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That's one way of going about it. You may find it easier to simply use the "LCD" display in the channel properties at the top right labeled "-fx-" and selecting an FX channel with that. That's how I go about it. Nasenmann's method is probably just as good, but I'm not used to it.

While that might be slightly faster, my method provides you with an fx channel accurately named after the processed instrument. Thus I proclaim it the more sophisticated approach!

p.s. POWERUSER WAR!!!!! :)

Well, the thing is.. you might have multiple instruments on that FX track - that is a situation that often happens with me. Thus it's not entirely useful to have it pre-named.

That's one way of going about it. You may find it easier to simply use the "LCD" display in the channel properties at the top right labeled "-fx-" and selecting an FX channel with that. That's how I go about it. Nasenmann's method is probably just as good, but I'm not used to it.

While that might be slightly faster, my method provides you with an fx channel accurately named after the processed instrument. Thus I proclaim it the more sophisticated approach!

p.s. POWERUSER WAR!!!!! :)

Well, the thing is.. you might have multiple instruments on that FX track - that is a situation that often happens with me. Thus it's not entirely useful to have it pre-named.

*shakes fist* I retreat for now, but some day, when you'll be least prepared...

HOw do I get not vst plugins to...ork...i've been trying to find something to tell me -.- bleh

well, you could always use your help file.

or type real words.

if its an instrument plugin, put it in the plugins directory of your FLStudio stuff under where it goes (VST, hint hint). then, go into fl, go under where you add channels, click ADD and the refresh button at the bottom of the window that opens up. you should be able to figure it out from there.

if its an effect, same thing but get to the effects plugins window through the FX window.

HOw do I get not vst plugins to...ork...i've been trying to find something to tell me -.- bleh

well, you could always use your help file.

or type real words.

if its an instrument plugin, put it in the plugins directory of your FLStudio stuff under where it goes (VST, hint hint). then, go into fl, go under where you add channels, click ADD and the refresh button at the bottom of the window that opens up. you should be able to figure it out from there.

if its an effect, same thing but get to the effects plugins window through the FX window.

thank you (I was in a hurry to get off typing that >>)

alright I did put it into the VST folder just didn't know what to do from there, thank you yet again.


I have a feeling that you guys have probably been asked this a million or more times...

I just got FLStudio 5 XXL and I've had a blast using it so far. However, I noticed that most of my samples - the .wav ones - won't play. I checked in the help, and it said to turn on your acm codec. It gave the path Start > Settings > Control Panel > Multimedia > Devices tab > Audio Compression Codecs. I tried that, but when I went into Control Panel, there was no Multimedia tab. I went to a Windows newsgroup, and someone gave the path of Start>Control Panel>Sound and Audio Devices>Hardware>Audio Codecs>Properties. I followed the path, and it said my acm codec was working. I even changed its priority level to 1. I restarted FruityLoops, and no change. I was Googling the web, looking for a FL support site, when I remembered "Hey, I have an account at OCR!" so I came here.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.


EDIT: Nevermind. I went to loopy.tk and chatted with some of the guys there. You have to go into C:*folderyouinstalledFLstudioto*Image-Line\FLStudio5\System\Installers\VorbisACM and right-click vorbisacm and click Install NOTE: you must be an administrator if you're running WinXP to install this. Otherwise, you'll just get an error.


I recently started toying around with Synth1, and I love it, but I was wondering whether I could set events that dynamically changed, say, the Attack or the Decay or whatever on the synth. I want the sound to change as I move through the music, so how would I do that?

(And if anyone could tell me how to do that with FL Studio's TB303 plugin, that would be cool too.)

(Or even with any instrument/channel/plugin.)


Search the thread for "event editor" and "automation"

Sometimes it's as simple as right clicking, if it's a FL plugin or program function [like volume or tempo] but ANYTHING can be automated.

The trickiness comes from 3rd party vst/dx plugins! You need to check out the sample browser to the left. You'll see a "current project" folder. If you have synths open go to "Generators" and there should be yet another section for each synth. In this case it would be "Fruity Wrapper (Synth1 VSTi/DXi)"

Luckily, all the automatable functions are labeled, however a lot of synths have functions that AREN'T, so you'll have to guess! This sucks but it's the only way, UNLESS you hit "record" and twiddle with the knobs LIVE and UNCUT which can be a little messy o_O


can someone please explain to me where is the difference between (BassSyn1 & BassSyn2) in this flp file, I can't find any knobs moving for BassSyn1 also the settings are exactly the same. :?

flp link:


Edit: It's the "Keyboard Editor" I should've know that before posting sorry. :oops:

Better way: move the parameter that you want to automate. Go to the upper left of the FL Wrapper, to Last Tweaked Parameter. Then go to Edit Automation. Bam.

Oops, I should have bothered reading my way through the whole wrapper menu a little earlier, haha. This method is almost as good as a learning function.


um....i don't know if this is happening to anybody else...but there's no topics to read....this might've been mentioned, but it was probably somewhere buried deep into the topic. Anyways, on to my question. How do I add Soundfonts to my Fruity Loops Studio application? Much help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Better way: move the parameter that you want to automate. Go to the upper left of the FL Wrapper, to Last Tweaked Parameter. Then go to Edit Automation. Bam.

Oops, I should have bothered reading my way through the whole wrapper menu a little earlier, haha. This method is almost as good as a learning function.

It has a MIDI learn too. Once you're at the Last Tweaked Parameter menu, go to "Link to Controller", set it to "auto detect" (only need to do this once, it'll remember that setting forever for all projects until you turn it off), then move the knob/slider you want to link the parameter to. It instantly gets set.

Better way: move the parameter that you want to automate. Go to the upper left of the FL Wrapper, to Last Tweaked Parameter. Then go to Edit Automation. Bam.

Oops, I should have bothered reading my way through the whole wrapper menu a little earlier, haha. This method is almost as good as a learning function.

It has a MIDI learn too. Once you're at the Last Tweaked Parameter menu, go to "Link to Controller", set it to "auto detect" (only need to do this once, it'll remember that setting forever for all projects until you turn it off), then move the knob/slider you want to link the parameter to. It instantly gets set.

Hey, thanks. When I said learning function, I was actually thinking about a way to create a link to the VST's graphical interface, which would let me right click > edit the buttons then, just like in a fruity generator. I don't know how easily possible that would be. But I'll surely try out your method once I have my controller back.


Does FL have some kind of plugin or something that can do the whole compression thing that seems to be such a big mystery to some people (including me) around here?

Does FL have some kind of plugin or something that can do the whole compression thing that seems to be such a big mystery to some people (including me) around here?

Fruity Soft Clipper also works good, depending on what you are trying to achive with compression. I use soft clipper whenever I just want to stop the channel clipping, whereas fruity compressor can do all this other jazz.

Uhhhhh, yeah. It's called Fruity Compressor...

As obvious as that seems, I didn't want to assume that that's what it is for. I always thought that compression required some kind of really fancy thing with all kinds of knobs to tweak. I'm pretty confused right now.

:oops: this all seems a little confusing to me, but i can't seem to get any sound out of the program. it can play everything else, but it wont play the audio i feed into it....i need some help on how to get sound out of this thing.

I'm using FL Studio 5, and I'm having a problem with automation clips. I tried reading the Automation topics linked in the first post, but they have since been deleted, it would appear.

For some reason, making automation clips of the same thing (Make Unique) won't work, every extra automation clip other than the original won't do anything. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?


I have a question regarding Fruity Loops. I would like to make a synth line using the 'GloomPrelude' PAD. However, I haven't a clue as to how to have the sample sustain for multiple bars and fluently change chords.

I.E. When I play the sample in the C Pitch, It will go 'Oooooo" for a certain length of the sample. I am trying to make it go 'Oooooo' for a much longer period of length. I've tried adding the sample twice but then it just goes 'Ooooo Ooooo'. (man talk about caveman speech :lol: )

Anyways, if its not possible with the pads, any synth will do as long as I can sustain it for multiple bars.

Thanks :)


Blimey, three questions in a row... well, starting at the top:

@TSN: Make sure your audio is all set up properly. Go to Options > Audio Settings, and make sure you have the rigth sound device selected. If that doesn't work... uhhhhhh... Make sure your speakers are plugged in?

@XOR - SYS: Yeah, this is crazy buisness. The same thing happens to me. I managed to fix it once, but that was at 4am, and I can't remember how I did it. Anyone else know how to fix it?

@myka316: It sounds like you aren't using the piano roll. Right click on the channel (in this case GloomPrelude) and go "piano roll". The keyboard on the left tells you which note is which, and is also a handy-dandy testing keyboard. Its fairly easy to figure out, so I won't bother going into all the fuctions of the piano roll - though the help file is great place to read up on it.

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