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Spammer alert!

He signed up just to plug a band. He's had almost three weeks to post anything at all, and a link to a band is his first one? Either he's had nothing better to say, or he's been waiting for his other threads on other sites to be locked or deleted.(and now for the "I'M NOT SPAMMING! I JUST REALLY LIKE THIS BAND! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT THIS WAY? REALLY, I'M NOT A SPAMMING!")


Does this even work? I mean, on OCR specifically. I'm sure it'd work in most forums, but I'm curious to see if OCR would do this as a whole w/o those who look out for it. Granted, looking out for it is as easy as just looking at the OP.


Come on, there are entire companies that specialize in forum spamming. They create accounts on popular sites (which OCR is, don't you know), and then try to integrate themselves into the local community. They might wait days or even weeks, depending upon their "policy".

If a company can do it, why can't a music band? Get a few friends or members to go around to music sites and drop some links. Would it really be that hard? Hell, you could google "music sites" and get a few hundred sites ripe for the spamming.

I'm immediately weary of anyone that signs up and the first thing they do is go on about how great whatever service/product/group is. Like i said, he had three weeks to participate in any of the hundreds of threads here. But instead, he makes a new one about some small-time band that just happened to release a new album, not even a week ago.

That sounds pretty damn suspicious to me.


Okay, uh, if this is spam then I guarantee you it's on behalf of the record label, not the band itself. The tactic would be very uncharacteristic of Spoon (trust me, I met them through a friend of a friend of a sibling's or whatever several years ago... they're not exactly devious), and also completely unnecessary--if they were really dead-set on viral marketing, they wouldn't be such a word-of-mouth phenomenon to begin with. Why pay for what fans already give you free?

But since we're on the subject, this is a great song (much more diverse, instrumentally, than their past endeavors, and I mean that about their latest album as a whole) and Spoon is a great band that knows how to rock. If they didn't, the Austin music scene would have devoured them alive back in the 90's. If anyone wants to hear more of them, though, I'd suggest they start with Girls Can Tell or Kill the Moonlight... If you don't like Spoon already, there's no way you'd like Gimme Fiction (at least, not for the right reasons), and the new Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, while returning to the short, tight-knit composition of the older albums, is as I said much more diverse and less typical of the band.

The band may or may not be any good. The whole point is that some little spammer came here and dumped his shitty attempt at viral marketing on us.

maybe it's just a dude who wanted to talk about a band he liked. maybe i'm being naive but i really doubt anybody from the band or their label is behind this. and why ocr of all places? i mean judging by the responses so far it's pretty clear that very few people here are into indie rock.

maybe it's just a dude who wanted to talk about a band he liked. maybe i'm being naive but i really doubt anybody from the band or their label is behind this. and why ocr of all places? i mean judging by the responses so far it's pretty clear that very few people here are into indie rock.

isn't that kinda what I said forever ago hmmmmmm


If he wanted to talk about it, then why hasn't he said anything? This thread is his one and only post. He's had almost a week to say something else.

He's done his shitty little job, and now he's gone. If he does post anything, it'll be either more spam, or because he's trying to make himself look like he's not spamming.




I Googled "Spoon: dig em?" and unearthed this deviantART music forum thread of the same name which was created within an hour of this OCR thread. It is almost exactly the same. If you check the user's history on the forum, it's pretty clear that he regularly does this sort of thing.

Googling other stuff he's got on the deviantART forums turns up almost identical posts on a bunch of other forums. His preferred user names seem to be idowhatiamtold and justdecent. In some cases, he replies to himself under the different names.

Anyhoo . . . The Damned is correct. This guy deserves all the abuse we care to heap upon him.


This is the most retarded thread I have ever read (no offense to retarded people, they don't deserve to be lumped in with this thread).

Maybe it's just me, I find it highly improbably that a very popular "indie" band would enlist someone to advertise for them on the OCR forums.

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