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This hits me hard as I'm in Minneapolis all the time, and I've been calling friends for a while making sure they were ok. Around 6:00pm today the I-35W bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River. Many cars plunged into the river, and a lot of people are injured and dead. That bridge is only 40 years old, and the god damn thing failed. My thoughts go out to everyone involved in this shit.


Holy shit. Saw this thread and turned on CNN...wow.

Jesus, I can't imagine what it must be like to live there, not knowing whether or not your friends were involved in the accident.

I honestly don't know what to say.


Well I'm alive... I was first surprised that it made international news, but people are talking terrorism (which is bogus) so that makes it more important.

Everyone I know in the area is fine, I can only pray for the families of the injured and killed.


I'm a St. Paul guy, not Minneapolis, but this is still damn close to home. I was at work at the time, and a coworker's wife drives over that bridge every day at 6pm. Thank God she had to stay late to finish a project. No one I know was in the area at the time, but it still leaves me feeling on edge. And the DOT here doesn't exactly have the best track record with bridge work...


I was driving home down I-35 in Austin and came to a dead stop in an enormous traffic jam, so I cut over to the nearest exit and took another path home. When the first thing I saw here is "I-35 bridge collapsed," I certainly did a double take.

But yeah, that sucks.


I've driven over that bridge. That's a weird idea.

That certainly isn't fair. It's rush hour with around 50 cars on the bridge, and it just falls out from under them. Maybe next we'll all be struck by meteors in our homes.

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