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OCR00758 - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Duel "Heavyarms (Let Me Lift This Load)"

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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Duel 'Heavyarms (Let Me Lift This Load)'

Well, I've never had a good ear for picking out default FruityLoops samples, probably because I've never used them. So this ain't bad, and in fact I'm kinda liking it. But it's really nothing innovative or attention-grabbing - just your basic techno. And that's fine, but I think if more work was put into making this stand out from the rest of the crowd it could be so much more.


DrakeSword should already know my thoughts about this mix, but just in case. Endless Duel was a great game to me and HeavyArms is my favorite Gundam and stage music, so I instantly love this mix on principle and the fact that it is good as it is.


Great song! I agree though, this could truely sound great if more work was put into building the instruments; the presets used here just don't cut it. The composition and all that is all great though.

And amen to DJP about the whole Fruity thing. It's not that FL is a bad program, or is inferior to other similar programs. You don't have to be a studio production guru to use Fruity, so you get a lot of people making stuff that's...amature, simply because it's user-friendly enough to allow people without a whole lot of skill to create music. That's mostly where Fruity's bad name comes from.


Wow, its about time someone did a remix of this game, its about the only ROM I play now a days, and I play it pretty often, so in my book, no matter how basic sounding or undeveloped everyone else says, I still love it just the way it is. Leaving the tune pretty much in tact is fine by me, because it was so darn good in the first place. Now if only someone'll do a mix of Tallgeese's Stage and the Mercurious Stage....


I like this one quite a bit. I know virtually nothing about FruityLoops, but I think this one is a great one to download and listen to over and over. The original was so good that it would've been hard to screw it up, and no mistake of that proportion made here. A nice solo at 1:22, and a very good one overall. I love this remix and can't stop listening to it!

  • 4 weeks later...

OooOooo, makes ya wanna get up and shake ya booty with it. Reminds me of Prodigy. "You're no good for me. I don't need nobody!" Weeeee! It's got a classic bass-clap rhythm to the percussion and a nice, fast-paced lead rhythm to it. 8 out of 10.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is definetly my FAV remix on this WHOLE site! I love any thing Gundam Wing and the music isnt an exception! ^_^ This music is totally awesome, I completely love it! You did an awesome job! Keep it up!

  • 1 month later...

Let's hear it for DarkeSword! Even though its taken me a month to finally post a review on my favorite ocr song, its still played like every day! I love the fading effect of the pulse that adds to the bass synth. The main melody is nothing less of perfect! It is fitting of a game like this!

  • 3 months later...

I have to say this is a great song, my friend told me about it and i thought why not give it a try, I ve listened to it for a while now and i have to say i cant get my mind off this (and others) song.


OHHH MANNN!!! I could listen to this song Hours on end.. it's just soo good! It makes me want to Pilot my Gundam into a fight.. oh man.. I wish there were more songs from Gundam Wing:Endless Duel.. I loved this game.. and the music was Freaking Awesome. Darkesword.. WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC.. GREAT!!!!! I thought it was Great.. it was soo good... good job! :P

  • 1 month later...

Whoa, this is awesome! Love the part that starts at 2:01! Hats off to DarkSword. I admire your work.

Approval Rating: 92.5% [never went over this rating on OCR, meaning this is as close to perfect as it can get for me. Not to say I'm not easy to please, I'm just saving up 7.5% for something that's absolutely, nearly impossibly phenomenal (SP?). :wink: )

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I still maintain that FruityLoops preset cymbal is the best cymbal sample that I have. There is just something about the other cymbals.... I'm sure it is the general tonality of the song.

Nice retro feel. I still use fruity preset samples (from 2.7, 3.5.6 and 4.01... making quite a lethal arsenal.) and this has the presets going right. Probably did this whole mix some justice. I'd hate it to be remixed with orchestral soundfonts.

Hmm... Though it could have used a bit more tweaking here and there.


I don't know how appropriate it would be to say that I made a remix of the heavyarms track myself, not as good as the "let me lift this load" one in my own opinion, I caught myself adding the same bassline this one had on accident because I listened to it so much O_o

EDIT: I might also add that I used some Fruityloops preset samples and channels aswell....not all of them suck!

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I love this mix. It's one of my favorite techno songs, ever. It's a great rave song. Good beat, good melody, and a tribute to a great game. Darkesword, you've done it again with a high-quality mix.

Actually I haven't done it again. This was my first mix with FL, and my first mix posted to OC.


  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

First off I'd like to say that I think this is an Excellent song, and probably a thousand times better than anything I could do if I tried doing the same thing you guys do.

I like this song in the beginning of the track, because it has that feel of some scene of great importance from some show or anime Movie, where the Hero is getting the crap beat out of him, or he's struggling with some great emotional burden or near impossible feat to save somebody or something else along those same lines.

The part that starts up at 2:40, that upbeat almost victorius sounding part just totally loses it for me though. It just ruins the whole vibe of someone going through some great struggle. Though this is probably something caused by the original song itself, and not exactly anything to do with your rendition of it. This is the only quirk I can find with it.

This song has easily made it into my "Favorites" playlist on my player. I hope we can see some more Endless Duel remixes from you. Or maybe some Gundam Battle Assault 1 or 2 remixes ehn?

Ja, ne?

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