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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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I've been out of the loop since school resumed last month, and earlier this week a friend from work mentioned this compilation to me. This morning, I downloaded it, and have since listened to every track once or twice through.

Overall, this is a very well done arrangement. Some of the tracks were admittedly a bit weaker than I'd hoped for, but the majority of the songs were quite well done. My only real complaint is that I felt the arrangements on certain songs were too liberal with the source material. That's not to say that the arrangements weren't good, but for whatever reason I prefered the PS1 midi version.

I want to end on a positive note, so I will say that this is an excellent remix project (the biggest one on the site I believe), and is an impressive demonstration of the talents of 40+ musicians. Well done.


:o I was surprised when I got the email about it today. Can't wait to listen to it. :3

I've already spread the news about it in an IRC channel I frequent, so I'm helping to spread the news about this. :3 Excellent work.


The torrent doesn't seem to be doing so hot for me. Is it just me that it's going really slow for, or are there just a bunch of BitComet, BitTyrant, and BitLord users around here?

The torrent doesn't seem to be doing so hot for me. Is it just me that it's going really slow for, or are there just a bunch of BitComet, BitTyrant, and BitLord users around here?

That's what you get with a new torrent. You gotta give it some time for the ratio of seeds to peers to even out.

Luiza's track rules.

Not that the other tracks weren't awesome, but it was what I noticed most in the released preview, and the first song I chose to play when I finally hooked my laptop back up to my PC speakers.


OK. Now I am utterly mystified. I have the exact same issue with that link as I do with the one on ocremix. But I can download other files from SoundTempest with no problems. I think my PC just doesn't want me to download the wav version of this thing. Stoopid PC.

Anyway, thanks for going to the trouble to set that up, Zircon. Maybe I'll have better luck with one of them tomorrow.


Well I prefer not to give FF VII any more attention than the excess it already doesn't deserve, I've always been a gigantic sucker for One-Winged Angel.

This remix is fucking beautiful!

I'll comment on the rest of the album once this is off loop. :]


WOW! I've only downloaded the first two tracks so far but all I can say is WOW!

You guys are incredible...thank you so much for sharing this with us! I've informed a few communities I'm involved in so I'm hoping they'll hear these wonderful songs too!


While Final Fantasy VII did not have the greatest and utmost stimulating soundtrack, in my own opinion, I'm thoroughly impressed with this project, from the few tracks I've had the opportunity to listen to so far. It's really, really something. Of course, I would've been even happier if Wutai and Yuffie received a little love, but there's all sorts of other awesome at Voices of the Lifestream that it's easy to forgive and forget that minute disappointment. :)

Thanks guys, I loved this.


Downloaded, but why does the Torrent contain both MP3s and WAVs?

I don't get it. For those who don't have utorrent or ones where you can choose what you can download thats kinda weird.

I really don't see a point in downloading both wavs and mp3s.


I have the opportunity to print 500 8.5x11 flyers and post them around my university; if anyone has some good layouts or artwork suggestions, I'd appreciate an email (atreusgracchus@gmail.com)or file I can use.

Now if only the ports for torrenting weren't blocked here . . . :(

Downloaded, but why does the Torrent contain both MP3s and WAVs?

I don't get it. For those who don't have utorrent or ones where you can choose what you can download thats kinda weird.

I really don't see a point in downloading both wavs and mp3s.

So you can burn the wavs onto 4 cd's (so it's actually an album) for cd-quality sound along with the CD art and labels.


WAV and MP3 are there because some people want lossless. Doing two torrents would be silly when any decent client lets you deselect what you don't want (or prioritize what you do). This way, if you only want MP3, you deselect the WAVs. Plus, even if you only want lossless, it's nice to have ALL the 45 songs uniformly tagged and encoded. That took hours for me to do.

Why not FLAC? Not accessible enough. A lot of players don't support it, and if you're trying to reach the widest number of people, it makes more sense to go with a format that *everyone* can use. After all, the main reason people ask for lossless is for CD burning, and if you have to go through another step to do that (FLAC->WAV) then isn't that kind of silly?

Anyway, glad you all are enjoying it!

WAV and MP3 are there because some people want lossless. Doing two torrents would be silly when any decent client lets you deselect what you don't want (or prioritize what you do). This way, if you only want MP3, you deselect the WAVs. Plus, even if you only want lossless, it's nice to have ALL the 45 songs uniformly tagged and encoded. That took hours for me to do.

Why not FLAC? Not accessible enough. A lot of players don't support it, and if you're trying to reach the widest number of people, it makes more sense to go with a format that *everyone* can use. After all, the main reason people ask for lossless is for CD burning, and if you have to go through another step to do that (FLAC->WAV) then isn't that kind of silly?

Anyway, glad you all are enjoying it!

I keep beating you to the punch, eh? :<


I have been enjoying the Remixes here for quite some time and I must say that this collection has really brought together a great amount of talent into one project. I have been listening all day and been encouraging others to listen to all the tracks, and have not encountered anyone who does not like what they hear. Congratulations on such a wonderful collection and I look forward to the future releases by all the artists.


Another step forward for the video game music community. This album has and will open the eyes of folks who had previously failed to see the quality and versitilaty of video game music, not to mention the talent of the people here who strive to share such a message with the world.

Excellent work and congratulations to all of you involved in this project.

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