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I thought I would share this dream as it's retarded. I don't know, Every always says this and that, reason is better and vice versa I had a dream that the two were actually versing each other in a arena.

This is how it happend, they both look like transformers robots with there logos on them, the reason one was orange and black and fruity loops was dark gray. xD

Reason busted out the subtractor cannon and launched a missle into the vocador vortex and it came out as a web, and it trapped the fruity loops bot. Then fruity loops turned green and summoned absynth, battery, and a bunch of other vsti' bots and they combined and started beating the hell out of the reason bot.

Then reason fuzed with logic and created a fuzion bot and they were on equal grounds.

Then in the end cubase came out of knowhere and blasted them both to bits.

I don't know why I had this dream. I must be retarded or something. xD

This dream encouraged me to make a flash movie of it. :) so who knows, reason vs fruity loops, who will win?

I had a dream that the two were actually versing each other in a arena.

What the hell, people? "Verse" is not a verb meaning "compete" or "combat." I don't understand where this insane, retarded usage came from, or how it got to be so pervasive around me. "Versus" is a preposition, completely unrelated to any verb except in their shared existence as words. There is absolutely no basis for bastardizing it into some mutant verb, so stop. I may need to start carrying a pistol for liberal shots to the head if all these idiots keep this shit up.

You're lucky I got so fixated on this one stupid thing you did, because it kept me from bothering to read about your likely nonsensical "dream" and ripping your limbs from their sockets to beat you with for it.

What the hell, people? "Verse" is not a verb meaning "compete" or "combat." I don't understand where this insane, retarded usage came from, or how it got to be so pervasive around me. "Versus" is a preposition, completely unrelated to any verb except in their shared existence as words. There is absolutely no basis for bastardizing it into some mutant verb, so stop. I may need to start carrying a pistol for liberal shots to the head if all these idiots keep this shit up.

thank teh intarwebs for this.

also, get out more plzkthnx.


FL-7 crushes your face.

Seriously though... I'd imagine FL bot would summon drumkit from hell then its incompatibility would be its undoing.

Oh shit, but reason doesnt run vsti's at all afaik.

So cubase could just sling a whole line of incompatible VSTI's at both of them, like GVI, Trilogy Bass, Drumkitfromhell, EWQL orchestra trying to use more than 2 GB without DFD, or Synful orchestra. That ought to learn them.

Until sonar crushed cubase's children.

What the hell, people? "Verse" is not a verb meaning "compete" or "combat." I don't understand where this insane, retarded usage came from, or how it got to be so pervasive around me. "Versus" is a preposition, completely unrelated to any verb except in their shared existence as words. There is absolutely no basis for bastardizing it into some mutant verb, so stop. I may need to start carrying a pistol for liberal shots to the head if all these idiots keep this shit up.

You're lucky I got so fixated on this one stupid thing you did, because it kept me from bothering to read about your likely nonsensical "dream" and ripping your limbs from their sockets to beat you with for it.

Stop being gay. Take off those starwars underpants boi.
Stop being gay. Take off those starwars underpants boi.

Wow, you burned him so hard. I bet he's crying


Dumbass. :roll:

As for how "versus" was turned into a verb: it comes from people not ever hearing the word outside the realm of fighting games. The announcer says "LINK, VERSUS, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" but people hear "LINK, VERSES, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" as if it's something that LINK is doing to METAL MARIOOOOOooooo. They think it's a verb and start conjugating it for different subjects. I verse, you verse, he verses, etc.

I not saying it's right; I agree with you that it's fucking stupid, and people need to learn how to use words properly and stop making shit up. I'm just telling you where it came from.

Stop being gay. Take off those starwars underpants boi.

Oh, thank God. You're less intelligent than I imagined. Now I know for sure you won't be able to spread your seed, because no woman will be dumb enough to get with you.

As for how "versus" was turned into a verb: it comes from people not ever hearing the word outside the realm of fighting games. The announcer says "LINK, VERSUS, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" but people hear "LINK, VERSES, METAL MARIOOOOOooooo" as if it's something that LINK is doing to METAL MARIOOOOOooooo. They think it's a verb and start conjugating it for different subjects. I verse, you verse, he verses, etc.

I not saying it's right; I agree with you that it's fucking stupid, and people need to learn how to use words properly and stop making shit up. I'm just telling you where it came from.

It depresses me that this makes sense.

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