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how do you do it? you just bring your DS in and they give it to you?

First you must have the "MYSTERY GIFT" option at the main menu screen after the title. Select that, pick Receive Gift, then pick Via Wireless, and just download it! Once it's in your file, all you have to do is first HAVE ONE OPEN SPACE IN YOUR PARTY then go to a blue PokeMart building and near the counter is a delivery man who will give you your gift... in this case, Deoxys! If you are not satisfied with the stats / nature of Deoxys, you can always turn it off without saving, reloading the file, and get it again from the delivery man to check on the different stats. The stats are generated right when you get Deoxys, so technically you could do this over and over and legitimately get a shiny Deoxys.

First you must have the "MYSTERY GIFT" option at the main menu screen after the title. Select that, pick Receive Gift, then pick Via Wireless, and just download it! Once it's in your file, all you have to do is first HAVE ONE OPEN SPACE IN YOUR PARTY then go to a blue PokeMart building and near the counter is a delivery man who will give you your gift... in this case, Deoxys! If you are not satisfied with the stats / nature of Deoxys, you can always turn it off without saving, reloading the file, and get it again from the delivery man to check on the different stats. The stats are generated right when you get Deoxys, so technically you could do this over and over and legitimately get a shiny Deoxys.

Awesome. Thanks for the info.

First you must have the "MYSTERY GIFT" option at the main menu screen after the title. Select that, pick Receive Gift, then pick Via Wireless, and just download it! Once it's in your file, all you have to do is first HAVE ONE OPEN SPACE IN YOUR PARTY then go to a blue PokeMart building and near the counter is a delivery man who will give you your gift... in this case, Deoxys! If you are not satisfied with the stats / nature of Deoxys, you can always turn it off without saving, reloading the file, and get it again from the delivery man to check on the different stats. The stats are generated right when you get Deoxys, so technically you could do this over and over and legitimately get a shiny Deoxys.

Actually, I've heard reports that the Manaphy, Darkrai and Deoxys distributed via Mystery Gift can never be shiny for some reason. People on Smogon were claiming it to be true, and you can't get much more reliable, so I tend to not doubt them.


That Black Sludge still floating around? :<

Also, I beat Palmer at level 21 in Battle Tower. It took forever to get the right team to do it (considering I'm using my UU/BL pokes, and not the usual "omg, time to blast shit into atoms!" teams that people are using to get to, like, 914 wins), so this was a rather happy achievement.

The 100 BP I got at the end of it was nice bonus as well. (That would be 100 total, not 100 for winning that battle, of course).

That Black Sludge still floating around? :<

Also, I beat Palmer at level 21 in Battle Tower. It took forever to get the right team to do it (considering I'm using my UU/BL pokes, and not the usual "omg, time to blast shit into atoms!" teams that people are using to get to, like, 914 wins), so this was a rather happy achievement.

The 100 BP I got at the end of it was nice bonus as well. (That would be 100 total, not 100 for winning that battle, of course).

What, that thing? You never mentioned it again or offered up a time, so I was beginning to wonder if you hadn't already acquired one. I have your code entered and all, just tell me when to be online. I figure, you asked for it, you ought to be the one to make an effort. I'm just being nice :)

Especially since I might not get another one for a long time, but what the hey.

GJ on the battle tower win, btw. Once I get a new file going in Pearl or Diamond or something, I'll have to start hammering that place myself.


Damned is a busy dude, you see. I am too. I sympathize.

I'm gonna go get another Deoxys or two at gamestop on Sunday, yay! Hooray for me!

...am I the only one who secretly hates Deoxys for having such rediculous stats? It's almost like GameFreak wasn't even being serious.


Over time, I've acquired a few shinies. I was pissed at losing Cascoon, but honestly I've been lucky enough already. I have all these, and none of them are hacked or from huge PokeRadar chains:

Pearl - Geodude (nicknamed him "gonads" in Japanese)

Sapphire - Meditite

Sapphire - Azumarill

Sapphire - Linoone

Emerald - Magnemite

Diamond - Gallade

Sapphire - Metagross

Diamond - Floatzel

I saw Cascoon on Pearl. I have 3 hacked shinies from GTS, too: Lv.100 Roserade, Lv.35 Deoxys and a Lv.40 Latios.

I think I'm setting pretty good.

Strangely enough, I've never seen a shiny on my Leaf Green.


I've only seen maybe, 2 shinys, including this one I caught.

Here's a question (Not my question, mind you. someone who won't leave me alone about it.)

Do you think it's 'creepy' for a full-grown man to play pokemon?

My only shiny is a friggin GOLBAT.

Same here. Coincidence?

However, in Crystal, I had a shiny Wooper, and my friend has a shiny Charizard in Pearl.


Overflow, my brother's turning 28 in 3 months time, he's obsessed with the animes and everything. If you only have the games, he's making you look normal -.-

I've only seen maybe, 2 shinys, including this one I caught.

Here's a question (Not my question, mind you. someone who won't leave me alone about it.)

Do you think it's 'creepy' for a full-grown man to play pokemon?

I'm almost 23.

"No" seems like a good answer, but then how can I be objective about it?

Then again, it is a game, after all. Maybe it's not "mainstream cool" like Rock Band or Wii casual game #53, but Pokemon's been around a hell of a lot longer.

I'm still trying to decide if stealth rock was a really bad idea or not on the part of the overall game design. I mean, on one hand it helps to keep Gyarados and Salamence from being too powerful, and nothing can escape it's damage, unlike all other type of spikes... but the way it cripples otherwise awesome pokemon like Charizard, Yanmega and Moltres is pretty crazy. I think that if one move can cripple so many pokemon indiscriminately, it shouldn't have been made, or at least made so WIDESPREAD. I mean, everything and its mother learns stealth rock. I mean, think about this: a TON of the best pokemon in the whole game have a double weakness:
















...and yet, in the current metagame, Yanmega is the only double rock weakness among the top 75% of Pokemon. I think that when all those other Pokemon that are perfectly capable of destroying teams can get away with being one-shotted by a moderately weak attack of a certain element, the same should be able to hold true for those weak to rock. But it is not so. All it takes is one move in a battle of, say, 60 or 40 moves or so, and suddenly a large group of pokemon aren't able to work anymore.

If that pokemon that set up stealth rock spent its turn using, say, stone edge instead, they could still one-hit KO those pokemon, just like even weak thunderbolts will topple even the bulkiest of Gyarados. Sure, there's the chance that a pokemon like Lucario might come out and take almost no damage, but the same can be said about the REST of the pokemon world as well.

Here's a question (Not my question, mind you. someone who won't leave me alone about it.)

Do you think it's 'creepy' for a full-grown man to play pokemon?

If age determined what games you were supposed to play, then... well, that's just silly. What games would people in their 40s be regulated to playing? The Sims?

By the way, I turned 30 in late April, so don't feel bad, all you youngins with your "I'm 23" and all that.

Try going to a Toys R Us event and not get any looks from parents...

Same here. Coincidence?

However, in Crystal, I had a shiny Wooper, and my friend has a shiny Charizard in Pearl.


Overflow, my brother's turning 28 in 3 months time, he's obsessed with the animes and everything. If you only have the games, he's making you look normal -.-

I have only caught 1 shiny in all of my time playing Pokemon, and that was a Shiny Beedrill in Silver. Never again have I caught one. Traded for a bunch but never caught.

11 days till Free Shaymin Day!! (12 for you US dwellers...)

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