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So did mostly everybody, but confirmation is always good. Now if MGS4 will move onto the 360 I will not have to buy a super expensive console.

So did mostly everybody, but confirmation is always good. Now if MGS4 will move onto the 360 I will not have to buy a super expensive console.

Yeah, pretty much.

So did mostly everybody, but confirmation is always good. Now if MGS4 will move onto the 360 I will not have to buy a super expensive console.

The MGS film is backed by Sony Pictures.. probably some deals preventing that. Maybe a timed exclusive.


I hear the PC ports are generally terrible because they don't put enough development effort into them. RE4 on PC especially, got a thrashing on game reviews.

PC-idiocy aside, I think this is a sign of things to come for the 360.

I hear the PC ports are generally terrible because they don't put enough development effort into them. RE4 on PC especially, got a thrashing on game reviews.

The way I see it, there'll finally be a PC port that doesn't look absolutely terrible, since it's already designed with HD in mind. Sure, the controls will probably be keyboard-only again, but just hook up a 360 gamepad and nobody will be the wiser.


I played the DMC3 port. Pure and utter crap.(I didn't like DMC in ps2 anyways) So is the RE4 port, doesn't makes justice to the original when it comes to the controls, and practically no visual upgrade. Capcom does the cheapest PC ports you will find ever.

However, these are really good news for me. If MGS goes multi as well, I could at last get rid of that thought in the back of my head that I, eventually, will have to sell a kidney to get a PS3. I couldn't care less about FF anymore, although if it goes multi as well, the better. For all the other ps3 exclusives... well now I will have enough high quality x360 exclusives to make for it. Just this year they are at least 15 high quality games coming for the x360.

So come on konami, make me a happy (and less poor) boy and bring it to the 360.

I hear the PC ports are generally terrible because they don't put enough development effort into them. RE4 on PC especially, got a thrashing on game reviews.

PC-idiocy aside, I think this is a sign of things to come for the 360.

I can vouch for that, although i'm still glad i bought DMC3 for the pc. The extra's are pretty cool.

360 I can understand, but PC? Are they crazy?
I agree with I-n-j-i-n as far as DMC4 going on 360 and not on PC...Capcom never produced games on PC...with that in mind, they should produce DMC for the Wii (i guess)...though, controls might be a bit sloppy if it shows up on the wii (take reference to Red Steel)...

Plus, MGS4 is a must see on the 360 (since that's going multiplatform as well)...if any multiplatform that should make its way on the PC is the MGS series (i guess).

Plus, MGS4 is a must see on the 360 (since that's going multiplatform as well)...if any multiplatform that should make its way on the PC is the MGS series (i guess).

Are you sure about that? That's news to me. Do you have a link?

Plus, MGS4 is a must see on the 360 (since that's going multiplatform as well)...if any multiplatform that should make its way on the PC is the MGS series (i guess).

uhhhhhhhh NO

learn to listen

at this point there is NO WORD that this will occur, although it is definitely possible


It's like the same thing with GTA4. Releasing it on PS3 with so low of an installment base wouldn't make good business sense though in the longrun it'll even out. By releasing it on 360 which has a bigger installed base (year headstart) they are making more profit sooner.

It's like the same thing with GTA4. Releasing it on PS3 with so low of an installment base wouldn't make good business sense though in the longrun it'll even out. By releasing it on 360 which has a bigger installed base (year headstart) they are making more profit sooner.

Thats why I think PS3 won't keep most of it's "exclusives". It already lost VF5 and now DMC4. Even Ace Combat, a game that was on the PS2 won't get a ps3 version, or so I've read so far. PS3 is just selling way too low (127k last month in US;way low compared to XBOX and WII) for any developer to consider an exclusive for the system. Factor in the huge amount of money needed to make an HD game, and you get developer and publishers who don't want to risk losing money by keeping a game exclusive.

I hear the PC ports are generally terrible because they don't put enough development effort into them. RE4 on PC especially, got a thrashing on game reviews.

PC-idiocy aside, I think this is a sign of things to come for the 360.

Wait, RE4 is out on PC already? Is that in some other region than US-Canada?

I think the best ported games I've ever played on the PC are Silent Hill 3 and Metal Gear Solid 2, they allowed a plethora of changes to the graphics via the game launcher and were stable to boot. It's a shame other ports haven't followed their example.

I have Devil May Cry for the PC, and it's a pretty good port, a little rough around the edges but very stable at least. (You have to press ALT-F4 to exit the game, there's no meu option to quit, and to find out that command you need to read a readme file hidden away in the game's directory)

Graphics wise...well it looks like a ported PS2 game, but what else did you expect? It's not like they developed it for multiple platforms simultaneously, since it was first on the PS2 it's not likely to ever get that much better looking besides maybe higher resolution textures and the option to increase the resolution. Hopefully DMC4 will be better suited for each platform, but I won't hold my breath.

I also have been totally unable to enable AntiAliasing in the game with my 7900GTX, perhaps it's a problem with Nvidia's drivers (My previous ATI card allowed me to force AA in games that this newer card can't) or the game itself, but it's a pretty big oversight.

Control wise, they did a decent job. You can remap all the actions to your gamepad, and the appropiate keys will be shown in the help screens, etc. The only small problem I noticed with my Logitech Cordless Gamepad 2 is that the button numbers in game don't match up with those on the controller - but since you're changing the controls yourself and never really look at your controller while playing it's never a problem.


I just ordered the DMC3 port off teh intarwebs, and I'll be able to verify if it's slashtastic goodness holds up on the PC. The fact that it looks like a PS2 game is actually a plus in my case, seeing as how my "new" computer has a craptacular GT5600 and an even shittier P4. In fact, I think I'll be investing heavily in ported PS2 games for the near future.

Gee, who saw this coming.

It has to be said again.

I don't think even the people at Sony would be surprised. Saying a Capcom game is console exclusive is like saying Stalin was benevolent.


I'm pretty sure Sony was borderline shocked at the news since games like Ace Combat, Katamari Damacy and Devil May Cry were de facto exclusives for Sony's consoles as long as anyone can remember. They never threatened to leave for the Xbox or any Nintendo system until now.

Except Sony's direct competitor isn't even Nintendo, but 360 as of now and 360 is the one with a huge lead and its sales are actually still pretty strong even with all its competitors out the gates now.

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