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Rock remix of Sky Sanctuary zone from Sonic & Knuckles

well I am completely restarting sky sanctuary rock (it will probably be renamed in the future). well I realized that I had to start the entire thing over. before it was not a remix, it was just a cover, so I realised I couldnt just change things around. I had to start over. I decided to make a more suttle intro with a piano. I personally am very pleased with the way its beginning to sound.

remember this ia a very early version. I started only an hour ago. its all done on synths so the guitars do sound like crap. I know. and I know that the way it fades from piano to guitar sounds like crap. I will complete the song on synths and then play it on my guitar for the final stages.

click stream if you dont want to download the song

(1) http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/asza/sky-sanctuary-rock-intro-piano ...origional post...

(2) http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/pifw/sky-sanctuary-rock-remix-02 ... background drums and extended version...

(3)http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/okwo/sky-sanctuary-rock-TEST1 ... bass guitar, secondary lead guitar, properly monitored, and more extended

(4)eozg final version.

My new user name is LITHE




I like it so far. Like you said, you could work on the piano/guitar transition. Otherwise, turn down the reverb on the guitar a bit because it's somewhat distracting. Keep it up!

Kinda reminds me of Trans-Siberian Orchestra.... exceprt much shorter... and without the power bass and guitar solos

thanks guys!

yeah this is only the beginning. I plan on having it about 4min. it doesnt sound very full because I didnt add any bass or drums yet. I plan on buying addictive drums this week because right now my drum samples sound like crap. my friend let me borrow amplitube 2 from him and the distortions sound much better than guitar rig 2. but I cant figure out how to load it into fl studio. so as for now Im just using presets from guitar rig.

thanks agian,



thanks for the kind words guys! Im really going to try and get this mix finished. now I just hope I dont screw it up! haha. Im going to put a lot of thought and time into this one so it comes out right.

  • 2 weeks later...

well finnaly an update! I got addictive drums witch is an amazingly great sounding program. I tried using the cheep samples built into flstudio but they just suck and I cant use them.

anyways the piano intro is still the same tune with a little ajustments with a parometric EQ. the song is still not finnished. Im sort of stuck at the heavy sounding part but Ill figure it out...




Sounds definitely ok, I'd tone down the guitars and up the drums and bass, it should sound much more powerful that way. Also, the guitar actually sounds surprisingly decent for a synth, props for that. And yeah, work on that transition from the piano to the heavy part. Keep on rocking! =P


yeah I dont have a bass guitar yet. I want to wait til' Im done with the song because it slows down the cpu a lot.

well I have been having a lot of hardware and driver issues so I had to reformat twice within the last 3 or 4 days. I have been having conflics with the old and new hardware. I think its time for a new PC. well thats a few hours of work gone. luckily I have a backup. so the next time I post an uptade it will probably sound a little different. though im guessing the next time I will have an update, the song will be complete on synths. it may not be for a while though because I need to start saving up for a new PC.


liking the ska sanc remix idea so far.Looking forward to its completion. The addition of live guitars should sound really nice when they're implimented. Could turn out to be a nice fun melodic rock remix.


I like the arrangement so far, but I'm not familiar with the original.

Amplitube 2 isn't going to work on FLS. I can get it to load and even make sounds, but as soon as I stop the playback it stops processing anything else until I restart FLS. It works great in CuBase but if you don't have that you can try it in something like Audacity or Computer Music's free sequencer (though you have to buy the magazine to get it).

Whenever you do get Amplitube 2 sorted, make sure you double-track your rhythm guitars and pan them hard left and right for a beefier sound.


  • 1 month later...

nothing major yet, though I still am at work with this one. Im actually working on it at the moment. Im sort of stuck with the fast solo parts... not really stuck its just really slow progress. the problem is I can play decently fast solos but I have never made one bofore. another thing thats making it difficult is I cant do pinched harmonics with my synth. I have some cool ideas in my head but I cant get them out. I do have a solo thats almost done that sounds pretty cool though.

I'll post an update soon!

  • 3 weeks later...

even though I really want to get this mix finnished Im really going to have to take a break from it. I just keep trying to continue it, but nothing is sounding right. some of it sounds cool but it just doesnt go with the track. Im not feeling that insperational spark that I did when I started the track. Im sure if I take a break from it for a while everything will fall together... it usually does in situations like this...

  • 1 month later...

I am so glad to say that I finnaly have an update! damn its been a while since I actually had an update that was worth posting! its still not complete though. I want it to be at least 3 1/2 min. its hard for me to complete this because I have never got into a song/remix this complicated before. Im pretty sure that this is sounds as good as it gets with synths. I had an entire new setup on my PC and it can handle way more cpu and twice the amount of ram. that let me run it though more eqaulizers, and an addition of a backing lead guitar! well here it is!



comments are always greatly appreciated!


nice to hear an update on this mix.Hey your transition from piano to rock during the intro still sounds off.You could redo the same piano solo a second time but in rock format(get a good drum lead to kick things off and let the guitar keep things rollin). This could make sense of the intro wrather than sound as though it was just takked onto your mix.

If you want a 4 min mix, and considderring this a rock mix, you might considder adding some wild guitar and or piano leads imbetween the break at 1:30 of your mix.I think that would be a perfect point to have a bit of fun with your guitar and/or piano skills before leading back into the ska sank theme,because at this point it sounds as though you took a short quick break from the original theme and got back to it as soon as you could.

Consider slowing the melody of the ska sank theme afterwards or at some points in the mix(suchas the section where you playout the entire original melody) to add more depth to the mix, then pick things back up with the original melody and/or some original material. Considdering that i'm not too skilled at the whole mixing thing,this is more or less just some feed back in support of your mix.Whatever you decide,I'm looking forward to hearing the completion of this.

nice to hear an update on this mix.Hey your transition from piano to rock during the intro still sounds off.You could redo the same piano solo a second time but in rock format(get a good drum lead to kick things off and let the guitar keep things rollin). This could make sense of the intro wrather than sound as though it was just takked onto your mix.

If you want a 4 min mix, and considderring this a rock mix, you might considder adding some wild guitar and or piano leads imbetween the break at 1:30 of your mix.I think that would be a perfect point to have a bit of fun with your guitar and/or piano skills before leading back into the ska sank theme,because at this point it sounds as though you took a short quick break from the original theme and got back to it as soon as you could.

Consider slowing the melody of the ska sank theme afterwards or at some points in the mix(suchas the section where you playout the entire original melody) to add more depth to the mix, then pick things back up with the original melody and/or some original material. Considdering that i'm not too skilled at the whole mixing thing,this is more or less just some feed back in support of your mix.Whatever you decide,I'm looking forward to hearing the completion of this.

those are some really helpful ideas that I will have to try! thanks man!

its hard trying to figure this all out on my own since I am still relatively new to all this. if you, or anyone else has any more insight on this mix I would be glad to hear it! feel free to send me a message or submit a reply...


yeah I plan on recording it all with my guitar. I really have to work on my timing. I gonna try and complete everything myself, but Im not the best guitarist. so I may need help after I get everthing coordinated out. we'll see what happens...

  • 10 months later...

Its been a long time since an update, but here is the final version of this remix! I may tweak things a little before I submit, but the composition is done.

I have come a long way since I posted up my first version. I learned so much from the people from this site, and I thank everyone for all the help and support. let me know if there is anything I should change before I submit.

the reason it took me so long was because I wanted this remix to sound so much better than what I was capable of at the time. so I waited until I learned a little more about composing music. and I really think the wait was worth it.

Please comment! I want to know what everyone thinks before I submit!

The name will be Sanctuary of Rock



meh, I finished this up last night and I can hear that the rhythm guitar can use some improvement... but what do you guys actually think about the composition of the track? any comments would be greatly appreciated!


The triplets or pseudotriplets early when the guitar's just come in (as well as later) don't sound very fitting imo, you could work out another rhythm for them. There's also a pretty annoying repeated piano rhythm towards the end. I suggest cutting it out for part of it, writing a less repetitive part for the rest of it.

Other than that, there's not much I can offer without know more about what you're still planning to do. The overall composition is pretty good imo, so now it's nitpick fixing and sound tweaking/rerecording.

The drums need some levels fixing, the hats are a bit too loud and I can barely hear the kick. Also, dunno if it's intentional, but it's missing a bass. Staple of the genre, stylistic choice, or an oops moment? Whatever, it's a little empty in the lower range, you could EQ the rhythm guitar to cover the lower range a little more.

Not familiar with source (or couldn't recognize it). I do like this.


btw, why didn't you just head into the name change thread and have an admin change your name for you? :P

The triplets or pseudotriplets early when the guitar's just come in (as well as later) don't sound very fitting imo, you could work out another rhythm for them. There's also a pretty annoying repeated piano rhythm towards the end. I suggest cutting it out for part of it, writing a less repetitive part for the rest of it.

Other than that, there's not much I can offer without know more about what you're still planning to do. The overall composition is pretty good imo, so now it's nitpick fixing and sound tweaking/rerecording.

The drums need some levels fixing, the hats are a bit too loud and I can barely hear the kick. Also, dunno if it's intentional, but it's missing a bass. Staple of the genre, stylistic choice, or an oops moment? Whatever, it's a little empty in the lower range, you could EQ the rhythm guitar to cover the lower range a little more.

Not familiar with source (or couldn't recognize it). I do like this.


btw, why didn't you just head into the name change thread and have an admin change your name for you? :P

thanks for the input! the rhythm guitar and its distortion sounded a lot more fitting and full when I had it under "ultimate guitar kit 2" soundfont. I'll spend time fixing that up and making it blend better from the piano intro.

which piano rhythm are you talking about? the one that starts at 2:45 is staying. but Im guessing your talking about the one thats at 3:50 backing the guitars. that repetitive rhythm is in the origional track, and its backing the lead. that rhythm actually repeats through the entire song switching between the C major scale and I think E major. the ending repetitve piano is a little bit louder with more sustain than the rest of the song. I can hear how it gets annoying on that part so I guess I can tone it down.

I loaded the song up and I realized that the bass was turned way down. I can fix that np.

I see what your getting at with the drums though. the high hat is way over powering. I'll fix that up!

other than that, and a bit of tweaking the song is done. I dont plan on doing any more with it...

...haha I didnt even know I could change my name! w/e its not like I had any remixes out under that name...

BTW, the oringional track is Sky Sanctuary zone from Sonic & Knuckles

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