Terrisare Posted November 6, 2004 Posted November 6, 2004 thanks for your help guys, I got it figured out now
prophetik music Posted November 6, 2004 Posted November 6, 2004 thanks for your help guys, I got it figured out now Your welcome. Thanks for the idea, Kanjika - I never thought of using loop points. I'm an idiot.
Hemophiliac Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I'm sorry that Im posting what probably is a stupid question, but Im really stumped.Im having problems making a sample play for the correct length that I want it to. It either plays for a certain amount of time, which means that my song sounds like a mess with a bunch of notes playing at the same time, or when I tell it to cut, I cant get any overlapping notes at all and it sounds really unatural. how do I make a sample play for the duration that I put in the Piano Roll? i can think of two things to try off the top of my head - i'll give you better ideas later when i pull out fruity. try the full porta selector in the channel properties screen use more than one sampler setup for various sounds. i've done that a few times to get a fuller sound out of the samplers and it will work - its just a little more work to get it totally sounding right. anyone else have any ideas? definitely try changing ASDR envelopes, that usually can help if it's only a short difference between lengths...i haven't tried it myself for samples that are really long though.
jordex Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 the devil inside works, its great but I'm still looking for a radio static sorta type effect to add to any instrument
prophetik music Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 the devil inside works, its great but I'm still looking for a radio static sorta type effect to add to any instrument if thats what you're looking for, just add some pink or white noise to it.
jordex Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 You're making me feel dumb What's pink and white noise??!! Wait, I think I found it! Are they under Buzz Effect Adaptor?
skulkrusha Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 They're types of waveform, like the noise you get on some TVs and radios when they aren't picking up any signals. You can get them in most synths, try loading up a 3xOsc and set the oscillator waveforms to noise (the jagged line button before the "?" button).
prophetik music Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 They're types of waveform, like the noise you get on some TVs and radios when they aren't picking up any signals. You can get them in most synths, try loading up a 3xOsc and set the oscillator waveforms to noise (the jagged line button before the "?" button). pink and white noise are basically every freq being broadcasted on. skull's got it - just use the jagged line. A JG-3 or Crystal VST lets you get it too.
Gemineye Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 I am trying to get instrument packs into my midi channel, I drag them into it, say "send to selected channel" and nothing happens...WHAT DO I DO!!! D:
jordex Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 wait i know about that wavy stuff but im still looking for a good static filter say i wanted to make a remix like mazedudes boy and his blob, what would i need for that?
-RK- Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Here's a question. I recently bought a Roland SH-32 (not zircon's ) for playing in live shows with my Midi controller keyboard. The thing I want to know is how do I utilize this synth by using midi data sent from FL's piano roll and such, sent into the synth, and back in to the speakers on my comp or another external sound device. Then, my second question would be, how would I go about using this synth when I actually encode the MP3 so it is essentially like a Hardware VSTi and shows up just like any softsynth in the song. I am rather new to using Hardware with software, so any help here would be fantastic. Sorry if some of the descriptions were rather vauge, and If you need any more info, PM me or post below, and I'll try to help you help me. Thank you tremendously!!!
skulkrusha Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 jordex: Use. Distortion. More! Seriously, even Fast Dist does what you've been asking for all this time. IMO, the best freebie distortion I've seen is Cyanide 2 at SmartElectronix. If that's really not cutting the mustard, look for other sound mangling things, like bitcrushers and so on. If I remember correctly, Mazedude made that mix by loading strange things into wave editors and soundfont players that weren't meant to be put in, like executable files and such, and using the more interesting sounds he got from them. FL doesn't load things outside its supported formats, though, so if you wanted to do that you'd have to get something else like Goldwave or Audacity which might do it. LordMaestro: Hook a MIDI cable from your computer to the SH-32, set the SH-32 to accept MIDI signals (you'd have to look that up in the thing's manual, though), get a MIDI Out going in FL and set it to the same port and channel the SH-32's receiving on. I think it's explained somewhere in the help file. What do you mean, back into the speakers on your computer? You could just hook the speakers up to the synth. If you wanted to get input back into your computer and route it through FL, you'd have to make sure you've got either an ASIO compatible soundcard or ASIO drivers, then set up a channel on your mixer to accept inputs (eg on ASIO4ALL, you'd go to a mixer channel and change the input on it from "none" to "inp 1-2"). As for your second question, that's not possible in FL. You'd need to bounce the audio from the synth to FL first, and for that you need the Producer edition. Look up "disk recording" in the help file.
Green88 Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 QUESTION FL Studio4 I'm making a track right now and I notice that at a certain point in the song the sound bars will just jet up on the mixer. I know I must have activated this somehow, but I am not sure how it happened or how I deactivate it and keep them from going up.
skulkrusha Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Your question isn't very clear ... Do you mean the db meter suddenly shoots up but you don't know why, or something? All I can really think of is that you've got some low or high frequency stuff playing that's outside of the frequency range of your speakers or in the dropoff range of them, so you're not noticing it Or, do you mean the sliders are moving on their own? That would imply there's some sort of automation going on, check under Current project>Automation on the sidebar. If there is any, you can get rid of it by clicking on the events, hitting Ctrl+A and then hitting delete (do that for initial positions as well, if there are any). You might need to make your post a bit clearer, I'm afraid.
raggety Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 hi folks newbie here. i have a small FL question, i downloaded FL studio 4 demo about 2 weeks ago and have been enjoying playing around with it. Anyway my main question is. how do i make a Hip-hop beat with the sequencer? you know the beat that has been used in hundreds of hip-hop style songs. it goes like.. tum-te-tum-tum--tum-tum..{repeats} its a very generic beat and has been used in countless songs, but i cant transfer it as i hear it in my head to the step-sequencer. i have had a butchers through the pages here but i cant find anything on it. anyway i just want that beat so i can have something to work up from. thanks in advance in ya can help !
lazygecko Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Just experiment and fool around with the sequencer and you'll get the hang of it after a while. I can reproduce most drumlines with little to no effort.
prophetik music Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Just experiment and fool around with the sequencer and you'll get the hang of it after a while. I can reproduce most drumlines with little to no effort. same here. its more a matter of just listening for the downbeats and what falls on them.
prophetik music Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 QUESTION FL Studio4I'm making a track right now and I notice that at a certain point in the song the sound bars will just jet up on the mixer. I know I must have activated this somehow, but I am not sure how it happened or how I deactivate it and keep them from going up. sound bars? i'm assuming that you have screwed up your events, or you need to EQ better. for the first, check that you've not accidentally edited the events to do something funky like crank the volume up. If its the latter, make sure reverb or repeated stuff isn't overloading the selected channel.
btangel Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 Short question: I import my samples by just dragging the sf2 file over on top of the channels. But after I save, and exit the program and reopen, the samples aren't there anymore. Like I have to "reset" them to their respective channels. O_O
lazygecko Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 It's a dead giveaway that you're using a pirated version
prophetik music Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 It's a dead giveaway that you're using a pirated version hah. same thing happens to me when I use my old computer. before I bought fruity that used to drive me nuts, too. its really annoying. something to make that a little easier to deal with is to group your drum samples that need to be reloaded. then you don't have to go and find them each time you reopen. plus, if your computer supports hibernation, then you can hibernate and it won't lose your samples.
btangel Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 It's a dead giveaway that you're using a pirated version Wink hehe oops I figured as much. I'll buy the real thing sometime. I promise ><
btangel Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 Another FL question from me I know you can control the volume of your instruments in a specific through changing the velocity vectors. However is there anyway I could gradually increase or decrease the volume while it's playing a note? Say if I have a C playing for 2 beats, and I want it to go from say 50% -> 0% during that duration. Thx!
DarkeSword Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 You know, I did a nice write up on this exact subject in this very thread. Anyway, you can use the pitch bend notes to do it. Just overlap the pitch bend on the regular note (so that the pitch doesn't actually bend), and adjust the velocities accordingly. The regular note has the initial velocity, and the pitch bend gets the velocity that you want to shift to. The duration of the pitch bend specifies the duration of the (de)crescendo. You can do some rudimentary sfortzando (sp?) stuff like that, with multiple pitch bend notes.
Navi Posted November 15, 2004 Posted November 15, 2004 I use pitch bends so much, it isn't funny. Unfortunatly now, with Kompakt, it seems that my pitch bendage no longer works for panning and volume, etc.
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