Azure Prower Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 ...Or even good enough to listen to. You don't have to list one even. I have heard some awesome tracks from the game Sudeki and even Fable has some nice ones to listen to. I usually mix them with some music from OCremix as I play online 3dMMORPGs as their music tends to get repetitive after a while. Music from 2d rpgs seem a bit too dated and doesn't fit how ever. So what music do you like from any 3d RPG? I'm looking for some ideas for some music to listen to.
Azure Prower Posted April 25, 2007 Author Posted April 25, 2007 Return to Castle Wolfenstein Not quite an RPG. But I liked your remix of command and conquer 2 scouting how ever.
The Legendary Zoltan Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 A well-timed topic as I had only decided about 2 weeks ago that my all-time favorite soundtrack to ANY game is Star Ocean 3's. Motoi Sakuraba has been kicking my ass ever since Star Ocean 2. When the 3rd one came out I heard that and it was just like the second Star Ocean soundtrack for me in the way that it had tons of freaking good music and a small handfull of tracks that just totally blow me away. I don't know, it's something about his crazy, keyboard-filled modern rock dungeon music combined with freaking dramatic town themes that just has my number. Plus there are his sweet hip hoppy and heavy metally tracks that come out once in a while. I think I've explained myself enough. I hope it generates some conversation.
The Mutericator Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Also Motoi Sakuraba's, but I enjoy Tales of Symphonia as my all-time favorite. But FFXII comes in at a close second.
watkinzez Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 '3D RPG' is such a redundant definition. It's not like the third dimension actually adds much to the genre that 2D can't do. ..Oh, and the inevitable
Azure Prower Posted April 25, 2007 Author Posted April 25, 2007 '3D RPG' is such a redundant definition. It's not like the third dimension actually adds much to the genre that 2D can't do...Oh, and the inevitable On the 3d part, I beg to differ. I've put a track from a 2d rpg while playing a 3d one and the depth does not match. Sure it was great for the 2d aspect, but there is a quality that matches the dimension. As for the "no favorites" thread rule. I'll just reword the first post to avoid that.
Evilhead Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 nice favorites thread in b4 lock lol btw ffx sndtrk pwns
Sinewav Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Ah. Haven't had a favorites thread in a while. I loved Skies of Arcadia.
Hector Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Final Trigger of Phantasia 6.7; definately that one.
Maco70 Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Isn't this a favorites thread? Why has it lived to see page 2?
Penfold Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Paper Mario for Gamecube, Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy 10...
Gollgagh Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 This is one of the most arbitrary distinctions I've ever heard of.
chrono26 Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Chrono Cross is all time greatest and Baten Kaitos has possibly the most beautiful orchestral VG score ever composed. you can't go wrong with Mitsuda or Motoi Sakuraba.
Kenobio Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Always did enjoy the music to Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story...
BlueMage Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Oblivion and Morrowind are my favourites. I'll agree on Oblivion, though I will swear on a stack of Bibles, Korans and Unix manuals that it's got THE EXACT SAME MUSIC as NWN2. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.
Evilhead Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Isn't this a favorites thread?Why has it lived to see page 2? all the mods are dead. let's overthrow the board!
Maco70 Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 all the mods are dead. let's overthrow the board! O_O OMGWTFBBQ!!
watkinzez Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 On the 3d part, I beg to differ. I've put a track from a 2d rpg while playing a 3d one and the depth does not match. Sure it was great for the 2d aspect, but there is a quality that matches the dimension. Er.. it doesn't suddenly gives the composer special superhuman abilities. There's no link there.
Azure Prower Posted April 26, 2007 Author Posted April 26, 2007 Thanks for the ideas for those who listed some. Much appreciated.
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