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i don't want to lower my encryption to WEP.

does the USB wireless connector work well?

You mean the official Wi-Fi USB connector? Yeah, it works perfectly. It's a really cool little piece of hardware.


So hey has anyone tried going spelunking underground in groups..? I haven't been able to due to not having wireless access just yet; I know I can actually go underground but it for now it would be by myself. From what I hear/read its fun with some aspects of capture the flag?


On a totally unrelated note, Lucario kicks an incredible amount of ass if raised properly. Concentrate on speed and special attack stats, Throw in 2 or 3 TM moves (Psychic! Earthquake! Dark Pulse! Flash Cannon!) and you can not only cover your weaknesses, but come up with total surprises to your foe - A FIGHTING pokemon with a PSYCHIC move!

For in-game purposes, mine has Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, and Extreme Speed. 'Tis quite nice, especially considering I only had to use one TM (Flash Cannon) on him.

I'll prolly end up breeding a new one with a better moveset for competitive battling later on, though.

For in-game purposes, mine has Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, and Extreme Speed. 'Tis quite nice, especially considering I only had to use one TM (Flash Cannon) on him.

I'll prolly end up breeding a new one with a better moveset for competitive battling later on, though.

Don't you mean Dragon Pulse? It doesn't learn Dark Pulse naturally.

And breeding is incredibly boring :( - hatched well over 70 eggs so far.


ok so

i dont know how many people have colosseum

but i do

so i have all the gold and silver starters, and i can breed and trade

but i expect decent offers as i figure not many have em

Don't you mean Dragon Pulse? It doesn't learn Dark Pulse naturally.

And breeding is incredibly boring :( - hatched well over 70 eggs so far.

Nope. I mean Dark Pulse. It learns it via Heart Scale.


and i should finally get around to getting ho-oh from colloseum

and does anyone else have jirachi? I will donate the data for him if i deem you as speshul

I'm Speshal

no you arent youre not on irc

ok wifi is the coolest thing ever

I just traded bahamut a chicorita while taking a crap

it was nice

and i will edit some more

route 225 has the best music ever

after you beat the elite 4 the music gets GREAT


This really is the best Pokemon game ever. I haven't felt this much of a drive to become a master since the first one.

I still remember the day I got all 151 pokemon in my blue version...

This really is the best Pokemon game ever. I haven't felt this much of a drive to become a master since the first one.

I still remember the day I got all 151 pokemon in my blue version...

Ahh, the good ol' days of Red and Blue...Master Ball x99 :grin:.


Does anyone do the thing where you just take down every gym and the elite 4 with one pokemon? I don't even like to set up teams until i've completed the game. I'm starting victory road today with a 76 empoleon.

Also...anyone got that lucky egg yet? Man that would make xping a breeze.

Does anyone do the thing where you just take down every gym and the elite 4 with one pokemon? I don't even like to set up teams until i've completed the game. I'm starting victory road today with a 76 empoleon.

Like Drack said, I did. I do that as well. If you're aiming to do some serious training with EVs and natures, I think this way is good. If you don't care about EVs and natures, you might as well just train whatever pokemon you have.

E4 is hardest with Infernape, I think. Torterra is easiest.


Lucky egg is a held item that doubles the amount of xp recived. Couple that with exp share and you've got yourself an easy way to build levels.

I'm doing e4 right now with the 88 empleon. Pretty much cake so far. I'm on the pyschic guy. A couple of his pokemon aren't being 1 hitted, so I guess the champ might use up some PP.

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