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The 360 HD DVD player is 50 bucks at best buy and circuit city, and the 5 free HD DVD movie deal is good till tomorrow. Of course HD DVD is dead, but sites like amazon and deepdiscount.com have movies for like 9 to 12 bucks. I got my player tonight and getting some good movies with free shipping :D

Just as an FYI, I went on a friend request spree a moment ago, no offense taken if you reject.

I noticed I had one from you a while ago, but I forgot to accept it and it went away :P lol


So, I've sold my soul to Microsoft. I guess I didn't want to miss Oblivion and Orange Box and whatnot.

Now I ask you, what's your opinion on the following games (games I'm considering to buy):

Project Sylpheed - I've heard both good and bad. Too advanced and hard?

Lost Odyssey - I've mostly heard bad stuff actually. Huge-ass loading times, bad characters except the lead, boring story and well no fun. Still I think most people are just being asses. What do YOU think?

TimeShift - this game intrigues me. Is it as fun as it sounds to mess around with time and shoot stuff?

Enchanted Arms - a release title for PS3 that got ported to 360 and still looks like a mediocre RPG? yesplz.

Am I forgetting something? Feel free to give me tips about budget titles for 360 that are still really fun. Every title I mentioned except Lost Odyssey is pretty cheap where I live anyway..


1. Played the demo on Xbox Live, thought it was a little fun, but don't know if I'd spend the green for it.

2. Whatever you've read about Lost Odyssey, and I'm sure I read the same thing before as well, was extremely misleading. This game is BOSS.

3. Haven't played it, although my best friend from back home(a huge FPS gamer mind you) said it pretty much sucks balls, so I trust his judgment.

4. This one is an unknown to me. From what I understand, there have been pretty mixed reviews, although most of them border on the negative end. I haven't played the game, but it hasn't really interested me as much.

My games list is as follows:

Mass Effect

Lost Odyssey

Gears of War

Halo 3



Guitar Hero(any of 'em)

Rock Band(better than GH apparently)

Call of Duty 4

Beautiful Katamari

Ace Combat 6


TES IV: Oblivion GoTY Edition

Blue Dragon(maybe)

The Orange Box

Eternal Sonata

Devil May Cry 4

Coming Soon:

Halo Wars

Gears of War 2

Ninja Gaiden 2

Resident Evil 5

Tales of Vesperia

Infinite Undiscovery

Last Remnant(not sure about this one)

Soul Calibur 4

Street Fighter 4

Then there are all the Live Arcade games like Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, Metal Slug 3, that new Bionic Commando remake, among others.

Trust me, there is much to be excited about.

-Loads of sweet info-

Project Sylpheed is like $25 at my local store and I think I'll enjoy it. Get back to you when I've played it through ;)

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed Lost Odyssey. I'm just hoping for a price drop in a couple of month because of the poor reviews.. we'll see.

I'm looking for the Limited Edtition Mass Effect, I'm just that much of a whore, but I'm def getting it. The Orange Box is still major money but the price has started to drop in some places so I'm getting it when I get paid I guess. Also I need Shivering Isles. :3

Since I've yet to get a HDD (got the 360 Core for $160, that's why I bought it) but then I'm getting Rez HD, Super Puzzle Fighters and loads of other goodies.

Games I've got already (mind you I got the 360 2 weeks ago):

Oblivion (Collector's Edition)

Viva Piñata (Limited Edition)

BioShock (The metal case one, not with big daddy figure and whatnot)

Burnout REvenge (Disc Only, got it for $3 from where I work)

Eternal Sonata





For anyone who is new to Xbox live; there are three free arcade games.

Hexic HD (Should have come preloaded to your xbox)

Very basic puzzle game. Worth playing.

Aegis Wing

It's a game along the lines of raiden, but with the added bonus of being 4 player online co-op. This one is pretty damn fun.


Toyota viral marketing. Worth it? You decide (I have yet to play it)

EDIT: This game is total trash in one player, but the multiplayer verses is really fun. Worth the price of free.

Undertow WAS free. But too late now, and that game is not worth 800 points. ><;

Project Sylpheed - I've heard both good and bad. Too advanced and hard?

If by too advanced and too hard you mean too awesome, then yes. It's a very nicely put together space combat flight game. The controls take some getting used to, but if you've ever played video games before, you should come to terms with them in less than an hour. It's got a great soundtrack, awesome CG cutscenes, and some very beautiful settings. Game was one of my top 5 favorite 360 games from last year. So great.

Lost Odyssey - I've mostly heard bad stuff actually. Huge-ass loading times, bad characters except the lead, boring story and well no fun. Still I think most people are just being asses. What do YOU think?

Who are these heathens? Lost Odyssey is probably the most finely-tuned old school JRPG I've ever played. It's production values harken back to the PS1 era Final Fantasies. It's got awesome music and a great story. Must buy if you like RPGs at all.

TimeShift - this game intrigues me. Is it as fun as it sounds to mess around with time and shoot stuff?

It is, but the rest of the game is meh. Not bad per se, ust kind of bland.

Enchanted Arms - a release title for PS3 that got ported to 360 and still looks like a mediocre RPG? yesplz.

No way in hell should you be buying this before Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect.

Am I forgetting something? Feel free to give me tips about budget titles for 360 that are still really fun. Every title I mentioned except Lost Odyssey is pretty cheap where I live anyway..

If you can find Overlord, you should give that a try (download the demo if you can). It's like some weird mix between Fable and Pikmin. I also suggest Earth Defense Force 2017, and I know you can find that cheap. Game is fun in its more pure, raw form. One of my beloved 360 games.

All 360 models come with HD cables (component). The PS3 does not.

I meant HDMI cables not component.. the Pro definitely doesn't come with those.

Crackdown is definitely REALLY fun. Some people say it's too easy, but honestly I've died dozens of times. It's pretty challenging even at the lowest difficulty level (where I'm at) - and most of my skills are max or near max!


Another Soundscape, consider returning Eternal Sonata (assuming you still can). While the game is quite pretty and has a nice soundtrack, that's all it has going for it. The battle system gets extremely repetitive and lacks any sort of challenge, the game is linear to a fault, and the plot degenerates into a hopeless mess that is downright insulting in its lack of quality.

Project Sylpheed is like $25 at my local store and I think I'll enjoy it. Get back to you when I've played it through ;)

I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed Lost Odyssey. I'm just hoping for a price drop in a couple of month because of the poor reviews.. we'll see.

I'm looking for the Limited Edtition Mass Effect, I'm just that much of a whore, but I'm def getting it. The Orange Box is still major money but the price has started to drop in some places so I'm getting it when I get paid I guess. Also I need Shivering Isles. :3

Since I've yet to get a HDD (got the 360 Core for $160, that's why I bought it) but then I'm getting Rez HD, Super Puzzle Fighters and loads of other goodies.

Games I've got already (mind you I got the 360 2 weeks ago):

Oblivion (Collector's Edition)

Viva Piñata (Limited Edition)

BioShock (The metal case one, not with big daddy figure and whatnot)

Burnout REvenge (Disc Only, got it for $3 from where I work)

Eternal Sonata

I was really pleased with The Orange Box, though the only game I've played on it is Portal.

Btw, how are you liking Eternal Sonata?

As for the reasons to get an HDMI cable, I think it follows the same logic as to why someone would get component cables for the Wii even if they don't have a tv that supports progressive scan - it still gives you a slightly clearer signal. For me, I mainly got the 360 HDMI cable because I would have otherwise gotten an optical cable for the audio...this way less cables, same effect.

Who are these heathens? Lost Odyssey is probably the most finely-tuned old school JRPG I've ever played. It's production values harken back to the PS1 era Final Fantasies. It's got awesome music and a great story. Must buy if you like RPGs at all.

To be fair the loading times are somewhat annoying, but the game more than makes up for that. I'm currently on the third disc just after

zomg Gongora attacks everyone at once

The game still has not felt old at all to me so far, which is an amazing feat for a JRPG. The music is surprisingly consistently good, and the dialogue is very well done, another rarity for a JRPG. This really is a game you shouldn't miss people.

But a lot of Xbox 360 games don't support 1080p, and unless you have a monstrous TV, then is the minute difference in picture quality really worth mentioning?

I'm not advocating it... I was responding to the person who said this:

What I'm wondering is, are there any credible rumors of another price drop on the 360 anytime soon? I'd really like to get an elite, because I really am on the HD bandwagon and want the benefits of HDMI, like with my PS3.

They thought they needed an Elite for that. I was pointing out that you don't.


Oh you totally know the game is worth it, and you're just saying no 'cause some dumb feminist bimbo is looking over your shoulder or something. :P

Crap. Now I want Project Sylpheed.

Phthisis you're an ass. I hope you know this. >.>;

Edit: Now that I think about it, I fucking love space flight games, so it's my patriotic duty to myself that I acquire this game.


I'm glad my gut was right about Sylpheed and Lost Odyssey is placing itself on top of my to-buy list soon. :o

How about Blue Dragon? I liked Dragon Quest VIII a lot, will I hate BD or like it?

Eternal Sonata is genious, I love it to death so I ain't returning it Baleshadow.

How much space do the free games take up? I haven't got a HDD yet as I mentioned so I only have a Memory Card (though it's 512MB)..

I'm glad my gut was right about Sylpheed and Lost Odyssey is placing itself on top of my to-buy list soon. :o

How about Blue Dragon? I liked Dragon Quest VIII a lot, will I hate BD or like it?

Eternal Sonata is genious, I love it to death so I ain't returning it Baleshadow.

How much space do the free games take up? I haven't got a HDD yet as I mentioned so I only have a Memory Card (though it's 512MB)..

I think you would enjoy Blue Dragon. I finally beat Eternal Sonata a few weeks ago. Such an amazing game but i had a problem with the japanese language track during the ending. There's a part that's voiced in Japanese ( a flashback from something earlier in the game with polka I think) but it isn't subtitled for some stupid reason, kind of took me out of the experience. Eternal Sonata has messed up achievements too, i have like 17/22 but only have like 300 points. Also the New Game+ thing is BS, you keep nothing at all.

I think you would enjoy Blue Dragon. I finally beat Eternal Sonata a few weeks ago. Such an amazing game but i had a problem with the japanese language track during the ending. There's a part that's voiced in Japanese ( a flashback from something earlier in the game with polka I think) but it isn't subtitled for some stupid reason, kind of took me out of the experience. Eternal Sonata has messed up achievements too, i have like 17/22 but only have like 300 points. Also the New Game+ thing is BS, you keep nothing at all.

I hope they "fixed" it for the european release :/ I love achievements :3

(haven't played the game too long..)

Oh you totally know the game is worth it, and you're just saying no 'cause some dumb feminist bimbo is looking over your shoulder or something. :P

Crap. Now I want Project Sylpheed.

Phthisis you're an ass. I hope you know this. >.>;

Edit: Now that I think about it, I fucking love space flight games, so it's my patriotic duty to myself that I acquire this game.

Excellent. You'll thank me when all is said and done. One of the best games on the system, IMO.

But a lot of Xbox 360 games don't support 1080p, and unless you have a monstrous TV, then is the minute difference in picture quality really worth mentioning?

i use the component cable and set it to 1080p

it works for me just fine

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