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Why don't you go chase after Ginger some more? I'm not going to take my shirt off, so you can go ahead and leave this thread. :D
Oh, snap!10 characters
But how is that the fault of anyone in UnMod? If you look around the Web, the notion of having a bigger post count to fit in is not an UnMod or OCR trait. It's everywhere. Every site forum at some point has had someone make a sarcastic remark regarding a person's post count, and how it wasn't big enough to make that poster be taken seriously.

I never said it was the fault of anyone in UnMod, and I certainly didn't have that intent when I posted my perceptions of what went on. I know it goes on everywhere- of course. Perhaps I am completely off on my thoughts about what could have caused the abuse (i.e. postcount, popularity contests, etc). I am willing to accept that, no problem! I obviously didn't spend as much time there as you all, so I only know what a few people have expressed to me behind the scenes.

The point is, there was abuse, and that abuse is what eventually made OffTopic our best possible compromise. That's all I was trying to clarify. I am mostly in agreement with you, Coop, about your vision of OffTopic. I meant that essay post as an attempt to explain my perceptions, so that people might have better insight as to why UnMod was deleted. My perceptions are mine alone, and I don't necessarily speak for the rest of the staff. Just trying to help, honestly.

Why don't you go chase after Ginger some more? I'm not going to take my shirt off, so you can go ahead and leave this thread. :D

Oh god get over yourself, you're not fucking good looking at all ok. Fuck. You make a personal attack on my boy Syl, and nothing happens to you, therefore me saying this, should lead to no repercussions, unless of course the mods are fucking biased.

pixietricks is OCR's second greatest troll next to me.

rock on

Honestly I don't care that this is gendisc you need to POST MORE!

This post is an example of why I miss unmod. It made me LAUGH!

Why don't you go chase after Ginger some more? I'm not going to take my shirt off, so you can go ahead and leave this thread. :D

Nice work on being a mature, diplomatic example of a representative of this website. You are certainly above the level of any of UnMod regular. Bravo to you.

This is probably the first time i've actually heard someone attempt to insult me using Ginger in a very long time. People actually got the fuck over it in the few years since any of that bullshit happened.

I did make a small remark about your personal life; so i can't say that was entirely unexpected. Still, I was harshly telling you too not use over generalizations of the unmods; you did nothing but prove my point by attempting to insult me using a particular topic that has long since been dead and buried.


Touched a nerve there, huh?

I'm some noob. An UnModder noob. Who are you?

I am Eulogic.

Anyway, it is no secret that they had been planning to delete UnMod for a long time now, so I don't see why it's such a big deal that it was deleted swiftly. Sure, some warning might have been nice, but it's not AHHHH RIOT IN THE STREETS.

Also, last time I checked, pixie does not have admin access. She already admitted that she does not know the innermost workings of UnMod, and she was merely guessing as to what caused the events that led to the deletion of UnMod. But hey, you're going to flame her no matter what she says, even if it is a joke about Syl that any one of you might have made.

The person who did delete UnMod, djpretzel, has already said his part in this thread, and it was generally well-received. This thread hasn't really had a purpose since then, and we can only hope that it will soon wither and die.

Nice work on being a mature, diplomatic example of a representative of this website. You are certainly above the level of any of UnMod regular. Bravo to you.

Honestly, I would prefer the OCR staff to act on the level of an UnMod regular rather than above it, if it's just the same to you.

Why don't you go chase after Ginger some more? I'm not going to take my shirt off, so you can go ahead and leave this thread. :D

I hope you know that being a complete bitch is doing little to help substantiate any of your claims about the state of unmod prior to its deletion or to convince anybody that any of this didn't have any other source of motivation. GG.


I was going to quote Pixie and point out some stuff, but it seems to have been covered by Syl, Coop, Monobrow, and a few others.

As such, I instead offer this in regards to them.


Really. Comments like that just seem to reinforce the "us vs. them" mentality that's already rampant enough.

Honestly, I think it was a joke in an attempt to reconcile "us" and "them," as she already said was her intention for Off-Topic.


it is very, very late. i am very, very tired. but I would just like to say, that both sides are throwing out stuff that is not helping the situation, and it sucks, frankly. good night.


Let's try to keep thing a bit more civil here people. I don't want this thread to get deleted like the other ones.

Could somebody clear up something for me? The word "abuse" has been thrown around a lot lately. I'm just a lowly lurker, so I might not be familiar with the "abuse" going on all over the place. I am familiar with the comments in response to the sidebar, but that situation was dealt with many moons ago. From my browsing of the forums, I have not seen anything that could warrant the deletion of an entire forum. I know that the mods would have dealt with this abuse and that they could probably cite specific examples to clarify what this abuse is like. I feel that the community would be more understanding if they could see that exact reason why their beloved forum was deleted.

Right now, "abuse" just seems like a term coined to be an excuse for deletion. Kinda like the term "weapons of mass destruction."

Let's try to keep thing a bit more civil here people. I don't want this thread to get deleted like the other ones.

Could somebody clear up something for me? The word "abuse" has been thrown around a lot lately. I'm just a lowly lurker, so I might not be familiar with the "abuse" going on all over the place. I am familiar with the comments in response to the sidebar, but that situation was dealt with many moons ago. From my browsing of the forums, I have not seen anything that could warrant the deletion of an entire forum. I know that the mods would have dealt with this abuse and that they could probably cite specific examples to clarify what this abuse is like. I feel that the community would be more understanding if they could see that exact reason why their beloved forum was deleted.

Right now, "abuse" just seems like a term coined to be an excuse for deletion. Kinda like the term "weapons of mass destruction."

I was wondering the same thing (Sir, our intelligence says that there are weapons of mass destruction in this forum... ;))- I am curious to see a few specifics on what the abuse in question was. I'm not questioning if it existed, I'm just curious to see it.


"Abuse" was originally used to refer to a few self-contained incidents in which some people made fun of pixie. Now finding out that this would not fly, she has decided to retcon it a third or fourth time to mean some forum invasion or fictional attacks.


In a PM with pixie...

[01/10 02:49] (Eulogic): you could always respond with "Why don't you go chase after Ginger some more. I'm not going to take my shirt off, so you can go ahead and leave this thread."

[01/10 02:49] (Eulogic): Question mark instead of period after the first sentence.

[01/10 02:49] (pixietricks): because that would fan the flames :P

[01/10 02:49] (Eulogic): Honestly, I'm not sure it would.

[01/10 02:50] (pixietricks): well, then you can say it, lol

[01/10 02:50] (pixietricks): i'm not gonna take the risk

[01/10 02:50] (Eulogic): but it's funnier coming from you

[01/10 02:50] (Eulogic): and I think it will actually ingratiate you with the UnModders a little

Meanwhile, in another neck of the woods...

[01/10 03:19] (LEGENDARY POSTER): i'm gonna post just to call pixie a bitch

dance puppets dance

Anyway, I think this thread is pretty much over.

Honestly, I think it was a joke in an attempt to reconcile "us" and "them," as she already said was her intention for Off-Topic.

Well, while the intention may have been good, with the way things are now people are already feeling insulted and what look like personal attacks (even if they aren't meant as such) won't help. Rather than an attempt to reconcile, it easily comes off as an attempt to further drive the wedge.

My apologies for the misunderstanding, though, if that's the case.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all.

I think mostly that the problem between the site administration and the people of UnMod within the last year was a lack of communication.

There was no real communication, besides a post at gerbilfat by myf (who is now pretty much MIA) about the direction everything was going to take. And instead of letting people who were genuinely concerned about the direction of the site have any say/complaint/question, they were all pretty much dismissed.

I still remember someone calling the people of UnMod a bunch of "nobodies" during the sidebar fiasco.

And now I will definitely retain the words of another certain someone telling the good (little) people of UnMod to "phase out"

And I will still remember when even another certain someone pretty much called me a liar a couple days ago when all I was trying to do was prove that at one point, both sides of this little e-drama-war had tried to make up and move on. It seems to me that the only mod that really extended any hand to the since alienated part of this community was Gray, and he's gone. It's no surprise that this little bubble of the internet has burst. But what is surprising is that after the fact, many people in the administration are acting surprised that things played out the way they did.

I know remixing and music is important, I know that there are other parts of this site... But one of the biggest issues always seemed to be this forum that wasn't "supposed" to matter. And it always seemed to me that the majority of the people that hated it so much were people who never went there.

Hearing constantly how bad the place is, how much of a cesspool it was, how immature everyone was, and how on the whole worthless to the community it was pretty much says it all in terms of the reaction on that part of the community. It went from being a running joke to people actually becoming defensive about their points of view on the matter.

And about downloading remixes: I will say this, if you aren't (on the whole) going to give the people (fans) who do not remix or contribute to the site any respect, then you aren't going to receive any in return. It's not about the music, it's about the artist. When someone doesn't like someone else's personal agenda, especially if they are running the "show" so to speak, then they aren't going to support what they are trying to represent in any way, shape, or form. It's not the remixes, it's not the music quality or the process, it's the people behind it. And when things start getting so personalized as they did, instead of taking a step back from the picture as I would have hoped a mod should, it seemed that everything from both ends become agenda-based. And when people questioned that agenda, it was like they become an enemy. That is when generalizations come in, when you group people together. And guess what? A lot of those people DID eventually band up together. I mean, why not? They were all being labeled anyway.

And suddenly the same was being done from another end. People in UnMod started to group the mods together, the admins, the judges, anyone in a position of authority, because they had become slowly alienated. Think about it, who is calling you worthless? Someone in authority, and no one else in authority is doing anything about it? Well they certainly must be condoning it. Therefore they aren't any different.

I am not about who started all of this first, I think it all just accumulated from a general attitude from both parties. But the fact remains that as a mod, as someone who has any sort of power or sway in this site, to act surprised at the outcome of this situation is completely baffling to me.

It's like goading someone to slap you in the face, and then acting surprised when they actually do so. And then crying that it hurt, followed by using the fact that they resorted to the said slap as a justification for everything you believed before about them. "They are so childish, I will show you by demeaning them and calling them childish until they do something that is childish which will justify me calling them childish in the first place!"

I liked UnMod. I liked it because I could unwind and have fun on the internet with people I could identify with. These people had mostly come to the site because of the songs, they downloaded them, listened to them, and then they went to become part of a community that also downloaded them and listened to them. But let's face it, you can only talk about how much you like so and so's song so much. (and remember that you can't even have a favorites list in the forums etc.) So what are people going to talk about?

I enjoyed the fact that the site was about video game music, which I still listen to. But what is wrong with a community of people using this website as common ground to form friendships? I enjoy the fact that there was a community so tight-knit, that I actually ended up caring what happened, and thinking about this issue to the point of getting directly involved with people I have never met nor "should" give a damn about. If this place was just about remixes, I would have never gotten as involved as I have, simply because I would have never connected with the friends I made. I would have just downloaded songs once in a while, and probably would have eventually lost interest. The community kept me visiting, again, and again, and again.

I think most of the people that seem so against the community of UnMod as being worthless should look around at the friends they themselves have made, even if not in UnMod. Calling a community of people worthless then will become ironic.

I'm quoting myself because I think what is happening right now in this thread is directly tied to this subject. Pixie, you can't have it both ways... You came to this thread with your reasoning that you felt was perfectly justifiable. But other people had their own views on what your reasoning meant. If you are just speaking for yourself, then fine, but don't expect to flame someone who is angry about an entire forum being deleted with something like that and not have any sort of reaction.

The intent of your post may have been your personal view, but it sounded to me like it was supposed to represent the views of the admin/mods as well. The whole "we" thing. Therefore, in this thread, you are a representative of an ideal of more than one person. Syl was talking about his own personal view, as was I, as was the Coop, as was everyone else here who has responded. The fact that you grouped us all together again, with this "mob" mentality thing, to justify the deletion of UnMod actually surprises me this time, because I had thought there was a lesson learned.

If you want to flame Syl, especially under these circumstances, don't expect everyone to play nice. It's not going to happen, especially here, because you were partially responsible for influencing the very deletion of the only place where you could actually get away with it. And since you never participated in UnMod, never actually had any real interaction with Syl before, I would say that you are either goading an already angry community member, and therefore many people who agree with him into acting "angry" to prove your point that we are all bad people, and that you are masochistic enough to use yourself as the bait, or that you just don't really know at all what you are trying to do. But one thing I will say, even if a point has been made, it applies to you as well.

I really would like to know what the exact motivation was for you to post what you did. I am trying to be nice here, even though I feel like the same hasn't been done to me. Others are not, they are way past that point.

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