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I love you. I thought I was the only one who bought de Blob. House of the Dead Overkill is another fun investment. It's not as hard as the previous games, but it's got a lot more variety concerning game modes and weapons. Klonoa is also a quality game.

De Blob grew on me. I rented it, but I'm considering buying it. And I'm glad that it ended up selling some pretty modest numbers...

And yes, I have to get DK Jungle Beat, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy since I haven't played them in over a few years.

Where is Star Fox (the Super NES original)? And why isn't it on WiiWare? I know that Miyamoto considers Star Fox 64 to be the true beginning, but come on, I NEED that game!

I hope that Nintendo will announce some cool stuff at this years E3, I don't need a new Zelda and Mario as the "hardcore" audience keeps crying about as they play their other consoles with enough games to keep them happy, those games DON'T NEED TO BE RUSHED, they need to be handled with the care Nintendo of Japan is known for with it's games...

De Blob grew on me. I rented it, but I'm considering buying it. And I'm glad that it ended up selling some pretty modest numbers...

And yes, I have to get DK Jungle Beat, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy since I haven't played them in over a few years.

Where is Star Fox (the Super NES original)? And why isn't it on WiiWare? I know that Miyamoto considers Star Fox 64 to be the true beginning, but come on, I NEED that game!

I hope that Nintendo will announce some cool stuff at this years E3, I don't need a new Zelda and Mario as the "hardcore" audience keeps crying about as they play their other consoles with enough games to keep them happy, those games DON'T NEED TO BE RUSHED, they need to be handled with the care Nintendo of Japan is known for with it's games...

de Blob was a good game, I bought it (3 days before the price got halved :tomatoface:) a while back. I should probably play that again, if only for the cutscenes.

Although for star fox, I'd like to see Assault remade for the wii. I loved the multiplayer, and the single player wasn't half bad either. (shame all the ebay copies of the GC version are retardedly expensive). Hell, anything new for starfox on the wii would be good; the wii is mostly fox-free.

Quit trying to be cool people. We know Nintendo are popular so they aren't the hip underdog anymore, but Punch Out is the shit. I'd say that it beats the old Punch Out in every way imaginable and that it's the best Nintendo game to come out in a long time. That's saying something because Excite Bots is pretty awesome. Two fat Nintendo releases almost back to back and people have the nerve to ask "Where's the games?" Where's the love? MadWorld? They're not just solid, they're badass games.

I'm becoming annoyed with these "no good games since whatever Mario game" comments. If you haven't paid any attention to the Wii games coming out or the ones coming out just this summer then you need to look around, because they are out there. Heck, WiiWare and Virtual Console alone have more than my wallet can handle. It seems like every new review that comes out someone says "Finally a reason to own a Wii," as if they haven't said it about the past 15 Wii games they've reviewed. Go and out and buy the games then tell me that there's nothing worth playing.

God, I try to list off a ton of great games to a friend who pretty much does nothing but complain that Nintendo "killed hardcore gaming and haven't released anything worthwhile", and what does he say? "Those games don't appeal to me." It's not even like they're all in just a few genres, either. It's like he just wants to keep spouting off his opinion because it gives him something to complain about. I'd say he won't be happy until the next Zelda is released, but he'll probably end up complaining about that too.

I'd say he won't be happy until the next Zelda is released, but he'll probably end up complaining about that too.

Gosh, all Nintendo does is remakes! Gosh! Ugh! Come up with something original!

[/your friend]


You know what's something that's been irking me as of late? I own a 360 and picked up both Bionic Commando and BC:R and don't get me wrong, they're great. But I was really hoping that Nintendo would give us some RADD Spencer love and release the original NES title on the Virtual Console. Would it have really been that difficult? I know the Master D headsplosion may've been a problem, but seriously...

Playing through the two formers, I'd really like to check out the one that started it all (minus the arcade games). Anyone else agree?


No, not "pretty good." Excepting Mario, Golden Sun, and Metroid, it was a pretty terrible conference. They spent far too much time telling us about things we've already seen; things they announced at LAST year's conference. The Metroid and Mario were fantastic, but it was still a pretty crappy presser.


That's it? THAT'S IT?

Wow. Nintendo disappoints again. You would think that after the last few years, they would have kept something really big and awesome to gee everyone going.

So far, Sony and MS are tied for best conference. And that's just a shame, really, because neither are really that good.


I can't remember a time when Nintendo ever won the E3 conference, possibly excepting the SSBB year... so what? They always come through at some point, just be patient.

Its not like they crown the winner and have a dance for goodness sakes, its a showcase of things to come and Nintendo always has something up its sleeve.


I'd like to point out the year they announced Twilight Princess. And the Wii. It's a little far and few between, but they have have some years when they absolutely dominated the event with their conference.

Sadly, I fear that we will not be seeing much more this year. The conferences are where you bring out the big guns, and show everyone what you got. Yes, they can hold back and announce games and stuff, but the whole "shock and awe" of the conferences is the big draw.

Bo, bad show, Nintendo. You better have something for us later, or you're off my christmas card list.


I liked it, but I don't keep up with games as much like you guys so it was all new for me! :tomatoface:

I've fallen so far behind in the game ownership area that I now get to decide if I want to buy mario galaxy or mario galaxy 2 when next I am able to buy a wii game.


Wait, people watch the press conferences? My mistake, I never knew it was important to watch big wigs talk about stuff clearly meant for the PRESS. Snide remarks aside, I was pretty psyched for Sin and Punishment 2 and Red Steel 2. The latter got a major overhaul I think and is looking to be a pretty nice upgrade from the sadness that was the first one.

Definitely got a Stephen King's The Dark Tower Saga from the trailers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing...

Wait, people watch the press conferences? My mistake, I never knew it was important to watch big wigs talk about stuff clearly meant for the PRESS.

The press in gaming is made up of gamers. The conferences are aimed at the exact people the games and systems are aimed at. It's hype, yes, but it's direct hype. Direct to the very people that they know are going to be interested, not just to the general public.

It's also a good way to get a feel for the next year or so. The reaction to the unveiled stuff tells you what you can expect from the rest of the community.


Yeah, I suppose you're right. I've just never been big on hype trains and the like. I'll check a trailer or two out, maybe even watch someone else play it in the case of a wii game to see if its legit, but otherwise, I try to avoid developers and journalists spouting off their praise for a title that still has a ways to go in its creation.

Call me a stick-in-the-mud. Its just a preference.


I'm actually offended by Mario Galaxy 2.

The whole point of Galaxy was to bring something refreshing and new and the reason it took so long was because it was supposedly so hard to outdo Mario 64.

Bringing a sequel sort of undermines that whole idea in my opinion.

It doesn't look like it'll bring much new, exciting elements and I refuse to collect 120 stars AGAIN!!!

I'm just so done with gaming (in general), seriously ;_;

I'm actually offended by Mario Galaxy 2.

The whole point of Galaxy was to bring something refreshing and new and the reason it took so long was because it was supposedly so hard to outdo Mario 64.

Bringing a sequel sort of undermines that whole idea in my opinion.

It doesn't look like it'll bring much new, exciting elements and I refuse to collect 120 stars AGAIN!!!

I'm just so done with gaming (in general), seriously ;_;

You can't possibly be serious. Between this and the Left4Dead2 thread, I think I'm done with gamers.

The whole point of Galaxy was not to "bring something refreshing and new." The whole point of Galaxy was to make a fun game. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a sequel to a very fun game, and that's a bad thing?

Why does everything have to be BRAND NEW I'VE NEVER PLAYED ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE MY MIND IS BLOWN? What is so bad about more of a good thing?


Why does everything have to be BRAND NEW I'VE NEVER PLAYED ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE MY MIND IS BLOWN? What is so bad about more of a good thing?

If they make this one less linear, I absolutely agree with you. I loved Mario Galaxy. And I imagine they'll improve upon their very few weaknesses, and keep to all of their strengths, so I'm not worried.

Change isn't always a good thing Ray. Take Mario Sunshine for one. :tomatoface:

WHY DOES EVERYONE ON THIS SITE HATE MARIO SUNSHINE I thought that game was pretty rockin'.

I loved that game. Explored the world in and out. SO much more fun than 64, in my opinion. The world was just so well crafted.

And FUN!

I loved that game. Explored the world in and out. The world was just so well crafted.

And FUN!

I agree. But they removed long jumping. And hired voice actors. :-x

And the story was pretty poor....

You can't possibly be serious. Between this and the Left4Dead2 thread, I think I'm done with gamers.

The whole point of Galaxy was not to "bring something refreshing and new." The whole point of Galaxy was to make a fun game. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a sequel to a very fun game, and that's a bad thing?

Why does everything have to be BRAND NEW I'VE NEVER PLAYED ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE MY MIND IS BLOWN? What is so bad about more of a good thing?

First off, it is my opinion and how I feel about gaming. Altough my 'getting tired of gaming' comment did not come from Galaxy 2, but from how I've experienced gaming since the launch of the Wii. But that's not relevant right now.

I personally didn't enjoy Galaxy for many reasons, and so I personally am not happy with a sequel like that. That doesn't mean I'm saying they should change things because I'm one person who doesn't like the idea.

But making a Galaxy 2, on such small a time frame...that doesn't sit right with me.

Every bit of energy that is put in one project can not be put into something else. So usually that means the 'slot' for a certain franchise is taken and you don't have to expect anything better for at least so many years.

I felt the same way about Starfox, Donkey Kong and others.

I agree change isn't always better, but same-old, same-old isn't always better either.

It's fine if people enjoy these things, it just means that I'll have to wait, or look for something else. And that, I get tired of (and the disappointment :D ).

  • 1 month later...

Got Wii Sports Resort yesterday and played a bitof the sword, basketball, golf, and frisbee. I was a little worried at first, given how much I had heard about callibration issues and whatnot, but generally it has you recalibrating so often anyway (when you point to the dog in frisbee, when you taking your stance in golf, and just before the beginning of the match for sword and basketball) I didn't experience any problems in my playtime.

I was also worried the constant recalibrations would take you out of the experience; I started my playtime with sword, and was a little worried about it when after taking a stance just before the match as it instructed, it then instructing to essentially break my stance to point at the screen and press A. Since it never asked me to do that mid-play or anything, though, it wasn't quite so bad. I would say in frisbee or golf, the calibration actually somehow adds to the experience given how it was disguised.

I really started having fun with in my second time playing that slicing game with the sword, when I realized all I needed to do was slice as I would in the direction indicated and not have to wait for my Mii to necessarily take the same angle before the cut. Out of the 4 games I played, in terms of fun I'd personally rank them as sword, golf, basketball, and frisbee, but all of them were enjoyable. Looking forward to having a bit more time to play with the game and with WiiMotionPlus (which, incidentally, I would rather they just release another controller with it built in than releasing "controller expansions"), but I have to say so far I'm pretty impressed.

WHY DOES EVERYONE ON THIS SITE HATE MARIO SUNSHINE I thought that game was pretty rockin'.
Crappy music. Uninspired stage design. Boring. A weak game overall compared to Mario64.

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