jbnewberry Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 Thank you very much Mr. Nelson. I've been looking for a soundfont like that for ages. Good free choir sounds are hard to come by. Thanks again.
DjNioN Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 Sweet, thanx doods. Alot better than the vocals I made.
djcubez Posted December 24, 2002 Posted December 24, 2002 Yo Nelson, I thinkn the pads and soundfonts place helped everyone, and *bling bling* gangsta remixer!
Beatdrop Posted December 29, 2002 Posted December 29, 2002 ARhgarwjblknasrlwaraW:$@$@^te... My head... MY HEAD!!! ow.
Ghetto Lee Lewis Posted December 30, 2002 Posted December 30, 2002 ARhgarwjblknasrlwaraW:$@$@^te...My head... MY HEAD!!! ow. meaning you couldn't figure out how to make pads?
SlightlyOddGuy Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 This is probably a stupid question, but how do you get FL to export music as a MIDI? I've found all of the options for it, but every time I try, I just end up with a tiny blank file. I think it has something to do with setting my soundcard to the right port, but I can't find a way to determine what it's port is either.
OverCoat Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 This is probably a stupid question, but how do you get FL to export music as a MIDI? I've found all of the options for it, but every time I try, I just end up with a tiny blank file. I think it has something to do with setting my soundcard to the right port, but I can't find a way to determine what it's port is either. Are all your channels midi channels? If not, I don't think it will recognize as a midi and will not work. Check other midis, do they work? If they don't, mess around with your card's midi settings until it works. Hope that helps.
Eternalumination Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Hey, i think this is a stupid question too, but hey, if i get an answer, its worth it. Well anyways, Uh...How do you install a soundfont? haha. i tried putting it in the directory where the default ones were, but it doesn't show up. can i get some help here? thx
OverCoat Posted December 31, 2002 Posted December 31, 2002 Hmm. If you did the right thing (I assume you put the soundfonts in FLwhatever\samples\soundfonts for example [i recommend it goes in the samples folder and some subfolder]) then you probably don't have a newer version of Fruityloops. Soundfonts can be seen in the FL browser starting at version 3.4 and above. Also, only .sf2 format can be read. If you are using .sfark or .sfpack, you need an uncompression tool.
Eternalumination Posted January 1, 2003 Posted January 1, 2003 I have the version 3.4 FL progam, i put it in the (whatever)\samples\soundfonts and the file is in .sf2 format. When i go to soundfonts, it just shows up as 1 soundfont and nothing else. Its supposed to be like alot of instruments and stuff but i dont' see them.
Blak_Omen Posted January 1, 2003 Posted January 1, 2003 Double click on the Name (Next to patch and bank) and it should come up with a list of instruments. I hope that answers your question...if I answered the right one...
Rellik Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 I've got a question. I've heard you shouldnt use the instruments that come with FruityLoops... but I can't find anything to match the default C_Kick. I look at all these soundfont sites just trying to find a kick drum like that, all i can find is drum KITS, where each note is a different drum instead of just one drum and different notes. Darn it all... should I just use C_Kick after all? Also, another question, about tempo changes. I've been able to successfully make tempo changes within a song at least once or twice... but its mostly luck, since I dont know what i'm doing. In fact, can I just get a quick walkthrough of how to change the tempo within a song? Its really confusing... And I haven't even gotten into the advanced stuff... I'm just barely starting to make a Metroid remix that sucks, and I'm having alot of trouble :/ Also, how can I use .sfARk or whatever they are? Or can i only use sf2?
djcubez Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 For the tempo change use automation. If you don't know how read on. Create a new pattern with solely nothing in it. Name it whatever you want in the playlist. I prefer Auto. Then make it play for the first block of the playlist. Don't put anything in it. Now, for automation, select that pattern, and hit the record button. Then hit play. Now anything you do in the song at the specific time you do it will happen automatically. So basically the pattern is the automation tool, you record with it when it is selected, and put the play pattern in. if you record within another pattern it redoes the automation thing when ever that pattern plays. For the C_kick problem. Just use it, I do. Or, look for .wav files of kicks. I find them easier to use then soundfonts. I have a bunch. Just ask.
Blak_Omen Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 If you scroll back a few pages I believe there should be a tempo-change walkthrough...well at least I recall a debate about it anyway. C_Kick is fine but you'll probably want to use something special. I don't know, try distorting it or something. Creativity = Good thing. SFArk is a compressed soundfont. You'll need to get the program to unpack it, though I can't remember where I got mine from.
Rellik Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Thanks, although samplefusion.com doesnt work. Anyway, my friend (and yes, I do mean my friend, not me) needs a crack for FruityLoops 3.1.7 or whatever it is... he's tried KaZaA, heck, I've even tried Kazaa for him, but we haven't found it... Then I tried SoulSeek, which is a great up-and-coming filesharing program/network, but it wasn't there anymore. Oh well... Anyway, if anyone has seen any good sites or specific places for that kind of thing, I'm sure he would appreciate it. In fact, he kind of forced me not-so-kindly into posting for him as his registry wouldnt work, so I think he means it... he threatened to kill me, and if that didnt work, he threatened to talk in capital letters on AIM until eternity ends. Which is worse than death. Thanks, (seriously, its not a big deal, I doubt he's even tried that hard to find the crack that he's been searching for "for millions of years") Also, I'd like someone's opinion on whether its kind of tacky and amateurish to use hand-clap as a percussion. Personally, I like it, but it won't go very far if nobody else does. Oh, also, here's a tip (you probably already know this) if you make the cut flow down and the reverb flow up it sounds really cool also if you make the echo so that its cut goes up as it echoes and you have a metalic instrument it will sound more music-boxy but retain softeness.
Garian Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 dude. i need hlep with fruityloops, how can i get decent sines with the 3xOsc and default effects?
OverCoat Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 dude. i need hlep with fruityloops, how can i get decent sines with the 3xOsc and default effects? Hmm... on the 3xOSC, see the wavy lines? That's a sine wave, should be the first square where all the shapes are. That's how you make sine waves. whee. wavy lines? Squares? Shapes? I feel like I'm in kindergarten again!
Garian Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 SOC, i mean DECENT sines, not just any old sine sounding wave, it needs to sound like a nice instrument. can't just be a wooooooooooooow or anything, has to sound GOOD. but it doesn't hurt my head like buzz, so i'll just keep toying with it.
OverCoat Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 SOC, i mean DECENT sines, not just any old sine sounding wave, it needs to sound like a nice instrument. can't just be a wooooooooooooow or anything, has to sound GOOD. but it doesn't hurt my head like buzz, so i'll just keep toying with it. But that's what a sine wave is
Blak_Omen Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 I personally thing hand-clap as percussion is really lame in the wrong context. It all depends really, everything has its place - just maybe not in music.
Ghetto Lee Lewis Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 I personally thing hand-clap as percussion is really lame in the wrong context. It all depends really, everything has its place - just maybe not in music. The hand clap can actually sound really awesome if you add about 50 % reverb and some other effects (try playing with the parametric equalizer A LOT). The default samples really aren't that bad depending what you do with them. It usually takes a lot of playing with envelopes, lfo's and the different VST effects to get them to sound really good.
Ghetto Lee Lewis Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 I've got a question. I've heard you shouldnt use the instruments that come with FruityLoops... but I can't find anything to match the default C_Kick. I look at all these soundfont sites just trying to find a kick drum like that, all i can find is drum KITS, where each note is a different drum instead of just one drum and different notes. Darn it all... should I just use C_Kick after all?Also, another question, about tempo changes. I've been able to successfully make tempo changes within a song at least once or twice... but its mostly luck, since I dont know what i'm doing. In fact, can I just get a quick walkthrough of how to change the tempo within a song? Its really confusing... And I haven't even gotten into the advanced stuff... I'm just barely starting to make a Metroid remix that sucks, and I'm having alot of trouble :/ Also, how can I use .sfARk or whatever they are? Or can i only use sf2? You can actually make the C_Kick sound really nice if you layer a bunch of them together and add some effects to it. Try adding some distortion and really tweak the parametric equalizer for a start (the effects are really good to learn because they can totally change the sounds of different samples)
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