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Well, I showed my conductor the Perfect Cherry Blossom piece that Justus wrote, and he totally digged it. I already have it being a piece that we are going to play next semester. I tried to get us to play it this one, but unfortunately our last concert is in less than two weeks, so we can't add in any new material.

Anyhow, on to the topic. While in our break during our orchestra class yesterday, I brought up the ost to Starfox to my conductor and let him listen to it for a bit, and he totally loved it. I asked if we could do a concert using the songs from the game, and he said as long as I can provide the sheets, then it is good to go.

I will try to find a way to get sheet music for this myself, but there is something I need you guys to do. Help me choose which "path" we should play!

Which path in the game do you guys think would fit for the best in concert? This means beginning from end, including Corneria and Venom, along with some of the boss tunes.

Well ocr? Get to it!


Definately the easy path would be best. You've got the already orchestral "Asteroid" and "Space Armada" in there, and "Meteor" could be some fun.

I'd say keep away from the hard path, which has "Fortuna" and "Macbeth" thrown in there, and to me are less suited to orchestra.

The medium path has potential with the "Sector Y" theme, but it also has the less suitable "Titania" and the alternate "Venom" which is much less interesting than the Venom theme heard in the easy and hard path.

Why not just make up your own set of Corneria, Asteroid, Sector Y, Space Armada, Venom?


Asteroid theme plz. ;)

Recording kthxbai. :P

...I wish my school band would do this kind of thing. We usually end up with pretty crappy stuff. Highlights have been the James Bond theme, Eye of the Tiger and some stuff from Beverly Hills Cop (Neutron Dance and Axel F).


Perhaps u can use a triangle to signify the lasers deflecting off the barrel roll lol. As for suggestions, you know the theme of your journey towards a particular boss (eg. the tunnel in Andross' underground base) would be a nice piece. Oh as for the grand finale, how about the ending theme? You'l get encores aplenty...

And pleaseeeee submit a crystal clear audio for it.....

Looking forward to the results...


Yes, you must record/share.

For my senior year in HS, our Marching Band did only FF8 pieces. It was...incredible. Our graduation theme was Liberi Fatali, and hearing "Maybe I'm a Lion" during half-time at games was almost unbelievable.

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