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  shadow said:
Yes, considering this is a help thread, I better start teaching you how to help yourself. Then we'll stop getting stupid questions.

I put a couple searches into FL's help, didn't find anything, had to work, thought, "Hm, bet if I posted this in the FL thread I'd have an answer by the time I get back. Maybe chat some remixing too, which is fun." If you honestly think I couldn't find the answer myself, then you're quite pessimistic and short-sighted. It's simply easier (and usually more fun) to ask people with experience and hey they might even add a few pointers.

Seriously, people like you should stray far away from these help threads. If you think a question as basic and easy to answer as mine is "stupid" then by coming here, you're just asking for a headache. Go away and stop making yourself believe you're helpful when you're really just an ass.

  Trenthian said:
richter pm me and ill help you with what you need.

I got it. All I needed was someone to say "layer channel." Thanks though.


Actually, no. All the information you need to find is in FL.

But actually, the Layer channel has another not-so-obvious use. In that song it just triggers two samples at once. You can also use it to make a beat-slicer-ish channel for one-shot drum samples. This is the only real reason I use it. Here's what I mean:

http://dackz.net/files/misc/ (layerdemo.flp)

I just plopped down a layer channel, loaded some one-shot drum samples, and assigned them to the layer. To do that you click the layer so its channel settings window comes up, then you right click and select every instrument that you want to group (the little light thing after the channel name button) and press "Set children." Then click the "v" next to "Layering" in that box and select children. Now you have all your channels grouped and they're split over keys. Now it's much like a beat-slicer, in terms of interface. (This extremely useful but you can definitely screw up things if you try to change the roote note and stuff.)


Gah! FL really is the omniprescent money maker isn't it? Sure they'll let ya have some junk when you buy their program but they'd be perfectly happy to have ya spend another 300 bucks to make it decent ;P

So I guess that bears the question, where can I get good, free samples for FL? I already have a couple decent VSTs and soundfonts (thats what I meant, I've just been sick so my brain' s been out to lunch) but I guess I'll have to find the soundfont loader.



drum samples? I found mine all scattered over the net.

Key words to google with "drum samples"

First Wave


Music Machine

Those ones stick out in my mind, Music Machine and Casiocore will lead you to huge deposits of sound samples that pour over in the hundreds. Don't dismiss the ones in Casiocore though, you might want those in the chiptune sections or electro-breaks. They sound really cool if you sequence em cool.


MIDI doesn't make sound on its own, it's just an interface for devices. If you mean what you hear when you load a .mid file into your media player of choice, it's probably using the a synthesizer or soundbank to output the data into something you can hear. Usually most midi files are GM, which is just standard midi data.

That being said, just load up a Fruity LSD in the FX Mixer or configure FL to use a MIDI output you have.


Also, I don't know if this feature is available in 3, but there's a really cool Macro for this. What you do is SAVE FIRST, then go the Tools->Macros->Do something having to do with MIDI I forget, but it should be obvious. Immediately save under a different name, just in case (THIS MACRO WILL ERASE ALL YOUR INSTRUMENTS, and replace them with MIDI Outs).

You can then save as MIDI (although you may want to change the MIDI patches first), I don't know if it will actually play if you press play but that probably has to do with configuration.


I've been looking at the Native Instruments Kontakt sampler demo, and I've got a few questions regarding how to use it in FL. The main problem I have is that it has support for multiple channels, but I can't figure out how to use any of them besides the first one. Basically what it allows you to do is import a number of instruments, assign each one a MIDI channel (omni, 1-16), and then it reads the channel of the input and plays it with the corresponding instrument(s). (See image here) However, when I make a new channel using it as a VSTi, I can't find a way to change the notes to a separate channel so I don't have to load a separate instance of it for each instrument I want to use. Is there any way to change what channel the notes are being sent to or will I have to either use multiple instances of the player or some MIDI loopback software to send output from MIDI Out channels to Kontakt as a standalone application?

Also, trying to see if there was some similar info on previous pages, I managed to catch something about loading a VSTi into the mixer instead of as a new channel. That seems like it might have the potential to help with my problem, but I couldn't get it to work when I tried it. Even if it doesn't help with my problem, it's something I'd like to know how to do, so could someone explain how to make it work?


Lousy: Set the "PORT" display-thing at the top-right corner of the wrapper window that Kontakt is in to whatever port you like. Then load up MIDI Outs and set all of them to that same port. Then assign them to the channels you've set in kontakt.


New Question

How do I save modifications I make to the SimSynth channel? Every time I open a new file, the changes I make to SimSynth always revery back to the default.


What you have is a demo. If you want to check, try saving a preset. To save a preset, go to the electric plug in the top left corner of the SimSynth corner. There it should say Save preset as... If it doesn't or isn't accessible, you have a demo which you'll need to buy the SimSynth or you need to buy FruityLoops.


I know this may be a stupid question. But I've been trying to figure out how to record vocals with good old fruits. I have an Audigy 2 with the asio drivers. I just can't figure it out.


Recording within FruityLoops is something I would not encourage. Try Goldwave for a free alternative to Acid or Sonar or Cubase or whatever. This should do the trick. However, if you want to do it, try this.

Open the playlist. You'll see two areas on the playlist. One for patterns, one for wave files. Click on it. It will ask you to load a sample, pick a wave sample. Open it, it shows up as a funny wave drawing of some dort or another. Click on it. If you click on the arrow that points down, a menu will pop up. Click on Edit sample. A new screen will pop up. Nothing much to it. Click record to do some practice runs of your vocals. Click stop to stop your practice takes. Now, you get to the recording. Press record and then soon after wards press record again. Sing the song. Hit stop. There, now you can save it as whatever.


- Have someone else on the computer to hit the record button and to tell it stop. Develop a way of silently queuing your music so when he hits record the second time, you can start your singing. Refer to the singing tips thread to ask for more detailed hints and tips into recording your music with your voice. There I can be a lot more specific with other hardware that will help you do the vocals and stuff like that.


I'm new to fruityloops, and have been using it mainly to playback midi music with soundfonts. I've noticed that FL doesn't add MIDI events like portamento, modulation wheel, or expression to the playback. Is there a way to enable these?

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