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Update for Feb. 7th, 2008:

Thread title is now incorrect...

Time to start putting the year in the update. :razz: Sorry for leaving everyone hanging. I know some of you were really looking forward to this. Well, Jill and I still have plans to finish it after she releases her album. I decided to rework the entire remix, giving it a more professional sound and better arrangement to stand on its own. I have a SaGa Frontier ReMix and J-pop remix to finish then I'll get back to this one, but I figured I'd let y'all hear how it's coming along. Thanks for listening!

Chrono Cross Remix WIP 3.2

The piano playing the main melody of the original is just a placeholder.

Yay, no more YouSendIt. :<


All this stuff below is really old and not relevant anymore.

Update for June 24th:

Okay, here is another update for you guys. It's a few days old and once I get Jill's vocals (hopefully this week) I'll start working on it again. Enjoy!

pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v4.1]


Update for June 14th:

A bigger, shinier update! pixie's drums weren't working with mine so she is going to do another recording of the vocals. These drums will be changed up for a more Hybrid-style since "Finished Symphony" was a big inspiration. Mixing is better this time. I never realized how muddy it was before until I payed attention to mixing. XD Enjoy!

pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v2]


First Post:

Hey all, I got bored tonight and decided to start a remix of pixietricks' "Dreaming Still" cause omg it's liek so awesome!!1 Anyway, I only went up to where Jill's drums come in cause mine weren't lining up with them. Hopefully I'll be able to fix that. (Not now cause I have class tomorrow. :-x) Another thing: I didn't pay all that much attention to how this was mixed, but I don't care cause I will be mixing it on my monitors when I get them set up so don't complain if it sounds kinda wonky. Finally, the drums sound a little canned, but that's cause I deal with changing up my drums at the end. Besides all that, I hope you guys enjoy!

pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v1]

Sorry, I had to upload it to YouSendIt. The server I normally use is screwed up. Argh! I'll try to remember to upload this again when this link expires.


This is pretty awesome! Despite you not worrying about mixing it, it already sounds pretty pro. Yeah, the drums sound pretty bleh, but I like the pattern. The only thing that i didnt really catch was the bass; i couldn't figure out whether it was a synth or a cello/bass... You might want to make it a little more synthy-ish if it IS a synth (which im pretty sure it is since the rest of your strings sound pretty good). Although, I AM listening to it on earbuds... But anywho, keep it up!

The only thing that i didnt really catch was the bass; i couldn't figure out whether it was a synth or a cello/bass... You might want to make it a little more synthy-ish if it IS a synth

I have a bass synth layered with cellos. I'll EQ the synth to bring out the grittiness.

(which im pretty sure it is since the rest of your strings sound pretty good).

Miroslav strings for the win!

Time to deal with those drums. I'm glad you guys are diggin' this!


This is the problem with posting LATER. Most everything has already been said.

I look forward to the full version too. Nothing against pixie, but this version seems to have a little more going on in my opinion.



I like it! The drums sound solid, but at the same time sit nicely with the strings, which themselves have a very smooth texture, with the pad that's been layered over them. I'd definitely like the hear the final version with the vocals over this.


While we've had 2 cases of ReMixes of a ReMix, we've never had one dealing with vocals. I don't speak for the panel, so this is just my singular opinion, but I would suggest alterations with the vocal style/delivery as well as the lyrics. This is all keeping with the standard of making this different enough from the original ReMix to also stand on its own. Sounds cool so far, Nicole; good luck.


Very, very nice! Definitely superior compared to the original...no offense to Jill of course. Loving the new drums and violins especially. Overall though, this version has a lot more going on compared to the emptiness of the previous one.

It's not that I don't like the original. On the contrary, I listen to it a lot! The basic beat and Jill's vocals rock, yet like I said it does feel somewhat empty to me.

It's going to be interesting to see how Jill re-takes the vocals. Changing up the lyrics a bit isn't so hard to do, I believe. What's challenging is changing up the style. Personally, I think that once a specific way of singing over a track gets into your head, it's really hard to do a different take on it.

Nice work, Adams! Good luck, Jill. :)

I hope people don't think I'm trying to replace Jill's version. It really is amazing so I wanted to give it my own personal twist. Unfortunately nothing concerning the vocals can be changed so I'm going to have to come up with a countermelody to help with that.

Do I smell another pixiemix in the making?


  • 2 months later...

Sorry that I left everyone hanging. As you probably figured out the remix is on hold since Jill is busy working on her album. Hopefully we'll pick back up on the song within the next couple months. Since the last update posted here, I've fleshed out the ending and added a lead to the break. The next time you'll probably hear an update, though, is when this is complete. (Unless you message me saying you really want to hear where I'm at. :<)

  • 5 months later...

The intro could use some softer strings, at least the first two or four chords.

I'm missing something in the left ear high range to counter the right-panned hihat.

There's some annoying whipping noises in the high range up until the 1:40 break. They're pretty annoying, sounds like phased or flanged hihats which doesn't work well in this soundscape, imo.

There's some crackling noises. Are you using Vinyl on this? I don't think it has the effect you intended, it's not audible during the louder sections, and it's distracting during the soft ones,

The strings arrangement is pretty. The ending sections are totally awesome, from the point where the drums cease 'til the point where the strings should have faded. Yes, _should_ have.

Overall, this is already awesome, and with Pixietricks' voice it'd be even greater. Looking forward to hearing this completed.

btw, your WIP version numbers aren't very consistant: v1, v2, v4.1, 3.2. Any particular idea behind that? :D

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