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Simply replacingthe music shouldn't be a problem, like other games you just need to know the directory structure (In the .big data files, in this case). The problem here is that the music is dynamic and split up.

I've noticed, it's kinda annoying. I'm counting on the modding community to get my Klepacki on though.

I was hoping for that mouse patch, gg.

It's overall pretty good. It's like Generals, but with the little things I found very annoying in it (multiple superweapons, worker units) taken out from it and infused with C&C classic goodness.

The FMVs are very good and I get all giddy getting a good job commander from Jennifer Morrison.

The new nod units are very cool and so are their new abilities. It looks like they've made Nod and GDI a bit more different this time around so they'd have different fighting styles against the Scrin. I'm also wary of them, I don't know if they'll be good or overpowered...

Yes, the mammoth feels VERY strong, much better then the Avatar.

Some of my favorite new additions are the Generals or CoH-like bonus powers like the bombings and special missiles and the multiple building queues. Also that support unit is pretty damn cool, no more building MCVs to expand Tiberium collecting. It works wonders with multi-queuing since you can stack 3 turrets, 1 power plant, barracks, tib refinery and tank defenses so when the support deploys you can place them instantly and have a decent new base in less then 5 seconds.

Shaping up to be a great entry in the series and the C&C fix we all need.

Good to hear, good to hear. So I'm guessing the Avatar is basically NOD's supertank? I initially read it thinking Aang from the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender lol (dammit, that show kicks ass).

I'm glad to hear about the superweapon limit, especially after playing against people who use the superweapon general online in Generals:Zero Hour (albeit haven't done that for a long time now). The construction of building, however, is once again queued on like the sidebar or something like the old C&C/RA? I guess I could get used to that again (though it sounds a little different, since you were saying you can queue several buidlings and deploy them at your convenience), but in that case do you have to basically click on a repair tool then click on the building you wish to repair, or is it automatic? One last question; what is the role of the support unit you mentioned? I'm not gonna have time to even install the demo till this weekend, so just getting all my curiousities out :-P.

Good to hear, good to hear. So I'm guessing the Avatar is basically NOD's supertank? I initially read it thinking Aang from the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender lol (dammit, that show kicks ass).

I'm glad to hear about the superweapon limit, especially after playing against people who use the superweapon general online in Generals:Zero Hour (albeit haven't done that for a long time now). The construction of building, however, is once again queued on like the sidebar or something like the old C&C/RA? I guess I could get used to that again (though it sounds a little different, since you were saying you can queue several buidlings and deploy them at your convenience), but in that case do you have to basically click on a repair tool then click on the building you wish to repair, or is it automatic? One last question; what is the role of the support unit you mentioned? I'm not gonna have time to even install the demo till this weekend, so just getting all my curiousities out :-P.

-It's the sidebar again. And it's even better.

-You still have to click the repair icon and repair each building individually.

-The support unit can be build from the start of the game in the defenses icon. It's 1500$ and it has no weapons. You can send it to somewhere in the map, set it to deploy (it takes about 20 secs to deploy) and once it does you can build stuff around it just as if it were an MCV. Good to gain fast control of Tiberium patches.

-It's the sidebar again. And it's even better.

-You still have to click the repair icon and repair each building individually.

-The support unit can be build from the start of the game in the defenses icon. It's 1500$ and it has no weapons. You can send it to somewhere in the map, set it to deploy (it takes about 20 secs to deploy) and once it does you can build stuff around it just as if it were an MCV. Good to gain fast control of Tiberium patches.

Sweet deal. Can't wait to try it out! 8)


I love this demo. I love everything about this new game except for the mouse control. It's really hard to get used to but I'm glad to hear one of the patches will allow the option for traditional mouse control. I'm definitely gonna be purchasing this game.

Those walking artillery mecha units ROCK!

additionally, fuck this game

it wants some directx dll and it only told me once what the filename was, so I can't really run this game anyway

I got this too...apparently it wanted "d3dx9_29.dll." Fixed it by running the "dxsetup.exe" in the "DirectX" directory included in the demo.


I got this too...apparently it wanted "d3dx9_29.dll." Fixed it by running the "dxsetup.exe" in the "DirectX" directory included in the demo.


Man, she's fucking anorectic or something what's with that waist?

Damn, I'm impressed. If only the music were better, and the skirmish AI difficulty was more...moderate.

If you people didn't figure it out, that button trick with changing your faction where you hold the button of the first letter of an option and click works with computer types and whatever else there's a pull down menu to.

I played the computer and after they couldn't get through some of my defenses, they seemed to give up, even though they had plenty of resources. Anyway, I think the game is pretty awesome anyway and I'm looking forward to the release.


Finally had a chance to play it. The demo is pretty awesome, that's a given. Something that kinda disappointed me, though, was the lack of a good number of upgrades - seems to me there should have been more available (I will say, though, the ones they had to offer were quite nice). I'm still deciding whether or not I like how they're handle clearing of garrisoned buildings: on one hand it's nice that units with that ability will do that as their default attack against garrisoned structures, and on the other hand it makes it a little too easy and gives less reason to garison in the first place. Overall, though, very few complaints. Definitely looking forward to the full game coming out.


I hardly even noticed there were any upgrades.

As much as I'm liking the demo, it seems you can simply spam guard towers and the CPU will continually throw units at them without thinking. It gets pretty easy after that...

Can't wait for multiplayer.

  • 4 weeks later...

I got the Kane Edition and have been playing it for most of the day. Tried a bit of the GDI and Nod campaigns, and got my ass kicked by the Scrin in a skirmish map. The music is boring, and the cutscenes feel kind of undramatic compared to the previous installations.

Anyone want to try multiplayer? Odd how I couldn't find a friends list in the online features, you'd kind of expect that to be standard these days.


I'm installing Kane Edition right now. The demo was excellent, and I expect the real deal to be just as good.

Also, about the music...well, I had an idea the other day; what if some people on this site did a project specifically for replacing the music in the game? I mean, it would be more interesting than just turning the music volume off and running iTunes while you're playing...


I was waiting for it when I first heard about it. When I got the demo, I was excited. When I played it, I was hugely disappointed. It just didn't feel like a C&C game to me. I'll probably buy it when it drops in price to about twenty or so bucks. The only thing that was really cool about it was the sidebar. And I could probably find a few gripes about that as well. I was afraid that it would fall into the mediocrity that is known as EA Games. And it seems I was right.

It doesn't help EA gain any points with me when they insist on releasing a patch the day a game is released. It supposedly fixes bugs that shouldn't of even been in the final release anyway.


It's great, save for the music. I'm gonna try to find someway to allow us to replace it. The cutscenes are just right, the AI is good, it's pretty much oldschool C&C. The series are fast-paced RTSs and this is what C&C3 is. Good job EA. Plus the online has a bunch of cool little features like that commenting thing. I look forward to more EA games where they allow the developing teams more freedom.


I have to say, the AI is actually really smart. It will find ways around your base defenses, sell structures if you get too close with an engineer, sneak in commandos, etc. This makes comp stomps really challenging.

After looking a bit more I actually found a friend list in online mode, though I don't know how to add members yet. My handle is GeckoYamori

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