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According to superphillip32 at gamefaqs.com:

#10: Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!

#09. Diddy Kong Racing

#08. Super Mario 64

#07. Mario Kart 64

#06. Mario Party

#05. Mario Golf

#04. Banjo-Kazooie Series

#03. Perfect Dark

#02. The Legend of Zelda series

#01. Jet Force Gemini

So, is it true? Do all the best N64 soundtracks come from Nintendo and Rare?

I think there's room to dispute superphillip32's choices here. Like the curious absence of GoldenEye (even though it is another Rare title).


I wish Bomberman 64: Second Attack wasn't so hard to find. I rented it from Blockbuster years ago and I've never seen it since. I loved that game and the adorable Pommy which could change shape depending on what you fed him/her. And the fact that you don't just have regular old bombs/remote bombs/atomic bombs anymore. yeah...it kicked ass...don't remember much of the soundtrack, though.

I think Donkey Kong 64 should be up there. The wackiness of the music in that game mixed with the various monkey sounds is just awesome...right up there with Banjo-Kazooie. Perfect Dark should stay, but somewhere near the bottom. It was good, but not better than SM64. Some songs were better, but we're talking whole soundtracks here.

And about the "Zelda Series"...both N64 Zelda games had different soundtracks and in my opinion, one was better than the other, with some games in between. This confuses me as to why he grouped them together like this....

I remember Mystical Ninja having some catchy tunes in it.

Mystical Ninja was by far my favorite Nintendo 64 soundtrack; definitely up there in my top favorite game soundtracks evar.

I don't particularly remember Mario Party or Mario Golf having too great of music, but then again this seems like some random GameFAQs forum member's list, so I suppose this kind of thing is to be expected.

#01. Jet Force Gemini

This is deserved.

Goldeneye probably didn't make it because it relies too heavily on variations of the Bond theme...calling it "original" wouldn't be quite accurate. I'm not so sure about Perfect Dark being up there, though - the music fit the game, but it wasn't exactly the most enjoyable N64 game soundtrack I've ever come across.


Hello favourites thread.

Perfect Dark has one of my favourite OSTs. Well deserved, as is JFG... but no Conker's BFD? Also missing is Lylat Wars.

Personally I think it's all too Nintendo/Rare-centric. Sure, they're great games, but it seems a bit fanboyish to me.


woh.. haven't been here in a while.. hi guys. =)

Also missing is Lylat Wars.

StarFox 64 had a mediocre soundtrack at best. I've played the game plenty... and yet I can't recall a single tune from it that wasn't reused later in Smash Bros. or elsewhere.

Mystical Ninja and Tetrisphere are both good choices.
I do believe that Tetrisphere is one of my favorite soundtracks. N64, or otherwise. Neil Voss is awesome. Though, I do have a lot of favorites... Really though, that game deserved some recognition for its great music. I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice this. Mouser X out.
StarFox 64 had a mediocre soundtrack at best. I've played the game plenty... and yet I can't recall a single tune from it that wasn't reused later in Smash Bros. or elsewhere.

Zoness man, Zoness. Best song in the game.

And about the "Zelda Series"...both N64 Zelda games had different soundtracks and in my opinion, one was better than the other, with some games in between. This confuses me as to why he grouped them together like this....

Because some people just don't know there was Zelda before the N64(there's even some that think Majora's Mask was Zelda 2) and don't realize the difference between the two games in terms of music and atmosphere.

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