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Well, aside from the original arcade/ emulated arcade version, the PSx is probably the way to go. That is if it's not on Dreamcast wich it probably is and therefore you should be buying a dreamcast so you can buy it for that system because the dreamcast is a 2d fighting Mecca which I do not own, but it sounds like it is from where I am standing.

My two cents. And my plug for Dreamcast.

But seriously, I have the psx version and it has the second (or third, maybe) most characters in the alpha series. I think Alpha 3 upper and Max for the GBA and PSP have the largest rosters, ironicaly enough. I've heard of some of the timing being off and animation frames being clipped here and there, but there's nothing horribly wrong with the game, and it has the home console advantages of extra modes. You've got your Survival, Dramatic, Training, and World Tour modes. World tour is a LOT of fun, too.

3s is in multiplatform, I think I'll add KoF XI

Garou added to PS2

I'm only doing the systems that are still around right now, I'll add Dreamcast soon

Also great news for Xbox 360 owners, SFAC for regular Xbox is now backwards compatable! That means online 3s on a next gen console. Go go go!

Well, once you'll add Dreamcast, you can forget about making a list divided by platforms, seeing as how a lot of the games you mentioned will suddenly turn multiplatform (Garou, CvS, KoF series etc).

Just do an alphabetical list and add all available systems in brackets.

Also, lol, wtf, DoA in a 2D list.


DOA is heavily played, almost as much and if more than these, it's a big part of EVO and makes huge bank. Also one of the not terrible 3D fighters

But yeah, I guess I'll take out the systems and just do games, later though


So, I was reading on SRK that you can hack the Japanese version of GGX:#R, so that it suppots online multiplayer. Needless to say, I'll be all over this when I get the chance to look into it. Online multiplayer maybe just reason enough for me to get into this series (aside from the purdy graphics, of course.)

So, I think you should post something about SSFT:HD and SPFT:HD, eazy P. Those both look promising.

Oh, and I bought a generic arcade pad last week. I must say, I'm pretty happy with it considering the circumstances (ie. It's from Pelican. It's wireless. It won't work on my comp.) It was 20 bucks, though and it has dual-system support (xbox and ps2,) so I picked it up anyway.

Except for the few times when it randomly loses signal (damn wireless controllers,) the controller works like a charm. SPD's are beatifully simple. I can tick throw/ do FABs/ other things that a controller or keyboard make it impossible to do.

Well, aside from the original arcade/ emulated arcade version, the PSx is probably the way to go. That is if it's not on Dreamcast wich it probably is and therefore you should be buying a dreamcast so you can buy it for that system because the dreamcast is a 2d fighting Mecca which I do not own, but it sounds like it is from where I am standing.

My Dreamcast library is almost solely fighters. SFA3, DoA2, Soul Calibur, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK 1, and Capcom vs. SNK 2. That's good enough for me. I was going to get Rival Schools or Last Blade 2, but the reviews seem kind of iffy compared to the other games I have. As for SF3: 3S or DI, it's just hard to come across... and I do somewhat care about accuracies in the arcade and Dreamcast version. Sometimes they are not perfect.


I have a friend studying abroad in Japan right now who is going to be bringing back a Japanese PS2 Last Blade Collection, Guilty Gear XX Slash, and Melty Blood Act Cadenza. And since he's going to be my roomie next semester I'll reap all the benefits. Mwahahahahaha.

Seriously though. Melty Blood kicks ass.

True. But why is it in a list of 2D fighters?
You're busting my balls Martin

I might take it out, I might not, I mostly focus on what's in play RIGHT NOW for the tournaments and such. Not to mention I had the idea of changing this to just, The Fighter Thread, but no ability to title change

YES! Project Justice held me over when I was in Europe and bought a Dreamcast. It's a pretty great fighter that, while 3D, really just FEELS 2D, and the awesomeness of Team Moves is in full effect. Good characters as well, some pop up from time to time in the forums for those who don't know


The list on the first page is all jacked up. Please fix this crap!!

These games are all multiplatform:

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (DC, PS2, Xbox)

Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (DC, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox)

Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo, DC, PS2)

These games aren't 2D fighters in any sense of the word.

Dead or Alive Ultimate

Dead or Alive 4

It should be Guilty Gear X2 #reload, and X2 should be gone since #reload is better and available on more consoles (PC, PS2, Xbox, PSP).

You're missing the best KOF game which is King of Fighters 98 (the best version is King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 which is not KOF99 but a polished version of KOF98 for Dreamcast). If you're going to bother putting any KOF games up there you should at least put up a few made by SNK.

Dreamcast NEEDS to be added since it has probably the biggest amount of 2D fighters of any console aside from NeoGeo, which needs to be added as well.

Some other great 2D Fighters:

King of Fighters 98 (NeoGeo, DC, PS1, PS2)

Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (NeoGeo)

The Last Blade 2 (NeoGeo, DC, PS2)

Vampire Chronicles (DC, PSP)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (DC, PS1)

WakuWaku 7 (NeoGeo, Saturn)

Pocket Fighter (PS1, Saturn)

Samurai Showdown 2 (NeoGeo, Saturn, PS1, others?)

Melty Blood Re-ACT Final Tuned (PC)

Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (PS2)

The Rumble Fish (PS2)

Capcom Fighting Jam (PS2)

SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom (NeoGeo, Xbox, PS2)


Hmmm, Evilhead has educated us.

I dunno about SVC though. That game looks like crap from what I've seen. I'll have to look up Rumble Fish; It looks interesting.

Sega, did you say you've played Project Justice for Dreamcast before? I've always wanted to try that game out.

Edit: and I think the reason Eazy P had the consoles that he did have on the front post is because those are the most mainstream consoles right now. I mean, not that many people I know (read: none) have a NeoGeo. I guess Dreamcast is still viable now, though.

Oh, and now that I think about it, I guess you can put up games that are on PS3 and XB's online services, like HSF/ and MK2. I can't think of any others right now.

Hmmm, Evilhead has educated us.

I dunno about SVC though. That game looks like crap from what I've seen. I'll have to look up Rumble Fish; It looks interesting.

SVC is a great game. I've had a lot of fun with it. A lot of people complained because it's broken on a tourney level, but how many people here actually play in tournaments? I just like playing the computer or my friends most of the time, and in that sense SVC is fun. If anything, it's cool seeing SNK paying a little homage to some Capcom characters, and the sprite redraws are awesome. Violent Ken is boss. Anyway, check the game out some time. It's not as bad as it's cracked up to be. And the Rumble Fish is a pretty neat Sammy fighter. Not as Crazy as Guilty Gear or Fist of the North Star, but cool nonetheless.

Sega, did you say you've played Project Justice for Dreamcast before? I've always wanted to try that game out.

Project Justice is one of the best 2.5D fighters ever. It's really a fantastic game that disparately needs a port/sequel. Great cast/story, and the gameplay is just smooth as hell. Worth buying a Dreamcast for, easily!

Edit: and I think the reason Eazy P had the consoles that he did have on the front post is because those are the most mainstream consoles right now. I mean, not that many people I know (read: none) have a NeoGeo. I guess Dreamcast is still viable now, though.

Well I don't know many people with a NeoGeo now, but NeoGeo emulation is at such a perfect level that if you have a computer made in the last 10 years and a gamepad/arcade stick that works for your PC you basically have a NeoGeo right there.


SvC: Chaos is okay. I don't particularly like it because it's made in the SNK fashion, meaning the bosses are crazy cheap and read your inputs. And what was the deal with Violent Ken? Personally, I don't like the game because the Capcom characters seem underpowered. At the very least, Ryu should be give and take the same amount of damage as Kyo.

SvC: Chaos is okay. I don't particularly like it because it's made in the SNK fashion, meaning the bosses are crazy cheap and read your inputs. And what was the deal with Violent Ken? Personally, I don't like the game because the Capcom characters seem underpowered. At the very least, Ryu should be give and take the same amount of damage as Kyo.

The bosses aren't that bad, really. But yeah, most of the Capcom characters are a bit underpowered, much like how most of the SNK characters are underpowered in CvS2. Still, if you can play with a weak player and win doesn't that show true skill? Plus Chun is damn strong in SVC Chaos.


SVC Chaos pisses me off in arcades where you need to SLAM on the MP button because there's no specific button for hard punch, and it barely registers

Also I just don't like it

I'll update the front list, don't worry, I've just been really busy


I don't know why but I just barely came across this thread today so please excuse me for my late response. Anyway I love 2D fighters and I definately agree that SF 3rd Strike for DC needs to be on that list. What do you guys think about Neo Geo Battle Colliseum? I personaly don't fighters on the X-box. The controller sucks horriblely for fighters in my opinion.

And I thought this was the 2D Fighter Thread? Why are 3D fighters on the list. And lets even say you intended to make this the Fighter Thread then why ignore the best 3D fighters like Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Soul Calibur.

Now EasyP, I know you don't like Soul Calibur but you can't deny it is a good 3d fighter. This "it is broken and unbalanced" agrument is just plan crap. Fighters are good because they have a deep fighting systems that take a lot of skill to master. If being broken and unbalanced makes a fighter bad, then MvsC2 and CvsSNK 2 would be shitty fighters too. Besides, the PS2 version of SCIII was the only game in the series that was really seriously broken.

I think there should be more talk about SSF II Turbo HD Remix. I personally am a little disappointed that it is not a full-fledged brand spanking new Street Fighter but I also think it is the closest were going to get to one. Also I don't see the gameplay being exactly identical like Capcom states it is going be. I think the new graphics would have to change it around at least a little bit.


Now EasyP, I know you don't like Soul Calibur but you can't deny it is a good 3d fighter. This "it is broken and unbalanced" agrument is just plan crap. Fighters are good because they have a deep fighting systems that take a lot of skill to master. If being broken and unbalanced makes a fighter bad, then MvsC2 and CvsSNK 2 would be shitty fighters too. Besides, the PS2 version of SCIII was the only game in the series that was really seriously broken.

*cries tears of joy*

I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys the SC series (sans 3, bleh.)

Evilhead, that's true about emulating NeoGeo. I just didn't want this to turn too quickly into an emulation thread because there are still plenty of people who play console and arcade versions of games. Emulation is becoming (well already is) a very viable option for 2D fighters though.

The main reason I was bashing SVC is because one day, I was kind of intrigued by the game and youtub'ed it and I found

Needless to say, it lost my interest very quickly. And Guile's voice over is laughable.
And I thought this was the 2D Fighter Thread? Why are 3D fighters on the list. And lets even say you intended to make this the Fighter Thread then why ignore the best 3D fighters like Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Soul Calibur.

Now EasyP, I know you don't like Soul Calibur but you can't deny it is a good 3d fighter. This "it is broken and unbalanced" agrument is just plan crap. Fighters are good because they have a deep fighting systems that take a lot of skill to master. If being broken and unbalanced makes a fighter bad, then MvsC2 and CvsSNK 2 would be shitty fighters too. Besides, the PS2 version of SCIII was the only game in the series that was really seriously broken.

I've always done 2D fighter threads, but I thought to branch out eventually, back in old days of OCR you could always change the title of the thread. Now it's stuck that way unless a mod or someone changes it

Soul Calibur series I've hated. It's a game of block block block counter attack. #2 was RUINED due to g-stepping. Oh dear lord that made games boring as hell to play, not to mention EXTREMELY unbalanced characters that just give some little to no chance. Namco knows how bad of a job it did on #3 and they had to RUSH out a tournament version with some of the bigger bugs cut out, but still plenty of them are apparent. It bores me to play it, I practically fall asleep. The fighting system isn't any fun for me and they really can't do anything to make it a good game. I just plain and simple hate it


Soul Calibur series I've hated. It's a game of block block block counter attack. #2 was RUINED due to g-stepping. Oh dear lord that made games boring as hell to play, not to mention EXTREMELY unbalanced characters that just give some little to no chance. Namco knows how bad of a job it did on #3 and they had to RUSH out a tournament version with some of the bigger bugs cut out, but still plenty of them are apparent. It bores me to play it, I practically fall asleep. The fighting system isn't any fun for me and they really can't do anything to make it a good game. I just plain and simple hate it

Good, at least you can give some reasons for why you hate SC and that is fine. I respect your opinion. I'm just saying I think it is unfair to exclude it as a major fighting game. I personally hate DOA and for sort of the same reason you hate it. I find the game boring. I don't find the game very challenging, the countering system is way to easy and in high level play it just turns into a who can counter first contest which turns into a countering fest. I need something more deep and challenging. Even though I don't like DOA, I never suggested removing it. I just think you should consider more fighting games that are very suited for that list.


That's a really good question. I perfer to think that that is how the developers give each game it's own personality, but maybe it's just a stupid fad that needs to end, NOW.

I never really minded until I saw the Guilty Gear series. I just don't understand what "HEAVEN OR HELL!" means before a match. Then again, don't really know the story line behind Guilty Gear either, so maybe it has some biblical implication that I'm not aware of.

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