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Hi. I am a grilled fish. Let me tell you a story. When a pack of wild animals is attacking, the baby giraffe will hide under the legs of the mother giraffe. And the mother giraffe kicks the giraffe out from under her and runs away. It is with this beautiful story that I begin my days here.

Hi. I am a grilled fish. Let me tell you a story. When a pack of wild animals is attacking, the baby giraffe will hide under the legs of the mother giraffe. And the mother giraffe kicks the giraffe out from under her and runs away. It is with this beautiful story that I begin my days here.


I second that.

At least they haven't posted again. i got a headache after reading that and trying to understand what the hell they said.


Hi there...

I've been lurking for a while, and finally decided to make my self known. :)

While I may not be a DJ, I can say that this site has the best frikkin' music around. Keep up the good work! :wink:


I'm 15 and hail from western PA. I've been playing games since I was five or so. (Which isn't saying much, compared to some. But it's something.) I wouldn't consider myself a "fanboy" for any particular games/systems, which I s'pose will help around here.


hello, I'm Yuna...yet another newbie around here. I came here by way of linkage from One Up Studios. I'm also a member of the PMM MB as well. I have actually never been here before. This is my first venture into this place. I hope to get to know you guys better. ^_^ why I'm up so late, I have no idea either...but I thought I'd say hi.


hi! I'm Erin anyways i'm feeling kinda dumb now. This is my first time here and i already made a mistake on my username. I just wasn't thinking (that says a lot about me) :? Well..... this is my first time on this site and i really liked it. The music is great.


i've been here for a while but never really took the time to register for until yesterday, love the music on this site and i'm the biggest zelda geek out of all my friends.....which of course will mean absolutly nothing here. just wanted to indroduce myself so please don't hurt me with your supirior knowledge of the games and music within.

I have no cool signoff thing.



I joined today, the 19 day of December, in the 4th year of the 21st century in the second millenium since the birth of Christ, at around noon maybe. I took a look around, posted a bit, then decided to say hi, which I did. My job here is done.

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