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I need a recommendation, noobs. (military science fiction)

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I've been watching Space: Above and Beyondand playing X3: Reunion. It's got me in a mood for some good military science fiction. Can any of you characters give me some titles or authors to look into?

I've read almost all of Stephen Baxter's work, same with Alastair Reynolds. Mike Resnick was really good, too. Aliens novels blow goats, so that's right out. I've been considering reading David Weber, but he has kind of an intimidating body of work.

Blah, blah, blah. So, can anybody help a brother out?


other books become somehow obsolete afterwards.

My girlfriend's brother works for Orson Scott Card. Helps him organize his CDs occasionally and gets to take home any dupes.

But yeah, Ender's Game, and then Ender's Shadow. If you're really up for it after that, go for Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind.

do a barrel roll


Also yeah, Starship Troopers.

parasoul, you're a funny guy.

Starship Troopers QFE.

I've heard good things about Neuromancer and just recently my friends' English class studied Enders Game, and it sounds really interesting, so I think I might go pick it up soon.


It'll take me until the end of time to finish all Asimov's stuff but Ender's Game was pretty awesome when I read it a few years back. If I ever finish with Asimov I'll read the rest of that series even though friends have told me the later books aren't all that good.


I'll pick up starship troopers this friday, Any other amazing books? I've read all of Orson Scott Card's stuff... Hah, I read Ender's Game in a day my first time, its that effin' awesome.

What about Dune? I read the original, and 2 of the 3 prelude books... sadly I never finished House Corrino because at the time, they were only selling it as a hard cover, and I couldn't afford it back then... Has anyone read the last book?

I'll pick up starship troopers this friday, Any other amazing books? I've read all of Orson Scott Card's stuff... Hah, I read Ender's Game in a day my first time, its that effin' awesome.

What about Dune? I read the original, and 2 of the 3 prelude books... sadly I never finished House Corrino because at the time, they were only selling it as a hard cover, and I couldn't afford it back then... Has anyone read the last book?

Yes, it is good. Cool stuff happens and the reader is pleased.

I'll read the rest of that series even though friends have told me the later books aren't all that good.

It depends on what you liked about Ender's Game. They're all different from the plot of Ender's Game. The Ender series focuses on life 3000 years in the future with another sentient race. The Shadow series focuses on Bean, Peter Wiggin and the other members of Battle School, how the Earth played out between the time Ender left Eros and arived on Shakespeare.

I personally enjoyed the Ender Saga more. Because the characters were so well developed, and it was set in a truly science fiction future, involving different planets, different science. And yet still focused on the same hardships humans face today such as religious difference, greed, selfishness, stubbornness and just general lying.

I've been watching Space: Above and Beyondand playing X3: Reunion. It's got me in a mood for some good military science fiction. Can any of you characters give me some titles or authors to look into?

Military science fiction? Good suggestions here. Heck, read the rest of the site too, though it's more useful for authors than readers it's still awesome.


I knew I could count on you bastards. I've read Ender's Game, Starship Troopers, and Neuromancer. My buddy gave me the three "sequels" to Ender's Game, and I'll be reading those soon. I've enjoyed Zahn's work with Star Wars, though I haven't read his other stuff. I'll look into that.

If you like Naval Sci-fi, you might want to check out Hunt's Dark Wing books.

I absolutely must recommend Bill, the Intergalactic Hero, by Harry Harrison. Superb satire.

I think that I'll wait until all the Christmas sales and hit the shit out of the book stores. Maybe I'll finally read Grunts. Who knows?

But, if you're a fan of hard sci-fi, you should look into Stephen Baxter. I've been a huge fan of his since I read Ring, about four, five years ago.

Thanks for the link, brother.


I read the first one, I thought it was pretty bad. I've found that most adaptations have disappointed. The Doom books, while awesome, were kinda crappy. And the Aliens novels have consistently let me down. There have been a few exceptions, like the Stargate novel that I thought was pretty good. I don't remember what it was called, though.

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