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So, I'd love to come to Otakon, but it looks like I may have to pass on it. There is a small possibility of me being able to make it, but unless 1) my plans end up not conflicting and 2) I be able to stay somewhere for not so much money for 3 days, I won't be coming.

About how far a ride is that each day?

Bear in mind, also, that you have to keep in mind the light rail schedule. That might affect your plans if, say, you want to go to any late-night events.

However, it's still a good option. KF

So, I'd love to come to Otakon, but it looks like I may have to pass on it. There is a small possibility of me being able to make it, but unless 1) my plans end up not conflicting and 2) I be able to stay somewhere for not so much money for 3 days, I won't be coming.

There's one spot left at my place; Andy, Jill, and Jill's brother are staying. We're short on transportation at the moment, but the lodging slot is there (offer to Bahamut only at the moment).


Andy's not home to update the first post, but here's the info for the actual MEETUPS. :<

Meetup #1

Friday, July 20th - Directly following our panel, which ends at 12:00 noon

We will congregate outside of the panel room and make our way to the harbor. If there are any people like Xerol who can only come for an outside meetup, wait at the big fountain (it's a multi-level thing directly to the left of the harbor). We should be there by 12:30 or so, and then we'll all head off to lunch.

Meetup #2

Saturday, July 21st - 12:00 noon at the big fountain

Same fountain as described above. We'll all hang out and get lunch somewhere in the harborplace.


I might have a car in tow when I come. Not sure on that yet. However, if I do, I could only guarantee its usage for things like lunch and not-12am dinners, as I'll be commuting from home instead of staying at a hotel, and thus don't desire to be out super late.

Of course, if everyone's gonna get lunch at the harbor, cars are probably unnecessary for lunch anyways.

Hm, if I can go, I'll take you up on that free spot then, although I won't be able to find out till early next week I think (whether I'll be free)

Aww, c'mon Wes, you just gotta come! DO IT FOR THE HENT...I MEAN GIPPER!


Hm, I think it might be about a 3/4 chance that I can go, now that I know the time. I can't come up Thursday for a badge, so I'm banking on getting there Friday in time to pick up a badge and make it to the panel by 10AM.

Meetup #1

Friday, July 20th - Directly following our panel, which ends at 12:00 noon

We will congregate outside of the panel room and make our way to the harbor. If there are any people like Xerol who can only come for an outside meetup, wait at the big fountain (it's a multi-level thing directly to the left of the harbor). We should be there by 12:30 or so, and then we'll all head off to lunch.

Meetup #2

Saturday, July 21st - 12:00 noon at the big fountain

Same fountain as described above. We'll all hang out and get lunch somewhere in the harborplace.

Drats, that second meetup is during a Lunar panel I'm hosting.

One question, when y'all did this last year, about how big an audience was it? Was it also two hours that time? Just out of curiousity. KF


Dont know if Ill be able to make the meetups over the weekend. Ill mostly be in the Alley selling stuff but if i get a chance Friday Ill try coming. Either way hope you guys have a great time!

Does anybody have a video camera (preferably with tripod) they can bring to tape our 10 AM panel on Friday? Mine was stolen recently. ;_; Jiggles, perhaps? Anybodies?

I am coming down with my video camera (Sadly its not Marty McFly, our HD camera) but hopfully that will work...

And if I am there by 10 am or not depends on the train unless someone that is coming from Philly or Jersey and wouldn't mind giving me a lift.

Aww, c'mon Wes, you just gotta come! DO IT FOR THE HENT...I MEAN GIPPER!

Heh, everyone keeps trying to get me to come, but the one possible thing that might crop up during the Otakon time is the one thing that I have as a priority over an OCR meetup (other than school work of course).


Circumstances can only be seen as some sort of conspiracy to keep me from coming to this thing...

I'll be lucky to get some sleep in before the train, available hotels aren't close, Friday morning badge pickup may not be early enough to make the panel, especially with no idea where to store my luggage during that time, and to top it off, my name DISAPPEARS ONCE AGAIN from the definites list! Jill, talk to your boy, willya? :-?

I probably must pay through the nose again to see this through. I will likely book within the next two days, probably taking Xerol's advice, but really depending on how in heaven I manage to work out the travel. Anyone still needing a place to stay can Prime Minister me, and we'll see about gathering four people in order to cut costs (if it's just myself and one other person, I won't have you contribute more than $100-120).


Ack, I'm sorry Jose, I have no idea how your name got dropped off the list. I wish I could do something to help you out w/ your accomodations also; if Jill and I were living in the area we would have opened up our place to you in a heartbeat.

My best advice is that if you CAN go Thursday, you can pick up your badge 5-10pm Thursday night...


I still have a place open, but you'd be on your own getting to/from the con on every day but Friday. I can shuttle you to the train station, that's about it, apart from the meetup my weekend is pretty packed with packing.


I'm going to miss the panel :(. I have work on Friday. I should be coming up to the con friday evening after work at like 6:30. Then I should probably make the noon meetup on sat and be around most of the day. Don't know if I'll be coming back on sunday or not.

I live in College Park, so if someone is along the way and needs a ride at the times I will be coming and going, let me know, and maybe we can work something out.

If I am still in line by the time the panel starts, one of you guys that has your ticket can come and get my camera from me if you want.

I really hope it doesn't come to that sort of thing; I intend to somehow be there at precisely 8:30 AM (the earliest time Friday morning for picking up a badge, if I read it correctly), hoping an hour and a half is enough time to make the panel despite any long lines.

At the moment, Kroze's suggestion for a room and his interest in sharing looks like the way to go for now. Any others want in, please let me know as I prepare within the next 24 hours, especially because the more we have, the less you contribute. It's for Friday and Saturday night, BTW.


It's almost that time eh? Unfortunately I'm busy friday morning so I can't make it to the panel and it's doubtful that I'll be at friday's meet up, since I probably won't be able to make it up to friday afternoon. I'll be there on saturday though.

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