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I have been posting on this site for like 3 months, but I can still introduce myself.

Hi, I´m Bummerdude, I live in Sweden, studying natural science in senior high school, and overall trying to be funny. I play some piano on my freetime, maybe on my several occasions I´ll learn something new, but that never happen. I like to draw stuff when I´m bored, can vary from flowers to bunnies, aliens and sandwiches.

And of course, I´m a big fan of OCRemix, otherwise I wouldn´t be here. I try to listen to most of the genres and styles, everything goes in music, and my favorite games are Final Fantasy, Zelda, Rayman, and other games that are just funny to play.

And for all the newbies, WELCOME.

Post #600


I'm the Milquetoast Thug. Nice to meet you.

I've been playing the piano for about a year, but I only own a tremendously outdated casio keyboard from circa 1991, which also has a B-Falt that doesn't work. (which sucks.) I play chess (mostly because my father's trying to live vicariously through me, but that's for another time)and I enjoy naturalistic science fiction (Think Firefly, Planetes, and the new Battlestar galactica, and you'd be on the right track) I write and draw comics, but don't own photoshop (which also sucks, but which is ultimately not a big deal.) I enjoy attempting to beat Resident Evil games with nothing but the knife (Vincent Merkin Forever!) and play in and occasionally run Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. That's most of it...


... to be a newb again... *sigh* i hate starting over.

Anyway, my names Tom *cheezy smile* This site has to be the most shweet awesome Remix site on the net so far... So... hi? Run out of will to type...



I am Jake. Jake the Mushroom. It is through the delicate tendrils of my mind that I am typing this post to you, for you see, I have no arms. Though I am somewhat lacking in size and physique, I am hoping this will not be a problem.

I've been watching you guys for awhile, and I never thought about joining because I thought this just for, like, remixers. I mean, given the chance I would do something musical, but I don't. I started reading and I realized that ANYONE could join (this is the part where I banged my head on the desk). So, here I am.


Welcome, Tom and Jake (you wouldn't happen to be Mycon, eh Jake?)

Just keep up the good spelling and sensible posts, and you guys will do fine.

Make sure to heed Gaea's advice and stay away from Unmod. At the very least, lurk (that is, visit the forum and read the threads without posting anything). The people there can be quite friendly, but you have to have a high tolerance for eccentricity and outlandish behavior. Plus a strong stomach (they love to use shocking images).

  I.Medley said:
Make sure to heed Gaea's advice and stay away from Unmod. At the very least, lurk (that is, visit the forum and read the threads without posting anything). The people there can be quite friendly, but you have to have a high tolerance for eccentricity and outlandish behavior. Plus a strong stomach (they love to use shocking images).

Cannot be more pointed out. Try to read the thread name correctly, and you´ll do fine, and if your not sure, read the first post. But that is kinda obvious maybe, so I´m just gonna go away now.

And YES you must have a strong stomach and rockhard mental defense.


Hey! I'm Stan, and I just joined in the last four years. I like video games and music, especially that which is theatrical (such as, say, the Shenmue 2 soundtrack, or many of the SNES RPGs as Live a Live, Tales of Phantasia, Lufia 2, etc etc). One of my goals is to become a director, maybe working in the gaming industry as games are becoming more cinematic every generation. I'll probably be staying a while, so it's nice to meet you all!


Hello all, I am Fillerman, and though my name is excessively insane, I can assure you I am not.

I am a long-time fan of OCR, just begining to make my way into the forum community. I'll be around, here, there, anywhere.

I'm concidering making remixes as well (my ambitions are rather high, are they not?) and will maybe slowly be around in that scene as well. To all my fellow Newbies, good luck, have fun and always bring your popcorn to movie night.


Hey, kids! I'm RandomDragoonKain, but I'm fine just being called Random, Kain, or RDK. Anything works, just don't call me late for dinner, or I'll cut you. D=

I've been going to the site for a few years now, and I just now decided to stop being lazy and sign up for the forums. I can't promise that I'll be active, but I'll sure try. Yep...sure...try...

I'm a Nintendo fanboy-girl at heart, though I also enjoy Sega and Squeenix. My favorite consoles are the NES, SNES, and Sega Genisis. I've played flute since I was ten, though I'm still not very good at it. I really want to remix something. I always get ideas, but I have no means by which to figure out the notes or produce it. So blah. There's my boring introduction, time to start tearing up OCRemix with my posts of awesomeness...or something like that.


Hello I am the Ten Flames. I think that the remixes on this site are awesome. I like how there are variations of music because I hate close minded people who only listin to one type of music or play only one type or game. I have been collecting and playing games all of my life I even have my NES hooked up still and still play it like once a week. I play all variations of games and listin to most variations of music. Some of my favorite games are Metal Gear Solid, Legend Of Zelda, Fatal Frame, Mega Man X, Shenmue, Mario Kart, and etc...

I live in New York, and I am currently applied to the NYC Museum School. In my free time I like to practice drawing when ever i not playing a game or listining to music. I have posted in UnMod before and thought that i should introduce myself here. This is a great site and I'll try and post as much as I can.


Welcome, Horseboy, Fillerman, RandomDragoonKain, Ten Flames, link14, and Eternal Testament (and Stan). I hope you all have a pleasant stay here in OCR.

Eternal Testament, if you see someone refer to ET, they probably are not talking about you, but rather Electronic Toothbrush, another poster here.


'ello OCR.

I'm not really a newb to this site, just moreso to the forums.

My cousin showed me this site about three years ago and I've sorta just been following along with it.

I love the work you guys produce, it's really great stuff, sometimes better than the originals.

At least, in my opinion, lol.

Anyways, that's my intro.


it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all


Sup all.

I'm a bassoonist!! I love vidjo g4m3 music. I've been cajoling some of my profs to give up movie music for vidjo g4m3 music. But, not working out too well.

PM me if you want to see some of the stuff I've done/aspiring for. I'm mostly into arranging for live groups for live performances. I've worked with fruityloops a bit, but not pro with the software.

If anybody needs a bassoonist or a bassoon lick recorded, let me know!

If anybody wants to loose some money playing Super Smash bros melee, lemme know and I'll be glad to take a $10 off you ;).


Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.

  silenced wisdom said:
it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

Welcome back.

If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

  SoloGamer said:
Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.
  silenced wisdom said:
it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

Welcome back.

If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

The thing is...I recorded some of my music from Megaman6 that I played on the guitar and I have an awesome way of adding others and stuff...I mean all this stuff in my head but can't put it into context without failing miserably.....unfortunately in those six months I was out my PC crashed once more and lost all that. but I'll try since I play sax and Guitar but I am better with the sax than the guitar....I want to meld them but can't cuz I only had the trial version of fruity loops.(can't save)

  silenced wisdom said:
  SoloGamer said:
Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.
  silenced wisdom said:
it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

Welcome back.

If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

The thing is...I recorded some of my music from Megaman6 that I played on the guitar and I have an awesome way of adding others and stuff...I mean all this stuff in my head but can't put it into context without failing miserably.....unfortunately in those six months I was out my PC crashed once more and lost all that. but I'll try since I play sax and Guitar but I am better with the sax than the guitar....I want to meld them but can't cuz I only had the trial version of fruity loops.(can't save)

Try checking out the ReMixing forum. You may be able to get some good information there.

The same goes out to anyone interested in submitting remixes. The people there are friendly and helpful (or so I've heard). Just make sure to be polite and courteous.

  I.Medley said:
  silenced wisdom said:
  SoloGamer said:
Hello all you new people and welcome to the forums.
  silenced wisdom said:
it's been a long while since I last logged in...so I had to reactivate my account...I was on a 6 month hiatus....until now......I've tried making remixes but they are all severe failures :cry: but there is good news...........I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico.......no seriously it's great to be back I wonder if all my past aquaintances are still here....so um yeah.......hi all

Welcome back.

If you don't think your works are up to the OCR or VGMix snuff, then the fine folks at OverLooked ReMiX would be happy to hear your shit. Their submission guidelines are pretty lax as far as quality is concerned.

The thing is...I recorded some of my music from Megaman6 that I played on the guitar and I have an awesome way of adding others and stuff...I mean all this stuff in my head but can't put it into context without failing miserably.....unfortunately in those six months I was out my PC crashed once more and lost all that. but I'll try since I play sax and Guitar but I am better with the sax than the guitar....I want to meld them but can't cuz I only had the trial version of fruity loops.(can't save)

Try checking out the ReMixing forum. You may be able to get some good information there.

The same goes out to anyone interested in submitting remixes. The people there are friendly and helpful (or so I've heard). Just make sure to be polite and courteous.

Though please be sure so check out the stickies and other threads first. I have heard people can be a little cranky in there if certain things get asked that have been asked before. Try using the search function if you're not sure.

Also welcome to the newcomers! :D


hello all. name is blackdragonsoul. u can call me soul if u wish. i'm 24 and i enjoy playing video games and reading about em :D . i live in tenneessee. my intrest is video game, dragons, swords, knives, action figures and collecting cards.

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