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Posted (edited)

Hi guys.

I'm a big fan of sites that do remixes of games and I've been looking for the various remixes lost from VGMix until I find on a mirror site some remixes of the first version of VGMix. There were a lot of songs with no game name and artist, but checking through the Wayback Machine website I was able to find out most of the artists and the original games, but there were still 20 remixes without the name of the game. I came here hoping someone could help me figure out the original source of each remix. Here is the list of artists on the left and songs with mp3 links (from the original ocmirror website) on the right:                          

Goolancer          Jazzy Cat

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Jazzy Cat.mp3  

                       The Devil

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/The Devil.mp3  

                       Welcome Home

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Welcome Home.mp3      

orkybash               Darkness and Ice

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Darkness and Ice.mp3  

Spram                  Secrets


strike911              Ocean Nine

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Ocean Nine.mp3                      

The Graceful Failure   100 Year Old Trance

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/100 Year Old Trance.mp3  

Void                   Church of Despair

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Church of Despair.mp3  

                       Crimson Sky

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Crimson Sky.mp3  

                       Does God Exist?

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Does God Exist_.mp3  

                       Isolated Village

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Isolated Village.mp3  



                       Lonely Winter Night

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Lonely Winter Night.mp3 

                       Moon Base Siege

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Moon Base Siege.mp3  

                       Sacrificial Offering

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Sacrificial Offering.mp3  

                       Score Breaker

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Score Breaker.mp3  

                       Stupid Clutz

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Stupid Clutz.mp3  

                       Temple of the Enlightened Ones

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Temple of the Enlightened Ones.mp3  

                       The Final March

                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/The Final March.mp3  




Found Name Updates:

\slash                           Gitaroo Back in Time!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 (Gitaroo Man)

.aaron p. matthews      Mike's Graduation (StarTropics)

Abort_Retry_Fail?       Mind of the Deku (The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask)

Ater Draconis              Forest Shadows (The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past)

Beej                            When the Wind Blows (F-Zero)

BDBC                          Make One Up (The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask)

Ark                              ReCreation (Terranigma)
                                   'ReCreation' (Terranigma)

Advisor                        The Techno Beast (Secret of Mana)

Billysk8r                       Feel the Menu! (Kirby Super Star)

BitMaP                         Devil's Halo (Halo)                   

Dalton                          Hylian March (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)

DeNihil                         Pyramid(Tetrahedronic Mix) (Crystalis)

Digimatic                      Floating Ninja Kicks (Double Dragon 3)

DJ AlphaGaia               Deja Vu of an Acid Trip (Shadowgate)

DJ Starfish                   Atsui no Taiyo (Golden Sun)

DJ TeknoBunny           Caribbean Shopping (River City Ransom)

Draygon Khoren         Saying Goodbye (Illusion of Gaia)

DrSeuss                      eLeVAtor MuSick (Metroid)

                                   Savior (The Guardian Legend)

                                   Take it to the House (Zelda 2)

Edgahkun                    Higher Confidence (Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Valkyrie Profile)

EmptyMy                      Martian Invasion Remix (Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders)

End of the Millenium    Refuge (Phantasy Star 3)

Evan Pattison              In the Wake of a Legend (Final Fantasy 6)

evil_knob                    Town Tune (Final Fantasy 4)

Goolancer                    Release Your Mind (Horror Mix) (Beatmania CompleteMix 2)

Gwilym Wogan             Unveil (Magical Drop 3)

headfonez                   13 Second Enemy (The Guardian Legend)

                                    Two Enemies (The Guardian Legend)

HolyDragon                  Shh! Don't get Yourself Kille (Doom 2)

justinofthejungle           [Techno]drome (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 2 The Arcade Game)

K-Wix                           Destiny: Embrace the Dark Mana (Legend of Mana)

Maleh-Vor                    Black Forest (Super Castlevania 4)

                                    Haunted Heart (Haunted Castle)      

Matze                           Bruce is Running (Die Hard Arcade)

                                    Damage Theme (Jaguar XJ220)

                                    Fight-3 Theme (Arc the Lad II)

                                    First Place (Gran Turismo)

                                    Theme (Die Hard Arcade)                        

MDesigner                   Valley of the Lizardmen (Baldur's Gate 2)

Midee                          Beast Machine (Shadow of the Beast)      

Nemo                           Last Gasp (Mega Man 6)

                                    Mezzo Forte (Rockman & Forte)

nesprotection             Sunny Skies (StarTropics)

                                   Tengublaster(Ah,it's Just a K (Mega Man 8 Sega Saturn)

Nightsong                   Lost Souls (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)

Nukkus                       Spaced Departure (Space Quest 3)

Quinn Fox                 Be Attitude (Radiant Silvergun)

                                 Ceramic Hallways (Phantasy Star 3)

                                 Charm Vibes (Ristar)

                                 Dark Engine (Scorcher)

                                 Moonlight Alone (Lunar 2 Eternal Blue)

                                 Post Intermission (Ninja Gaiden)

                                 Powerup Candles (Super Castlevania 4)

                                 Solace Eldean (Original-Arrangement)

                                  Submereged Forest (Guardian Heroes)

                                 Tree to Woodwind ( Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei)

RuneWalsh                  Adventurous Youth (Ys 3)

SalvatoreLeone         The Rock Solid Fun 'N' Games (Banjo-Tooie)

Sergio Thomas          Solomons Crown (Ys 2)

skyline                        The Police Station (Tantei Jinguji Saburo Toki no Sugiyuku Mama ni)

smh                              A Tortured World (Golden Sun)

                                    Snowdrifts in Imil (Golden Sun)

Soul Sypher                 Resident Evil Remixed-Tribute (Resident Evil)

StriderYokoshima        Calm (Elevator JDNB Fusion) (Final Fantasy VII)

Strike911                      Online Street Band (Mega Man Battle Network)

The Coop                    Heading Home (Raiden)

Void                             Mediation (Taisen Mahjong Final Romance R)

Werewolf                     Airbase - Heavyarms (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Duel)

Xerxes                         Jazz's Conspiracy (Wing Commander III)

Edited by NovemberRhythm
Found Name Updates

Advisor - The Techno Beast (Secret of Mana)
Ark - ReCreation (Terranigma)
Billysk8r - Feel the Menu! (Kirby Super Star)
BitMaP - Devil's Halo (Halo)
Dalton - Hylian March (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Digimatic - Floating Ninja Kicks (Double Dragon III)
DJ AlphaGaia - Deja Vu of an Acid Trip (Shadowgate)
DJ TeknoBunny - Caribbean Shopping (River City Ransom)

Will try to get to more later.


justinofthejungle      [Techno]drome
Pretty obvious for most, but this one is from TMNT 2 - The Arcade Game for NES,  the Technodrome level.
HolyDragon             Shh! Don't get Yourself Kille
                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Shh! Don_'t get yourself kille.mp3  
This one is from Doom 2, I think the track from the game is actually called "DOOM", or "The Waste Tunnels"
Evan Pattison          In the Wake of a Legend
                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/In the Wake of a Legend.mp3  
This one is Cyan's theme from FF3/6
Maleh-Vor              Black Forest
                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Black Forest.mp3  
Castlevania 4 - Dark Forest Theme
smh                    A Tortured World
                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/A Tortured World.mp3  
This is from Golden Sun, The game track is called Sad Town.
                       Snowdrifts in Imil
                       http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Snowdrifts in Imil.mp3  
Also Golden Sun, track is called Imil.


Did a spot check.  Only recognized three so far. 


Higher Confidence: Star Ocean 3/Valkryie Profile Confidence in the Domination. (pretty much a rip)

TenguBlaster:  MegaMan 8 Saturn Version.  Tengu Man Stage

Refuge:  Phantasy Star III Town Theme

I know I heard First Place somewhere.  I want to say it was a Sega racer of some sort but I can't place it. Then again I might just be confusing it with that Do-op Do-op song from the muppets...

On 10/4/2018 at 4:03 AM, NovemberRhythm said:

Abort_Retry_Fail?      Mind of the Deku

This is the Deku Palace from Majora's Mask. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2foI62hzyQ8)

On 10/4/2018 at 4:03 AM, NovemberRhythm said:

BDBC                   Make One Up

This one is also the Deku Palace from Majora's Mask. Weird.


I couldn't get any others.



DrSeuss - Take it to the House (Zelda II)
Nemo - Mezzo Forte (Rockman & Forte)
nesprotection - Sunny Skies (StarTropics)
Nightsong - Lost Souls (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Nukkus - Spaced Departure (Space Quest III)
Quinn Fox - Miranda Block 4 is http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00697
Quinn Fox - Post Intermission (Ninja Gaiden)
Quinn Fox - Powerup Candles (Super Castlevania IV)

If I remember correctly, all of Void's VGMix submissions were stolen/plagiarized. 

More later.


Well, I was surprised because I noticed that Void sent many remixes of unknown games. :huh: But they were very good songs. Still, I really wanted to know where he got them from.

I thank everyone who continues to help



strike911 - Online Street Band (Mega Man Battle Network)

EDIT: Not sure how the labeling came to be, but I'm pretty sure Sal-Paradise - "Solace Eldean" is actually by Quinn Fox. No idea who or what Sal-Paradise is. Also, that MP3 is weird in that it fades in; when I originally had this file back in the day, the opening notes didn't fade in, they were at full volume. Dunno what game it corresponds to though.

As far as Void, maybe someone could dig up the drama thread from the VGMix2 days when his plagiarism was discovered, if that was archived anywhere. I don't think anyone had any discoveries on his VGMix1 postings unless he'd also put them up on VGMix2. From what I can remember, it was pretty obscure stuff from professional VGM arrange albums, but there could have been other sources. Maybe @Ramaniscence, @k-wix or some ex-VGMix staff would remember something about it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Quinn. :)


'Be Attitude' is from Radiant Silvergun.  Hard to do.  

'Ceramic Hallways' is from Phantasy Star 3.  Trash.

'Charm Vibes' is from Ristar.  A cute Latin style remix.

'Dark Engine' is from Scorcher.  Dont ask me what I was thinking, it's awful.

'Moonlight Alone' is from Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue.  One of my favorite RPG's ever.

'Submerged Forest' is from I have no clue.  I think it was option music from a Sega game, but that doesn't help..... been a long time.

'Tree to Woodwind' is from Panzer Dragoon Zwei.  I remember working very hard on this at the time.  Might not sound great, but damn, what a game....


Liontamer, you're right.  That 'Solace Eldean' track is definitely mine.  I wrote it back in 1996!!!  Not sure who yanked it, but strange; it was an original.






4 minutes ago, Quinn Fox said:

Hi, I'm Quinn. :)


'Be Attitude' is from Radiant Silvergun.  Hard to do.  

'Ceramic Hallways' is from Phantasy Star 3.  Trash.

'Charm Vibes' is from Ristar.  A cute Latin style remix.

'Dark Engine' is from Scorcher.  Dont ask me what I was thinking, it's awful.

'Moonlight Alone' is from Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue.  One of my favorite RPG's ever.

'Submerged Forest' is from I have no clue.  I think it was option music from a Sega game, but that doesn't help..... been a long time.

'Tree to Woodwind' is from Panzer Dragoon Zwei.  I remember working very hard on this at the time.  Might not sound great, but damn, what a game....


Liontamer, you're right.  That 'Solace Eldean' track is definitely mine.  I wrote it back in 1996!!!  Not sure who yanked it, but strange; it was an original.






Wow look who just came by.  Blast from the past. :]

On 10/29/2018 at 2:24 PM, Quinn Fox said:

Hi, I'm Quinn. :)


'Be Attitude' is from Radiant Silvergun.  Hard to do.  

'Ceramic Hallways' is from Phantasy Star 3.  Trash.

'Charm Vibes' is from Ristar.  A cute Latin style remix.

'Dark Engine' is from Scorcher.  Dont ask me what I was thinking, it's awful.

'Moonlight Alone' is from Lunar 2 : Eternal Blue.  One of my favorite RPG's ever.

'Submerged Forest' is from I have no clue.  I think it was option music from a Sega game, but that doesn't help..... been a long time.

'Tree to Woodwind' is from Panzer Dragoon Zwei.  I remember working very hard on this at the time.  Might not sound great, but damn, what a game....


Liontamer, you're right.  That 'Solace Eldean' track is definitely mine.  I wrote it back in 1996!!!  Not sure who yanked it, but strange; it was an original.






The "Solace Eldean" do you remember which game it is?

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I had forgotten to update the list (I had even forgotten about the existence of this topic) Finally with much effort I solved some more remixes over time. There are still 20 missing (I feel like I will never uncover the source of the Void remixes...)

Edited by NovemberRhythm

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