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OCR00793 - Wizards & Warriors "Kono Sekai De"


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Wizards & Warriors 'Kono Sekai De'

It seems to me that DJ Crono is trying very hard to be my new favorite remixer on this site, and it's very close to working. Except for the voice samples, this mix is a representation of some of my most favorite genres of music. I sure hope DJ Crono keeps this incredible work up. Excellent, DJ Crono, Excellent!

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To begin with, I would like to compliment DJCrono generously on his creativity and originality. Although only two of his remixes have been on OCR so far, it's obvious the time and dedication put into them. I think remixers who break the mold, so to speak, are generally very appreciated. Although their work might not fit with the genre or overall style that most people are used to hearing or might prefer, it's very important to create your own niche and love what you're doing to continue creating good music.

As for this remix in particular, the words become a bit much at some points throughout the song. Nonetheless, I think in many more places than not, they add noticably to the quality of the song. Its versatility is its best quality, from the stretch between the beginning and 2:18 (great bassline..an energetic, but not redundant beat) and following, the Japanese rap. I like that DJCrono does the rapping himself. It not only adds a personal element, but is another example of the remixes creativity. I'll definately be looking out for more remixes by DJCrono.

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This song is really well done, very unique as well O_o Only thing is that "Kono sekai de" translates to "Of this world" or "In this world"... Ah well, I like it lots ^_^

Does it? My Japanese friend and I agreed it meant "Ever-Changin World". Well either way thanks. And I'll keep the remixes coming, thank you everybody for your support.

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This song has a great, sincere energy about it. My friends don't like it much, but I love the bassbeat, love the synths (especially the one that sounds kind of like a voice), love the melody. The repeated voice bits are even fun. I always have to turn down my speakers when I get to the rapping part, though (maybe because I was playing the first half so loud).

It's very innovative, so even if I didn't like this I'd give it props :) But I do like it so it gets mad props.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of my favourite songs on the site. It has so much energy, and it's one of those songs that's just fun to listen to. All I can say is "DJ Crono-Crono-Crono-Crono..." One of the main reasons I registered an account was to say how cool this song is. Keep this stuff coming!

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Booyaka! Finally found this thread! YAY!!!

I Love the game, LOVE the mix!!! Heard you're making more, so "Give it to us, givitous, givitous, givitous" :lol:

I kept on hearing this song in my head all day today while I was at work! I almost broke out *trying* to sing, but I can't remember most of the words.

Keep ReMixin'! This'll probably be my favorite remix until your next comes out :D:):!::!::!:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

You know, when I decided to start reviewing, I kind of agreed to myself, as to not just pound the forum with 100+ reviews out of nowhere, that I'd only reply to stuff that comes up new in the forums. If an old song gets brought up, I'd review, and of course, I'd contribute to anything new.

But, I couldn't help myself and I had to give acclaim to DJ Crono for this song. It's EASILY in my Top 5 on all of OCR.

Oh man, stuff like at 2:20... that's what separates the men from the boys.

More than once, I've had my neighbors complain when I'm blasting this. It's simply awesome.

Words cannot express.

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I absolutely love this remix. The Japanese vocals are a bit awkward, but otherwise this is a really fantastic mix! The English vocals are remeniscent of early 90's techno/house music.

Strange, I thought that "Kono Sekai de" meant "In this world," but whatever. Kono = This; Sekai = World -de = particle denoting "in, of". ::shrug::

The English voice sampling is a little much at times, but not enough to prevent me from enjoying the song.

I really love the synths used. They all work really well together. I hate hearing a song with a great bassline, and melody, only to have it ruined by some really cheesy percussion handclap junk. The high-hat and other percussion synths are there, but just enough to give it a definate head-bobbing rhythm.

Ah, this thread is so old...I suppose I should go look at more recent remixes, hehe.

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  • 5 months later...

Well this is one ofthe most addictive OCR's ive heard. Its very.. different :D in a good way, the japanese vocals suddenly up the volume and it slightly put me off when i first heard it. I feel it now as more of a buzz, this is great music for a club it's so adrenaline rushed. Great bassline and top vocals throughout. Extremely creative coupled with the actuality that it does work to good effect as you can see by the positive feedback DJ C. has recieved in the past. This may not be a new OCR but is very individualistic and creative enough for me to say that its one of my faves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't really add anything that hasn't been said before (I don't know art, only what I like), but having said that it'd be somewhat cheap if I posted without saying ANYTHING remotely reviewish, so...

Well, gosh, I dunno, I'm a big fan of all Crono's works thus far. Eres Des Points blew me away when I first heard it (a feat only Ailsean, pretzel, and a select few others have been able to pull off) and none of his other works have let me down.

I would never preclude my love of music to one or two genres. Admittedly, I am a big fan of orchestral arrangements, but that wouldn't be fair to a large amount of brilliant remixes found on OCR. What I'm not a big fan of, in general, is rap, so why do I like these remixes so much?

I guess what I like is orginality, and like him or loathe him for it, Crono delivers it in spades (I don't know how your brain works dude, but keep drinking the water).

That being said, let's get to:


... There are other remixes of this tune, done by DJ Crono, right? I know, I've heard at least one, and I loved it, at least as much as this version. The singing's a tad off, but it still works in its own fashion and the tune is great.

So anyway, where can I find this other version? DJ Crono? Anyone? Any other works out there I need to know about? Help me out. Looking for more of this fine artist's material.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just want to point something out quickly...is it POSSIBLE for Dj Crono to come out with a BAD mix that hardly anyone will like?!

Im sure all of you will agree with me and say that NO...THATS COMPLETELY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE!!! OMG ever since i first heard SIMONS SYMPHONY ive been hooked right on onto this guys music! All my friends like it, even my parents and some teachers cause his songs are like No #1 on my list when im making new cd's! :P

This guy has to be one of the most talented DJ's here, sure there are tons of other people that come close! But i bed DJ Crono here would be tops on most peoples list!

Well done with this mix and your others...what is the URL for Anime Remix site btw? I wanna check out some more of your stuff!!



PS. Love the sig!!! Awesome stuff bro!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very cool remix. I've never played the game, so I wouldn't've heard it had not a friend sent me the mp3 and demanded I listen to it.

To me at least, the parts of the song with lyrics sounded very much like a Korean style, like what you'd hear on games like Pump It Up. This isn't a bad thing, but it just amused me to no end to hear Japanese lyrics with a style that I normally associate with Korean songs.

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  • 1 month later...

First, let me say that, since I can't get the lyrics link to work, I have no idea what he's saying.

Nevertheless, this song has single-handedly made me into a DJ Chrono fan, almost specifically for the originality (Like the "DJ Chrono!" shouts).

I was surprised that one could do something so original and fresh with such a simple theme. True, OC Remix has seen several choice renditions of this piece, but most of them lack the sheer unconventionality of this remix, which is why I adore it with all my heart.

There's so much to say that I can't make up my mind what to write, so I should probably just stop right now.

Stellar work, Chrono. Keep the foreign language tracks coming.

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