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Oh and BTW on the first page the links don't work (invalid/deleted topics). So could someone post all the info? (If someone already did just quote it, I don't want to search 100 pages :P)

Thanks alot for the help.

I have another question. On the FX peices, when you right click, and insert channel, and you have the Fruity Piano, that keyboard thing, is it possible to re assign the piano keys to other keys. like when you press "z" it is the lowest key on the piano, is there a way I could assign that to say the "B" key as an example?

yeah, just right-click on the key that you want it in. you can also left-click to set up a zone in which the notes will still play.



Im talking about the piano keys. The Z keyboard key contrls the far left key. WHat if I didn't want "Z" to dictate that action, but wanted "q" to dictate it, how would I set that?


simply go to the channel settings of the FL Keys generator ( click on the corresponding icon in the step sequencer ) and in the small piano on the bottom right click on the key you want to be the C5.

simply go to the channel settings of the FL Keys generator ( click on the corresponding icon in the step sequencer ) and in the small piano on the bottom right click on the key you want to be the C5.
yeah, just right-click on the key that you want it in

wtf teh plagiarism ohnoes


I think what Zaphoy is refering to is the software keyboard (What I will call it for lack of a better term) that FL has. Usually "z" on your computer keyboard is C4. Then "s" is C#, etc.

I am not aware of any way to change this - I think z always has to be C.

However, like the others were saying, you can change the root note in the generator (In this case FL keys). Usually the root note is C5. If we set that to C6, then when we ask it to play C5, we hear C4. Thus setting the root note an octave higher plays stuff an octave lower, and setting the root note an octave lower play stuff an octave higher.

One could set the root note to any note, not just the C's, but watch the sharps and flats. If one set the root note to C#, when one asks for B, one gets A#. But one was to ask for C, one would get B.

Using this method, one could map the fruity software keyboard to any set of notes... but I'm afraid that you cant use "q". It's still the bottom two rows of your keyboard, and I don't think you can change that.

Oh, to set the root note, simply right click on the desired note in the keyboard in the channel properties window. The bright orange rectangle thing should move, showing you where the root note is.

Hope that helps.


Theres alot of crackling in my song, i'm using an equaliser and what not but the crackling is still there. I tried different things but its still there. How do I get rid of it?


Sounds like the crackling you had, if it was solved by changing volume levels, was clipping. There is tons of advice on how to avoid it, but to still keep your song at a decent volume level. I'll just say that Fruity Soft Clipper and Fruity Compressor are your friend, and that googling something like "compression sound tutorials" will give you a lot of tips. Also, check out the links sticky.


how do i create an automation clip while recording? i know this can be done in an individual pattern with the event editor (right click > edit events or whatever) but i what about a whole clip that spans through the whole track?


Select the pattern you want it recorded to, set the play option to Song, and hit the record button. Then just hit play and make whatever automation change you need to as the song goes along.

Select the pattern you want it recorded to, set the play option to Song, and hit the record button. Then just hit play and make whatever automation change you need to as the song goes along.

wont this actually record to the events of the pattern and not to the automation channel?


Ok, new question, might be kind of hard to explain but ok.

I imported a midi into the piano roll and selected the channels and whatever but on the playlist, can i like choose the "part" of the song I want instead of going to the piano roll and copying the selctive part and going to a new piano roll and doing it all over again. Sorta like how acid they give you the eraser tool and you can "choose" and "edit" the part of the song you want but you still have the original cut.

If anyone knows? It would save me some time (well like 2 minutes but still is good to know).


You can't record to an "automation channel". None exist. You have to record automation to a pattern. As far as I'm aware you cannot record to an automation clip. I don't see what the big deal is, though. Just designate a pattern or two for automation.

Ok, new question, might be kind of hard to explain but ok.

I imported a midi into the piano roll and selected the channels and whatever but on the playlist, can i like choose the "part" of the song I want instead of going to the piano roll and copying the selctive part and going to a new piano roll and doing it all over again. Sorta like how acid they give you the eraser tool and you can "choose" and "edit" the part of the song you want but you still have the original cut.

If anyone knows? It would save me some time (well like 2 minutes but still is good to know).

I have little idea about what you are talking about. Please rephrase your question. I will mention that the Piano roll has copy and paste abilities , which could be what you want, along with the group select tool.


Two pages back:

Hey guys, I'm new to Fruity Loops and have been messing around with it and doing tutorials for about the past week. I've managed to get a pretty decent understanding of how to use the program but need help with Soundfonts.

Now, I'm sorry if this question has been answered previously in this thread, but 150 pages is a bit too much to search through.

So, my question is:

Once I download a Soundfont, how do I use it in Fruity Loops? Thanks a lot.

Well, the Fruity soundfont player only plays .sf2 files. Or at least, thats all I am aware of it playing. Smeh. Anyways, get your soundfonts into the .sf2 format - usually you have to extract them out of some crazy format - I know Darkesword's ones (which are sexy good 'fonts, btw) are in some crazy format. He hosts a decompression tool though, so that shouldn't be an issue.

So, you have your soundfonts in .sf2 format. Now, load up fruity, and load up your soundfont player. Do this by going channels > add one > Fruity Soundfont player. If you aren't using the Fruity soundfont player then go channerls > add one> More... and then choose your soundfont player.

Then, bang out a few notes and you are away!


Whenever I'm playing a song in FL Studio 5, and I happen to open a window to a different program or get on the internet, the song in FL starts skipping and scratching and crazy stuff like that.

It doesn't effect the song I'm working on at all. Its just annoying.

What could be the problem?


Sounds like a problem with your CPU usage. If your computer is older, you have bad drivers, you're using a lot of VST instruments, your audio buffer is very low, or a combination of any of the above, you might experience heightened CPU usage. Forcing your computer to switch tasks will then tax it even more, causing clicks and pops.

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