incentive, any other stuff I mostly consider bonus.

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21 minutes ago, Cyril the Wolf said:

I'm trying to figure out the guitar solo that's basically it. And I keep improving at vocals so I may or may not be putting off that recording. I have some ideas kicking around for other tracks but ehhhhhhhh...


I didn't claim anything else did I?

I think you wanted to do something for Setting Off for the Journey. It was an old recording, so it'd likely be changed a bit. I'll get in touch with you in the PM in a bit about it, the concern only being that Evory actually gave a pretty good arrangement for that as well. If I go for that arrangement I'd count that as you already having a WIP on it, so  don't worry too much about it.

Good to hear on the other track, though. Looking forward to an update sometime! :)

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