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Luckily' date=' you don't need to read too much with 360 games :P[/quote']

Not only did that make no sense, you're not adding anything.

Back to the topic at hand, I never felt the urge to get new skins and themes for the system yet. The default remains by far the best IMO.

Gais! Gais!

Wing Commander at the marketplace!

Edit: Wow... That was made of uber letdown. Nevermind.

I take it it was bad?

And there are rumors of a $50 price cut for the 360 coming around the release of Madden '08. In addition, for those who can't wait, you can get one now from Toys 'R Us for a $50 gift card (in store only). Roughly 2 more months until the Halo 3 bombshell releases...


Wing Commander isn't bad, per se, but it isn't incredibly deep.

Also, for those curious, there are a bunch of new demos this week: Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM, All Pro Football 2K8, NASCAR 08, and Moto GP 08. They also put up the E3 trailer of Orange Box, which is by far my most anticipated game of the year.


So, Walmart's Help Center has confirmed that they are rolling back the price of ALL 360 models by $50-80 soon - speculation says that August 8th is the target date, and a $50 price drop across all models (unlike Sony's 60 GB PS3 clearance). Not the best of deals, but if you buy it now, you can go to customer service and request a price adjustment for a refund when it actually happens.


I was waiting for this price cut to gather some money for a xbox360, but seeing that one of my main reasons to get one(GoW) will come to the PC, and that this means that most good games will eventually come to pc, my interest in an xbox360 has dissipated a little.

Rock band with its awesome peripherals and download content promises might change my mind, unless it eventually comes to the wii, which is first in my next-gen shopping list.

Let me give you a little help:

Mass Effect

Assassin's Creed

Orange Box

Halo 3

Eternal Sonata

Blue Dragon

Lost Odyssey

Virtua Fighter 5 (with online)

nothing wrong with this list. but if you had to choose one rpg (from what I've played) go with eternal sonata over Blue dragon, lost odyssey is a whole 'nother argument.

also ROCKBAND!!!!1

nothing wrong with this list. but if you had to choose one rpg (from what I've played) go with eternal sonata over Blue dragon, lost odyssey is a whole 'nother argument.

also ROCKBAND!!!!1

I forgot about Rockband. And also I should add Guitar Hero III, to a lesser extent (since it's multiplatform).

Also, I will second your suggestion of Eternal Sonata before Blue Dragon. I played ES at E3, and it is sublimely beautiful both visually and the way the battle system works. It's a lot like Star Ocean.

EDIT- I also forgot to mention Bioshock, which will be one of the contenders for Game of the Year. OXM gave it a 10/10 and PC Gamer have it a 95%.

Price cut:

Core will now be $280

Premium will now be $350

Elite will now be $450

Halo 3:

Bungie confirmed 4 player online co-op through the campaign.

Too tired to grab links, but you can find them when you get time.

Clearly, this will help me find an Elite.



My god there are so many games I'm wanting for the 360.

Eternal Sonata

Halo 3

Ace Combat 6

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of The Year edition

Beautiful Katamari

Battlefield 2

Tomb Raider Legend/Anniversary

Mass Effect

Soul Caliber 4

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2

Resident Evil 5


Call of Duty 4

Grand Theft Auto 4

Not to mention any games that might come out for the Arcade later on like Puzzle Fighter. Man I love this box


Does anyone know when the new SF2 is coming out? The "HD" version of turbo that Udon is doing the art for? I'm looking forward to that on the arcade.


The demo for Fatal Inertia hit the marketplace today. It's a futuristic racer, think f zero with tracks like motorstorm (At least the one from the demo looks motorstorm-ish) It's pretty neat.

So in regards to Rockband. I've pretty much chosen rock band for my faux guitar video game needs. (over Gh3) Today they anounced 11 more tracks from Guitar hero 3 and it made me curious. The Strokes' song Reptilia is in GH3 AND Rock band, i thought that was kind of queer. Though i've been waiting for that song in GH since the begining, i even submitted it to that GH3 contest they had a couple months ago.

EDIT: GTA4 got delayed. one less game we all have to buy this year. woot

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