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No, wrong. I bought the game, and I felt so bad that I just gave it away. It's amazingly terrible. You take characters from different fighters, and do NOTHING to balance, NOTHING to change the sprites (SF3 Ryu has CvS2 sprites wtf), the backgrounds are TERRIBLE AND AWFUL TO LOOK AT, the characters made for the game SUCK, you can't tag team which is stupid since you're forced to pick two people, it's just a really really bad experience

Yeah, I played it for a total of about 10 minutes and then chucked the DVDR somewhere in my room, but some people seem to insist it has some redeeming qualities. Graphical presentation is definitely not one of them, but we all know Capcom is lazy right? Anyway, I guess the only good thing I could think of in the game was that they included Karin. Sweet sweet Karin.


For the guy asking about 3s

Yun is top tier, easily the best character in the game, but only with his Genji Jin hyper. It makes it very easy to hit 15+ hit combos, you just gotta learn how to get into it

Ken is a good character with nice footses, 3rd best in game

Yang, in real play, much much much worse than Yun, but if you do want to play with him, know that his EX chops are better than any other hyper, and you should just try and get those in whenever you can

Ibuki is weird, but fun to play as. You're going to have a hard time beating the good people with her


Hey you guys. Any suggestions on modding a PS2? Im growing sick of not being able to play the most current fighting games and with my patience running out for KoF XI Im thinking about modding my chunky ps2? Preferred methods? I heard something vague about HD Advance but Im not quite sure as to what it entails.

Also if you suggest modchip is there a particular kind I should get?

Thanks alot

(im looking forward to accent core, xi, darkstalkers collection, kof orochi saga, kof 94 rebout and melty blood.)


I believe it only works with the slim model ps2. basically you remove the original to replace it with the flip top and when you go to put in the all region disc afterwards flip the top open remove and replace with said imported game.

the only problem is i have a chunky ps2...

I'm sure there are disks that once you put them in, turn your PS2 region free

Yes, that's where the mods come in. You have to get the import in there WITHOUT resetting your PS2. Which is where the flip top/slide card comes in.

I believe it only works with the slim model ps2. basically you remove the original to replace it with the flip top and when you go to put in the all region disc afterwards flip the top open remove and replace with said imported game.

the only problem is i have a chunky ps2...

Actually it's the opposite. The slim ps2 already IS a flip top. You just have to modify it so it doesn't reset when you open the top. With the flip top you install a new top on your clunky PS2 that makes it open like a PS1 or slim PS2. It looks like this:


It usually comes with a set of swap discs. You put the appropriate boot disc in the machine, boot it up, and when the screen pops up you open the flip top, place your import/backup in the PS2, and press X on your controller to boot the game. Takes just a few seconds and it's very easy to install. You just unscrew about seven screws, carefully disconnect the power button ribbon, then reconnect it to the new top and screw it back in. Takes all of 10 minutes. Another advantage to the flip top is you can easy access your laser for cleaning which should take care of most disc read errors.

Edit: the slide card is the same basic concept, but except instead of opening a flip top you use this weird little card to rip the CD tray open while the machine is running. Once you get the hang of it the time it takes to swap discs is about the same but it's kind of hard on your tray motor. It will probably break with time.


Whoa!! I didnt realize that you could use it on the chunky ps2. I thought it was only for a slim style.

Could you direct me to a website to buy one of these nifty things. Ive googled mod chips and found chips and the flip top for slim style but not that one.

Thank you so much. This is going to make modding so much easier ^___^


I had the swap magic slid card for a while.. and it worked just fine, If you have the disk you can make your own card its not that hard at all.

do a google for Swap magic 3 and you should get results

Yes, that's where the mods come in. You have to get the import in there WITHOUT resetting your PS2. Which is where the flip top/slide card comes in.

Actually it's the opposite. The slim ps2 already IS a flip top. You just have to modify it so it doesn't reset when you open the top. With the flip top you install a new top on your clunky PS2 that makes it open like a PS1 or slim PS2.

So even though I have a slim ps2 with a fliptop, I still need to buy another flip top to keep it from resetting. Just trying to clear things up.

So even though I have a slim ps2 with a fliptop, I still need to buy another flip top to keep it from resetting. Just trying to clear things up.

just buy the swapmagic thingy i have that and its nice nice nice

i have a slim ps2


Yeah, just google for flip top and or swap magic and your type of ps2 and find the site with the best prices. eBay probably has a lot as well. Also, be careful to check which version of whatever PS2 you have. Some older PS2s have more/less screws than newer ones, for instance, and some slim PS2s have some plate or something that needs to be dealt with. Again, Google is your friend.


Heh, Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2 has been lying around my place for 2 weeks now, but I haven't played it even once yet. Capcom's latest fighter is keeping me surprisingly busy. Furthermore, we played some FFRB on my friend's arcade machine recently anyway.

One thing I'd like to ask you, Evilhead: earlier in this thread, you mentioned that 98 is the best KoF game. Have you played XI, and what are your thoughts on it?

In my opinion, it has replaced 1998 at the top of the KoF series.


I think I've played a few round of it at an arcade, but I haven't gotten the PS2 version to play it in any depth yet. I've heard a lot of good things about it and I've been wanting to pick it up. But I think I just burnt myself out on 2D fighters to be honest though. I played nothing but 2D fighters for years and I guess I'm kind of on a break now. And also I've realized that compared to Japanese players I'm just trash. Especially when it comes to KOF. Sometimes I can put up a decent fight, but most of the time the dude will wipe the floor with my whole team with just of his players. I play casually, but some of those dudes do NOTHING but practice all day.


Yeah, people go hardcore on the game. I guess you could. But I really never did. I pick up games fairly quickly, but I don't have any motivation to really master a game. I know SFA3 well enough to exploit the computer AI. But other than that, meh. I'll say I have a winning record against most humans. But it's not really anything notable. (Above 50% is winning.) =)

I do not have the time nor the quarters to put into Arcana Heart. But it very well holds my interest. I'm getting bored of the lack of competition of SFA3 and CvS2 where I'm from simply because I can't find others to play it, so I end up playing the comp all the time. I love the feeling when someone puts in the credits and you have no idea what to make of your opponent until the match starts.


I play mostly only play casually as well. I'm decent, I know the fighting systems really well but I just don't invest a lot of time into fighters. I have the potentional but not will or time to become seriously good. One time I beat the 2nd ranked guy in Tekken 5 at my arcade in one round. He won the rest of the match, but apparently I did something few people could do. I also rarely use top-tier characters which is also another reason why am not that good. I like having fun playing my games and I don't have fun when I play as someone I don't like.


Seeing as how there're no arcades where I live, I have no experience with that (watched some matches in Japan, though). I usually play these games with a friend of mine; we're pretty much on the same level, so it's heaps of fun whenever we go for it.


My experience with arcade games is strictly virtual. I don't think I've ever played another human being on an arcade machine. I have played other people in fighting games, and I have played on arcade machines, but never at the same time. Just doesn't happen where I live.

I play people online w/ mame and kawaks, though. I can hold my own against most players in a few games like SFA3 and SSF2/HSF2, but I can't beat people who are masters at their game.

Seeing as how there're no arcades where I live, I have no experience with that (watched some matches in Japan, though). I usually play these games with a friend of mine; we're pretty much on the same level, so it's heaps of fun whenever we go for it.

I can't believe you lived in Japan for some time and didn't go to a single arcade!! Anyway, the competition is fierce. There are some mid-level players at some arcades, but most of the time they guys are just insanely good.

My experience with arcade games is strictly virtual. I don't think I've ever played another human being on an arcade machine. I have played other people in fighting games, and I have played on arcade machines, but never at the same time. Just doesn't happen where I live.

I play people online w/ mame and kawaks, though. I can hold my own against most players in a few games like SFA3 and SSF2/HSF2, but I can't beat people who are masters at their game.

Just learn how to do Ryu's crouch cancel and the rest of his V- combos. Or try V- Sakura :<

OR if you wanted to be a total turd, master A- Dalhsim.


Due to the lack of any arcades, i have never played any fighter against another person. I am capable of kicking some ass, but when i see some footage of other players.....well, damn.


Most of my experience with fighting games is with my friends, otherwise I haven't had the pleasure of going up against others in the arcades. I mean, it's fun and all, but after a while of just the same people it gets kinda dull. The problem is the arcades around here very rarely have 2D fighting games anymore, and when they do, the only people I've ever seen at the game was either myself or my aforementioned friends.

As for my playing ability, I'm decent as far as I can see, but I know that there are loads and loads of people that would be able to wipe the floor with me, no question about it.

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