Citris Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 So one of the few genres of gaming that I have never been into is fighting games. I've decided that this must change. A day later I found a link in a thread here to Sirlin's site. I've done a lot of reading there about the different games out there. I've decided that Guilty Gear looks like the one I wish to get into. Basically my conundrum is this: I definitely want to get an arcade controller, but for the PS2 or Xbox (I have yet to enter the next generation and won't be able to for a while). I also can't import, since I would also have to mod my PS2 or buy a japanese one. I'm shopping on Ebay. So, should I get Guilty Gear X2 #Reloaded (Xbox), or Guilty Gear X2 (PS2)? Is there a difference, or are they just labeling them funny in the description? Just going by price, I'd pick the Xbox (about $7 + S&H) one since it's cheap as hell. But that may also mean it sucks. The PS2 on is about $40 + S&H. I'd definitely appreciate some feedback. Quote
Beatdown Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 I can't tell you the difference from experience as I've never played a fighting game on Xbox that didn't start with "Dead or Alive", but from what I understand the Xbox version adds a story mode, reworked animations and online play via Live. I would be cautious of games of that quality that are dirt cheap though, but that's just me. Not a very trusting shopper. Now touching on the topic of arcade sticks. I have and would suggest this one. Works on both PS2 and Xbox, and is old school heaven. Unfortunately those are long since out of print and you'll have a fun time trying to locate one that actually works (wouldn't suggest ebay). I cannot off the top of my mind think of an arcade stick for the Hugebox that I would recommend so I'll get back to you on that one. Quote
Katsurugi Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Guilty Gear X2#Reload is a revision of GGX2. For the casual player, you might not even know the difference. Tiny tweaks have been made in the more advanced gameplay area to make it more balanced. If this is true, then then I would pick up GGX2#R if you're really going to get into the game. I never really picked up GG before, but having played it once or twice, it's not that easy to play off the bat. I feel that it's just a bit weird. My personal opinion is that everyone first start off with Street Fighter and see if they like it. It's really easy even if you are button mashing. You're able to get a good handle on your character and the moves aren't too difficult to pull off. So really the emphasis is on strategy, and it's really fun to figure stuff out by yourself rather than reading a whole bunch of junk online (even though it's out there). But if you can't get into SF, then try KoF which is another beginner friendly fighter as well. Quote
atmuh Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 My personal opinion is that everyone first start off with Street Fighter and see if they like it. It's really easy even if you are button mashing. I think I've disproved that! Quote
ILLiterate Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 To go backwards a bit, for starters I WOULDN'T recommend MvC2 or SSBM. Both games don't play like any other really and will and can easily mess you up when trying the normal Street Fighters and stuff like that. Guilty Gear is pretty combo orientated and not too much fun if you don't know how to do them, and they take a bit to learn (imo). You really should start with Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for the PS2 & Xbox (Xbox has online play, only on the original Xbox). You get the two best Street Fighters ever (SF2 & SF3:3s) and they are amazingly fun to play and test out if you like 2D fighters. Neither are as heavy into combos as the rest of the fighters and are probably the easiest to get ahold of, with constant help you can get at and their forums. If you really want to start with Guilty Gear, go ahead, but I HEAVILY suggest you try SFAC first. Quote
Broken Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Well, I gather that you live in VA Beach and there are some arcades there, no? I suggest you see what games are hot in your area (you know, what arcade machines or console games that lots of people play in your area) and decide what to buy based off of that. That doesn't mean you can't buy whatever fighting game suits you. I mean, a lot of fighting games these days are becoming more and more odd-ball and exotic. (There are hardcore Boudakai and Naruto Ultimate Ninja players out there, and I have no problem with that.) All I'm saying is that it is generally more enjoyable and producitve to play a game that has an active community of people around it. By that I mean: 1. people to play against 2. teachers or at least good faqs/guides 3. people to play against The reason that I emphasize these three (two) things is that no matter what fighting game you buy, you WILL get burnt out of it if you play by yourself to often. It's just in a fighing games nature to be played by 2 people (usually.) And about arcade sticks....well, I'm a novice when it comes to that, sorry. I'm actually kind of in the same boat you are. Luckily for me, I found a cheap Pelican stick at my local Gamestop and will probablly pick it up just to take it apart and see how it works (I may use it for a while, who knows.) has an entire section dedicated to Joysticks, so you may want to check that out. Quote
Paratha Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 I'm pretty noobish at Guilty Gear, but it's a lot of fun. Buy the PS2 version, even if it's more expensive. No one I know has it for the X-Box. Quote
Dhsu Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 That's a terrible reason to get the PS2 version. I would get the X-Box versions of both Guilty Gear and SFAC if only for the fact that they're XBL-compatible, and playing against real people is by far the best way to improve. Quote
wormguy Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Yeah, I don't know how many people play it, but the Xbox version is the only one with online play. Quote
Citris Posted March 30, 2007 Author Posted March 30, 2007 Thank you very much, everyone. I'll definitely get SFAC and a cheap joystick to start out. will be indispensable for custom joysticks later on after I have some experience. Building one myself never even entered my mind, but I really like the idea. It would be perfect to build one for my computer. Quote
Mirai Gen Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Xbox live is miserable for GGXX play. The lag makes FRCs almost impossible, and that's only if you can FIND a player. I got Guilty Gear and played it like every other PS2 fighting game. Wish I hadn't. Now that I'm trying to go professional, I need to unlearn everything I did with the PS2 controller 'cause it screws with my arcade pad usage. If you're getting into GGXX (you might even say "getting hardcore" into GGXX) I suggest going to Dustloop forums. There's alot of comprehensive guides and information about Guilty Gear (And it's a fun community too). Quote
Beatdown Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Thank you very much, everyone. I'll definitely get SFAC and a cheap joystick to start out. will be indispensable for custom joysticks later on after I have some experience. Building one myself never even entered my mind, but I really like the idea. It would be perfect to build one for my computer. Everyone I know says building is the way to go if you want a stick that works for you. However if you're gonna buy one, get a Hori stick. Before I got the afore mentioned Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade Stick of Indiscriminate Justice I used the Tekken 5 Collectors Edition stick, which was designed by Hori (who also apparantly designed the Soul Caliber II stick among other things). As much as I hate the ball-stick design and crooked buttons, the sticks themselves are durable, responsive and of great quality. Moreso the buttons tend to be easy to press and snap back the moment you let go, making it easy to tap the everloving shit out of it. They're also the first and so far only company to release an arcade stick for the PS3 (irrelevant, but incase you run across $560 and decide to get a PS3/VF5 it's good to know). I got Guilty Gear and played it like every other PS2 fighting game. Wish I hadn't. Now that I'm trying to go professional, I need to unlearn everything I did with the PS2 controller 'cause it screws with my arcade pad usage. Playing fighting games with controllers is heresy. Heresy. Edit: I realize I'm suggesting mostly PS2 sticks even though you see more likely to pick up the Xbox version, but like I said before not too much on the Hugebox fighting game scene. That and the one arcade stick I'll ever use works on both systems anyway. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Eh. I got VF games down to a science with D-pads and d-pads don't do anything too negative with 2D fighters for me. I think it's a matter of habit. Quote
Beatdown Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Eh. I got VF games down to a science with D-pads and d-pads don't do anything too negative with 2D fighters for me. I think it's a matter of habit. Considering there's an entire axis of movement absent in 2D fighters, I think it's safe to say it'd be much easier to work a pad in Guilty Gear than it would be in VF. Unfortunately for you, the heretic burns at dawn tommorow morning. Quote
Broken Posted March 30, 2007 Posted March 30, 2007 Playing fighting games with controllers is heresy. Heresy. Hey!........yeah, you're right. I tend to be more comfortable using gamepads most of the time, with most games, but if I'm going to dedicate a LOT of time and effort into one game, I'd want a good joystick. Quote
Culturekoi Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Oh please, everyone knows a real man can (and should) play Street Fighter, King of Fighters and anything with Fighter in the title, with, and only with, a computer keyboard with WASD controls and JKLM<> for buttons. Since I'm too cheap to buy the games OR the fancy USB-PS2 or whatever converters...... Guilty Gear was really the first 2D fighter I got into. I've read the Sirlin articles, and I know exactly what you are talking about. The reason the PS2 version is more expensive is simply because it's rarer. The XB version is actually tweaked for more balance and such, and it's more plentiful, so you should prolly go with that, if you're getting a stick. Also, on the topic of Guilty Gear, anyone know about this supposed new GG game, Ancient Core or whatever? Is it actually, like, new, or is it another GGX2 revision? I could live with it either way, but damn, I want to see a new GG so bad. Ishiwatari needs to crank out some new characters or something, srsly. Quote
Broken Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Accent core is a new arcade release in Japan. Quote
Culturekoi Posted March 31, 2007 Posted March 31, 2007 Thanks Broken. I'll have to look up if it's coming to the US in any kind of timely non-import manner. Quote
Citris Posted April 1, 2007 Author Posted April 1, 2007 I think the reason why I never got into these types of games before is the way I was introduced to them. I used to play with my friends older brother and his group when I was in 3rd grade. They would totally wipe the floor with me without telling me any moves. Then I would learn a move by accident and keep using it, and they'd tell me to stop cheesing and kick me out. After that I've never had friends into fighting games, so I haven't tried again. Anyway, I'm feeding my need with my MAME roms. Taking it back to the one game and character with which I ever practiced past button mashing, Samurai Showdown 2 and Galford. Quote
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