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I was playing my 360 a decent amount but the second I got brawl that was completely over. I only turn it on now and then because I got burnout paradise and my friend likes to play it on live, but other than those rare occurrences its brawl brawl brawl.

Because of my 360, i've retired my Wii for a while. It's the 360's turn to take a break in March. :P

Same here.

Just been going back and forth from XBOX Live and RE:UC and Super Mario Galaxy with Luigi.

I have to finish those games before Brawl comes out.

Seconded. I prefer the X360 controls and thought the X360 version of Orange Box was excellent. However, I got it on release, and I'm actually quite ashamed to say that I still haven't even tried out Team Fortress 2 yet. You can probably gather that I'm not much of a MP guy.

So if you're like me, I can assure you that you won't regret buying it.

Cool, thanks Atma and Nazxul. Just bought it online.

There's always Devil May Cry 4, Call of Duty 4 (lots of fours..), Grand Theft Auto 4 (again?), Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect expansion, Too Human (if it's any good), then Soul Calibur 4 (Four again) by June.

I'm basically only going to use the Wii for No More Heroes and SSBB for now. And maybe the occasional Galaxy. Then Kart later in the year.

That and XBLA is still pretty amazing. I'm hopelessly addicted to Puzzle Quest and Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. Then there's the 2D remake of Bionic Commando.

Bionic Commando remake cool i need to post a song a did that was inspired by the old NES version

Anyone else have "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" XBLA?

I was surprised when there was NOBODY in the lobby.

What are the chances that everybody had in some way or another got StH2 either through Nintendo's or Sony Playstation's Sonic Collections..? I can only imagine that being a huge reason for that...

This along with those who prefer/still can play it through original, working systems... Not to mention emulation+hamachi...

What are the chances that everybody had in some way or another got StH2 either through Nintendo's or Sony Playstation's Sonic Collections..? I can only imagine that being a huge reason for that...

This along with those who prefer/still can play it through original, working systems... Not to mention emulation+hamachi...

I'd agree, but I own several versions of the game.

I bought the XBLA version for playing verses online.



For XBLA games, I'm waiting on SF2 Turbo HD Remix. Is there still a chance it would be coming out at least in the summer? I hear that the animators are having a tough time making all the sprites.

What are the chances that everybody had in some way or another got StH2 either through Nintendo's or Sony Playstation's Sonic Collections..? I can only imagine that being a huge reason for that...

This along with those who prefer/still can play it through original, working systems... Not to mention emulation+hamachi...

I have it on Genesis and Gamecube.

Edit: Just looked it up. It's only 4 dollars. That's not a bad deal at all. Of course, it says that it 'has the benefits of high definition graphics'. I really don't know about that, but it's still a good deal.

Anyone play Lost Odyssey yet? I need thoughts.

A friend of mine has...she's a JRPG fan, and she enjoys it. Haven't gotten to pick it up yet, so I can't give any better criticism at this point.

A friend of mine has...she's a JRPG fan, and she enjoys it. Haven't gotten to pick it up yet, so I can't give any better criticism at this point.

I bought it today. My friend recommended it with great praise. He's a jrpg fan (as am I) and he said it was in his top 5 rpgs ever. Though I'm not sure why yet, but that sold it for me. All i know is that the packaging is very shitty. It's 4 discs so it's 3 stacked on top of each other with the 4th disc in a plastic sleeve. WTF?

I bought it today. My friend recommended it with great praise. He's a jrpg fan (as am I) and he said it was in his top 5 rpgs ever. Though I'm not sure why yet, but that sold it for me. All i know is that the packaging is very shitty. It's 4 discs so it's 3 stacked on top of each other with the 4th disc in a plastic sleeve. WTF?

A four disc 360 game?


I thought we'd seen the last of multi-disc games.

4 DISCS!!!!????

That is inexcusable this day and age.

Also Infinite Undiscovery looks gay.

I don't see why not. It's par for course for RPGs. I think it wouldn't be a problem if it was on Bluray though..

Infinite Undiscovery does look gay, but its gameplay should be better than most of its type.

Just about all the reviews give Lost Odyssey the same symptoms of a JRPG. Technically backwards (long loading, four discs, ancient play mechanics) but pretty well done in what it does.

I'll wait until the price drop for both RPGs. I'm still waiting for Eternal Sonata to drop.

Anyone play Lost Odyssey yet? I need thoughts.

Here are my thoughts:

-The best JRPG I have played in a long LONG time. It does nothing new but does everything well and with a great level of polish

-Graphics are a mixed bag; sometimes it looks great, sometimes it looks meh

-Voice acting is also mixed: most of the characters are average to good, some are horrible, and a few are absolutely great (Kaim in particular)

-The story, oh the story. Never have I played such an emotionally powerful video game in my life. The only other time I've ever experienced the feeling of having my heart ripped out was the In Water ending of Silent Hill 2, but I'm not even off the first disc of LO yet and there have already been several instances where I wanted to just cry because you feel so goddamn bad for Kaim, who by the way is the most interesting and dynamic protagonist in an RPG EVER. I can't even begin to describe it without going into a huge long-winded rant that wouldn't make any sense anyway if you haven't played the game. I'll just put it succinctly: the game's plot is merely above average so far in terms of originality and delivery and whatnot, but Kaim's story, which is woven into the context of the game via cutscenes and A Thousand Years of Dreams (short novellas accompanied by sound effects and music) is utterly masterful. It is a true achievement in storytelling for the medium; just be warned, this game is sad sad sad. A more powerful pathos in video game characterization I never did see. It IS that good, albeit highly depressing.

-Gameplay is super challenging; weaksauce RPG lovers need not apply. Battle system is good, incorporating elements of the Shadow Hearts timing system (which makes sense given that Feelplus hired 40 ex-Shadow Hearts staffers)

-Atmospherically, it's also a stud. This is my favorite work of Uematsu in his entire career. There's a very diverse range of sweeping orchestral stuff along with disheartened sad solo piano tracks and a lot of creative things in between. It doesn't sound very Final Fantasy-ish most of the time, which is nice because it gives the game its own distinct flavor. The battle theme is also quite good.

Do not miss it, do not wait. This is a stellar, old-school RPG that reminds me a lot of the Shadow Hearts games, FF12, and the PS1 era Final Fantasies.

EDIT- Added some links

Opening cinema


Battle themes


Map theme (one of my favorites)


Ipsilon Mountains (love the guitars in this one)


Uhra theme (first town in the game)


Some of the morose piano scores



God, just hearing these again, being only 10 hours into the game, already fills me with nostalgia. Lost Odyssey is powerful stuff.

Here are my thoughts:

-The best JRPG I have played in a long LONG time. It does nothing new but does everything well and with a great level of polish

-Graphics are a mixed bag; sometimes it looks great, sometimes it looks meh

-Voice acting is also mixed: most of the characters are average to good, some are horrible, and a few are absolutely great (Kaim in particular)

-The story, oh the story. Never have I played such an emotionally powerful video game in my life. The only other time I've ever experienced the feeling of having my heart ripped out was the In Water ending of Silent Hill 2, but I'm not even off the first disc of LO yet and there have already been several instances where I wanted to just cry because you feel so goddamn bad for Kaim, who by the way is the most interesting and dynamic protagonist in an RPG EVER. I can't even begin to describe it without going into a huge long-winded rant that wouldn't make any sense anyway if you haven't played the game. I'll just put it succinctly: the game's plot is merely above average so far in terms of originality and delivery and whatnot, but Kaim's story, which is woven into the context of the game via cutscenes and A Thousand Years of Dreams (short novellas accompanied by sound effects and music) is utterly masterful. It is a true achievement in storytelling for the medium; just be warned, this game is sad sad sad. A more powerful pathos in video game characterization I never did see. It IS that good, albeit highly depressing.

-Gameplay is super challenging; weaksauce RPG lovers need not apply. Battle system is good, incorporating elements of the Shadow Hearts timing system (which makes sense given that Feelplus hired 40 ex-Shadow Hearts staffers)

-Atmospherically, it's also a stud. This is my favorite work of Uematsu in his entire career. There's a very diverse range of sweeping orchestral stuff along with disheartened sad solo piano tracks and a lot of creative things in between. It doesn't sound very Final Fantasy-ish most of the time, which is nice because it gives the game its own distinct flavor. The battle theme is also quite good.

Do not miss it, do not wait. This is a stellar, old-school RPG that reminds me a lot of the Shadow Hearts games, FF12, and the PS1 era Final Fantasies.

So I picked up the game last night and I pretty much agree with Phthisis on all regards. Go pick this game up, guys. I'm only 4 hours into the game and have already had several near tear-inducing moments due to the novellas you're presented with as part of the "Thousand Years of Dreams" aspect of the game, and seriously, Jansen is quite possibly the best thing ever.

The graphics? Infuckingcredible, although yes, there are framerate issues as well as a small bit of loading. The presentation and concept of the game from what I've seen so far is stellar. Oh and guess what? It's actually challenging. There's actually a level cap that you can hit in each area, so you can't overpower yourself and just plow through bosses, no, these things require thought and planning. The ring system, skills, and formations are also pretty engaging.

The only reason I'm not still playing is 'cause I had to go to work. Meh.

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