orkybash Posted June 30, 2002 Posted June 30, 2002 Guardian Legend 'Big and Blue and Round' This remix is proof that feedback does help people. See when we judges first got it, it came with a bunch of movie samples that killed it. Now, it's a solid techno track, if a repetitive one. Not the best on the site, but not bad either, and still worth a download. Quote
Ebonyks Posted June 30, 2002 Posted June 30, 2002 Oh god, i cringe at the thought of this remix being bogged down with lots of voice samples. It's hardly epic, or a truly beautful piece of music, but it's a good , if not somewhat repetitive techno piece. Nice remix from the n00b Quote
Beatdrop Posted July 1, 2002 Posted July 1, 2002 Well, I'm glad to see more Guardian Legend remixes, but I'm not positive, but that first kick sounds a LOT like C_Kick.wav, the default FruityLoops kick. Slay it; let it burn in the deepest recesses of hell. Other than that, this isn't entirely bad. The bass is very gristly, which I like, but the lead is quite normal. Basically sounds just like a square 2-osc synth to me... I do think it drags on a bit too long, though. Plus I don't remember this track from the game all that well... All in all, I give it 6 out of 10. A solid first submission Quote
neostormx Posted July 1, 2002 Posted July 1, 2002 I think this is an excellent techno remix. I do remember this song from the game also. Guardian legend was just one of the rare gems that I loved so much. Broderbund.. who knew? Anyway, as for adding an acoustic element, I could definitely see where an acoustic piano could fit where a part of the remix repeated, replacing that synth.(or layered on it). But overall I like this tune. And I love guardian legend. SO much props to munky!! -neostorm Quote
Tex Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Very good, guys. That´s pure fun. I liked the old resources placed here. The arrangement is so cool. And the sequence/percussion is clearly nice with this good synths. Pretty song! Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 Only 5 reviews for such an old remix ? Wow ,this munky dude should have had more of his great stuff out on ocremix, cause i wanna hear every piece of brilliance he's made. This is funky stuff alright What a strikingly heavy pace ! Thumbs Up ! Quote
Myst1278 Posted July 7, 2006 Posted July 7, 2006 Great song! Love it. I listen to it quite often when I actually go outside. EDIT: wow, this hasn't been reviewed in a while... Quote
Liontamer Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Though I never heard the original submission of this one, I could tell from the judges comments back then that this one had promise. I'm glad William decided to revisit the track and make it that much stronger. The sounds/textures are a bit dated, working in actual original drum patterns in place of the loops would have been good, and one can hear how the track could be filled out a bit better. But the arranagement's very creative for its day and the energy is excellent. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 I really love that deep bass. Otherwise the synths are decidedly old school, but there is a decent amount of processing to keep them interesting. As far as track evolution, there isn't a whole lot of building, but the song isn't quite on autopilot. I am very glad that the vocal samples were removed from this, it would have been atrociously bad with them. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I agree about voice samples. I might have died a little on the inside if I heard this mix with a ton of voice samples. Overall a decent techno mix, with a great bass, but the melodic synths aren't doing it for me. They don't really pack a punch, and I can't keep interested towards the end of the piece. Drum loops get repetative, along with the rest of the track at the end, more change ups in general would have helped. Key changes were a good start. The track still has some good points, and it's worth a listen, I just would have liked a little more punch to it. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 The short original is haunting, I really like it. While this version's arrangement is fairly strong, it suffers somewhat from not departing from the source, which hurts as the source is just 30 seconds long. I love that bass, who wouldn't! The lead synths sound kind of lazy to me. The basic sounds is pretty nice, but they sound very static. Need more processing, more variation, especially as the melody repeats so much throughout the piece. There's a little solo in the middle, and a harmony to the lead towards the end - these are very nice, even though more could've been done. Nice little trills in the melodies though! Apart from lead repetition, the structure works pretty nicely. I might keep this! --Eino Quote
Bahamut Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 The arrangement is surprisingly not as bad as I remember - I do remember this being a pretty straightforward take though. The more quieter section at around the 2 minute mark could use some more development though. This mix rides the original melody pretty hard, where I feel it could be expanded on. Quote
Monobrow Posted December 5, 2010 Posted December 5, 2010 Hello munky. Okay, this is your typical boom-tiss song. The repeating/gated type synth phases in and out a bit... It's cute, but can get on your nerves a little bit because by nature it sticks out. Suddenly 1:10 comes in though, and I realize that was all just an intro, and you bring in some synths for company with the melody, that does a good job. That little solo at around 1:30 should have been longer... This is when the song starts to cook, but I guess I can agree with the choice to slow down the song with that cute delay'd synth... You're cooling it down. You bring in the drum loop at about 2:10, and it does ad atmopshere... Then you do ANOTHER key-change and bring the song back in full force. I actually like it, and I think even though this is your standard boom-tiss song, you took it a lot of places already, by even halway through. The one thing I do have to say though is, with all the key changes, I don't think they can compensate for a good spin with the melody... Maybe it was the genre holding you back but a variation, some sort of channeling of the melody, I think could have helped a LOT here. Then again, the post date kinda says it all. Nice job overall. drunk #5 Quote
Polo Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 To me, this sounds more like a bonus extension of the intro space + base level than the computer room. It's mostly due to the space warp-ish-ness/rapidity of some of the players, i.e. the chewy, alien, fluctuating bass and those blindingly quick triplets/quadruplets that replace single notes from the source (interspersed throughout). Some supporting synths, though buried at times, offer some fitting countermelodic bridges like the ones at 0:39+ and 1:08+. I would like to hear just those countermelodies by themselves (minus the source usage), or perhaps another detour like 1:33 - 1:46 (or at least the directions it wants to take). The Guardian's in for an acceleratingly bumpy ride with this mix. Quote
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