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Nintendo REALLY needs to push Mii integeration into all games, or at least all multiplayer games. Hell, they don't even have to look like Miis if it won't fit the game style. Mii is an awesome idea: user-made characters that work in all games. Finally, you no longer have to spend an hour customizing your character - just import a Mii.

Except Nintendo isn't using 'em. Seriously. Only a whopping total of 3 games use them, and the number isn't growing anytime soon. I'm not gonna count the Everybody Votes channel, or the upcoming Popularity Channel. They aren't games.

Anyone else notice their Wii getting slower to boot as they get more channels? From what I've read, the Wii has to setup each Channel's preview program before showing the menu.... I have 13 channels currently, did Nintendo just never expect people to have a lot of channels? The Shop Channel JavaScript has an error message for being out of channel SLOTS. I thought it would just add on another page, but... Still, having 48 channels must take FOREVER to boot. I'm hoping for some firmware updates.

Nintendo REALLY needs to push Mii integeration into all games, or at least all multiplayer games. Hell, they don't even have to look like Miis if it won't fit the game style. Mii is an awesome idea: user-made characters that work in all games. Finally, you no longer have to spend an hour customizing your character - just import a Mii.

Except Miis are ugly. Character customization is one of my favorite parts of a lot of games. Making crazy looking boxers in Fight Night, awesome looking warriors in games like Morrowind, scantily clad babes in Soul Calibur 3... If those were all replaced with some ugly q-tip man that sort of looked like a person I would be sad.


Killer7's graphics worked because of the fixed camera perspectives. Now that it's free roaming, it looks a bit less stylised and a bit more like a Playstation game.. maybe Suda should move away from the daylight scenes. Otherwise, bring it on.

And Hecker is such a pussy for apologising. Then again, working on Spore would be a pretty good job.


I think the graphics look fine. The voice acting, on the other hand, sounds exactly like it did in the original trailer, which is a horrible thing.

Is it *really* that hard to hire semi-professional voice actors these days? Hell, Killer 7 had some decent ones.

Except Miis are ugly. Character customization is one of my favorite parts of a lot of games. Making crazy looking boxers in Fight Night, awesome looking warriors in games like Morrowind, scantily clad babes in Soul Calibur 3... If those were all replaced with some ugly q-tip man that sort of looked like a person I would be sad.

i see mii more like a way to link all your stat around all game into one character. I don't want either lose the ability to built character in game. But some all around stat from various game could be use and stored into your me data.

I think the graphics look fine. The voice acting, on the other hand, sounds exactly like it did in the original trailer, which is a horrible thing.

Is it *really* that hard to hire semi-professional voice actors these days? Hell, Killer 7 had some decent ones.

You -do- realize that he -wants- such horrible voice acting, right?

I just scored a 187 in Tanks! :-o

Man, that little game is so addictive.

It sure is! Good lucking beating all 100 levels x_x I only got to like 60.

In a general note; I watched the first 2 parts of Miyamoto's speech and it was quite moving.

It seems like not so long ago when we were all anticipating any bit of info regarding the new Nintendo system and now it's here and doing great :)

I'm in marketing so I find the strategy and vision behind Nintendo very interesting. Oh to be part of something great like that *sigh*

I hope to be a game designer myself in 5 years though and I can only dream of ever bringing my games to the system. :)

Plus he's awesomer than you.

How many Killer7's have YOU made?

At least 3 the last time i checked.


I'm conflicted on the crappy voice acting. It's like the KillBill thing. It's stupid and over the top but that was the goal, so is that good? Guess it depends on your preference. No More Heroes trailer reminds me of Gungrave. Mmm..gungrave.

Guess what?

He probably doesn't care what you want.

You're absolutely right, he *doesn't* care what I or anyone wants in the game. He's one of those guys who thinks "Games are art, maaaaaaaan." That's why Killer 7 was so tedious at times. "Master." -3 seconds- "We're in a tight spot!" -5 seconds- "Tighter than tight, even!" Yeah, that's real cool. Characters who use catch phrases. Oooh, you're different you rebel you.

But Killer 7 was good because it was unique in how it played, had a great story that was backed up by great animated sequences and decent voice acting. NMH doesn't look like there's much at all unique about it. It looks incredibly generic. Even the Wiimote actions for the wrestling moves are being used in games like the Godfather port. This seems like another GTA clone with a director who promises "This game will be more violent than Manhunt 2!"

Yeah, will it? Focus on the game instead of trying to be to make something artistic, extremely violent or intentionally stupid. Everyone is aware he's capable of making good, "different" games, but this isn't Killer 7. It's something new and unproven and right now, it just doesn't look all that impressive.

And bad voice acting, even if intentional, is stupid. It's not cool or funny, it's an excuse to not spend the cash to hire professionals.



Games may have artistic merit, but games designed specifically to be art, don't do well at all. Art is something created for the love of the medium, for the select few. There is no such thing as Mass Media Fine Art.

Except Miis are ugly. Character customization is one of my favorite parts of a lot of games. Making crazy looking boxers in Fight Night, awesome looking warriors in games like Morrowind, scantily clad babes in Soul Calibur 3... If those were all replaced with some ugly q-tip man that sort of looked like a person I would be sad.

Miis can be made to suit every graphic style you can think of, as they exist merely as a collection of stats(And as a result are very tiny to store, the Mii specification even has some leftover space for future additions) As long as characteristics are treated the same, a Mii will look like the same person in a variety of designs across games. Of course, this also depends on the game's designer and how they implement Miis.

Miis can be made to suit every graphic style you can think of, as they exist merely as a collection of stats(And as a result are very tiny to store, the Mii specification even has some leftover space for future additions) As long as characteristics are treated the same, a Mii will look like the same person in a variety of designs across games. Of course, this also depends on the game's designer and how they implement Miis.

I, for one, would like to see Nintendo release a Mii Channel V2, or something. Keep all the original stuff, but add extra customization features. Things that can be unlocked, or downloaded.

By this point, the popularity channel has been mostly played out, with people seeing the Miis all over the internet, so allowing for something totally new would expand on it.

I, for one, would like to see Nintendo release a Mii Channel V2, or something. Keep all the original stuff, but add extra customization features. Things that can be unlocked, or downloaded.

By this point, the popularity channel has been mostly played out, with people seeing the Miis all over the internet, so allowing for something totally new would expand on it.

Doubt it. Changing the Mii's binary format would cause ten kinds of havoc for every game that was written to read Mii, version 1. The results would be either:

1. Crashing

2. Save data corruption

3. Nothing at all (rare)

4. Missingno Miis

Avoiding that would require patching every Wii game that uses Miis, and I don't think there's a game-patching system for retail games. The Wii simply doesn't have enough memory for it.

And as for the popularity channel, I just wanna know when it comes out. I'm guessing 2 days from now, since it's a month since the suprise launch of the Everybody Votes channel, and we've been seeing new channels spaced about a month apart.

Also, how come everyone is ragging on the Wii's weak Q2 lineup? Q2 lineups always suck, videogames are still pretty seasonal, which I don't like.


Just a quick note: what makes you think that Nintendo would program so poorly, that they can't extend functionality of a standard object like Mii's, without causing problems with backwards compatibility? It would be quite simple, really, from a programming standpoint.

Just a quick note: what makes you think that Nintendo would program so poorly, that they can't extend functionality of a standard object like Mii's, without causing problems with backwards compatibility? It would be quite simple, really, from a programming standpoint.

Exactly. It'd be pretty much just like an MP3 ID3 tag. You have the classic, V1 which only has a fixed amount of info, then V2 which has the same info, but expanded vastly and with more options.

Hell, that could be why Nintendo has so far said no, to letting any other companies utilize Mii's in their games. Expanding a Mii save data by 1kbit is all it would take, to increase the amount of information by a vast amount, without losing any of the original, "classic mii" information. Very little of what's in there involves positioning. And since positions can be stored fairly easily within a short range, having 128 potentials above and 127 potentials below a default position, would mean a seemingly wide level of customization, in only 8 bits. For most of the features, well.. they could have 256 hair styles, 256 eye styles, 256 colors, 256 heights, 256 girths, 256 positions for nose, 256 positions for eyes, 256 shapes of eyes, 256 shapes of noses... you see how this is going? each one of those ranges of 256 is just 1 byte. 8 bits. 1 kilobit would allow for 128 features that, between them, could each have 256 positions or choices, and would barely take up any memory at all for storage.

Also, how come everyone is ragging on the Wii's weak Q2 lineup? Q2 lineups always suck, videogames are still pretty seasonal, which I don't like.

WHO'S RAGGING IN IT? SUPER PAPER MARIO COMES OUT Q2. that alone is enough to make it awesome. MP8 is also coming out in May.


MP8 is one of the few MP games I've actually looked forward to getting instead of it being yet another title in an over-milked series. The Wii was practically made for minigames.

Apparently there are only 6 boards again though, which is pretty lame.

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