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I watched the last set of vids on the night of the 16th (was like 10PM), and they said the 20th. They might've changed it some time before that, but other than that it's probably just your imagination.

I viewed those videos when they first went up on the evening of the 16th, and they said the 20th then. Nintendo's had a pretty steady cycle going since the channel first released, with weekly VC releases and semiweekly video releases, so I assume we'll have Super Metroid + vids tomorrow and at least one more video release due later next week (possibly a final one on the "official" game release date next Monday, seeing as how most street dates are Tuesday or Wednesday).

They need to bring Mother 1 over as well since they already translated it back in the day. It'd be hard to blame the distribution costs as a reason not to with the VC.

I have a feeling that if mother 3 DOES get released, it will be on a sort of compilation cart for the DS with all three games.


You know, a friend of mine earlier said there was nothing coming out for Wii that looks like it'd be worth playing, except for the titles from Nintendo.

I went over to IGN, looked at the Wii release dates and listed off a small army of games that are worth playing, if not all quite worth owning. Here's the list I came up with, just by the end of this year.

MP3: Corruption (Nintendo)

Dewy's Adventure (Konami)

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Aksys Games)

MySims (EA)

Mercury Meltdown Revolution (Ignition Entertainment)

DDR: Hottest Party (Konami)

Bleach: Shattered Blade (Sega)

Zack & Wiki (Capcom)

Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution (D3 Publisher)

Battalion Wars II (Nintendo)

Guitar Hero III (Red Octane)

Fire Emblem (Nintendo)

Geometry Wars Galaxies (Sierra)

Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)

DBZ: Budokai 3 (Atari)

NiGHTS (Sega)

Nitrobike (Ubisoft)

Trauma Center: New Blood (Atlus)

Bully: Scholarship Edition (Rockstar Games)

Victorious Boxers: Revolution (XSEED games)

Smash Bros (Nintendo)

Notice that only 4 of those are from Nintendo.

Anyone else want to share the games they think would be good, solid, non-party style games, that would be worth at least a good weekend rental, to show people the kind of quality that's set to roll out by the end of the year?

Notice that only 4 of those are from Nintendo.

I felt the need to verify your counting skills, and discovered an error. :tomatoface:

In any case, I will probably be getting 6 of those... which will put me out around 400$ before Christmas on those alone. 8O When the hell am I gonna send my Wii away for repairs on the faulty GPU??? Theres a constant stream of awesome that I shouldn't be without!!!

I felt the need to verify your counting skills, and discovered an error. :tomatoface:

In any case, I will probably be getting 6 of those... which will put me out around 400$ before Christmas on those alone. 8O When the hell am I gonna send my Wii away for repairs on the faulty GPU??? Theres a constant stream of awesome that I shouldn't be without!!!

Oops, yeah. Mistake. 5 from Nintendo.

Still, out of a list of 21 games, that's HUGE 3rd party support.

I saw that earlier. Haven't video games had things like this since before the NES days? I don't see why it's really a big deal.

The difference is that there's a general embargo on all direct media from the game that isn't given directly by Nintendo, until sometime this week.

The difference is that there's a general embargo on all direct media from the game that isn't given directly by Nintendo, until sometime this week.

Oh my bad, I thought you were referring to something in the video, not the video itself.


It's Monday. Where's my Super Metroid?

You'd think by now Nintendo could have the process automated and streamlined so new games and whatever else went up first thing every Monday. There's no reason for delays.


North American Virtual Console releases today:

Super Metroid (SNES) - Back in the days of Kraid

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (GEN) - Who needs the first two?

Neutopia (T16) - An action RPG where you run around collecting 8 things to rescue a princess who isn't named Zelda

So. Because Bigfoot is too slow to, I'll go right ahead and make the massive spoiler post.

First hour of MP3:Corruption. Don't watch if you don't want it spoiled.

Ripped from Kotaku who ripped it from GoNintendo who ripped it from GamesRadar.


Hey, I just woke up, and hey I don't want to watch those anyway :P

And hey, don't poke me, haha.


So, after I broke down and watched a little of those spoiler videos, the cover actually makes sense.. complete with the 3 Samus images on it.

Dark Samus isn't Corrupt Samus. Samus was corrupted by the phazon, but if you watch the good ending of Echoes, you understand just what happened, and where things are going.


Two words "SUPER METROID". I want to get back to playing this game so I'm going to make this quick, Did anyone see today's MP 3 video updates. 2 words, Auroa and METROIDS!


I have to agree. Damn was that Valhalla video exciting. Can't can't can't can't wait to play this game.

Also, a big WTF in Super Metroid. I could've sworn I'd gotten everything, including all the Super Missiles, so why now that I am recharging in Tourian do I only have 40 of those suckers? Rrrrrgh so annoying to have to go back and figure out where I missed 'em...


Anyone else notice a refresh issue on super metroid?

The flickering isn't steady, like it was on the SNES, when you take damage or are using an elevator.

Edit, hours and hours later...

You know, I just noticed something, that flies right in the face of Nintendo, when they say the Wrecked Ship in Super Metroid, isn't the same as the ship you down in Zero Mission.


It's the security droid, the same type you deal with several times in the pirate ship at the end of Zero Mission.

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