Gman Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 THIS IS SWEET ASS STUFF! I never really looked into FFmusic Dj's music.. but one day I saw in the WIP forum that he made a corel prison remix. I desided to take a lisnin' and to my surprise it bacame my favorite remix of all time. And since that song he has never let me down, EVER! HE'S ME HERO! (don't flame me for it) Alright, as for the mix: His percution is very tight, that is one thing that pops out the most. His remix dont just have that usual boom ti boom ti boom...he has the boom ti ti ti ta ti tit i boom titi ta get what I mean. And he uses nice percution samples as well. As for the intro.. It wasn't annoying at first...very funny hehe (don't sing). But I had to cut it out after a while. This mix is a nice peace o hard trance! FFmusic Dj has a style of his own. A style that ALOT of people love..including me. More people like his music than some one... I forget his name... I simply... do not... understand what ... people like ... about his music. ahem... Well, keep up the AWSOME work, I'm looking forward to your next remixs!! And maybe even some stuff of your own?? (PM me about the stuff of your own thing...I want a tast) Later. Quote
DjKwiwwin Posted November 10, 2002 Posted November 10, 2002 I would just like to add my two cents. which have been added by other people so if you want an interesting review skip over mine. Well i must say i can stand the intro either. if it was shorter i couldnt care less. but it is 20+ seconds long! the first 5 seconds it was mildly humourus. but 15 seconds later i was slamming my head into the keyboard. Good song though. great song. The beginning ruined it for me though. but i have already taken care of it. well there was my 4 half-cents. goodbye. Quote
Vortex RuneCutter Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 I'm a big BIG fan of FFmusicDJ, but I have one major complaint.... Do more! I love your style, chico! Quote
Asterin Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 Heh, all of the comments about the "Happy Birthday" intro are funny to read. I sort of have mixed feelings on it. At first, I thought it was insanely stupid and wanted to delete the file immediately, but finally decided I kinda liked how the song did a 180 from retardedness to awesomeness. It is certainly memorable, so I'll probably keep it. That "Happy Birthday" at the very end cracks me up every time, too. Quote
Beatdrop Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 OKAY The bottom line here is: This is some incredibly incredible trance work. Haroon is so awesome at filling out the entire stereo range with echoing synth leads and distorted backing basses and good stuff. This is... I mean... DAMMIT! You see, with Haroon, it seems that what he did was realize that since most of the Final Fantasy music is very anthemic, it makes for great Anthemic Trance. I mean, the melodies are formulaic for this kind of stuff, and he does a marvelous job at it. I might just have to give up on trance at the rate he's going EDIT: oh, and as for the intro, we aren't exactly supposed to like it. As he already said, it was designed to wish his friend a happy birthday, and that's that. Just chop it out if you don't like it Quote
Blak_Omen Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 Scratch another one down for the FF Trance master. I've been waiting for a dancey Cid theme mix for a bit, and this delivers, and delivers well. I don't know how he does it but if everyone knew it might not be as special. I especially like the melody in this mix, when it goes into the higher octave. That just....lifts me up I suppose. I love it. My only gripe though, is the intro. It took me about five listenings to pick up what the person was actually saying...and even then I don't really fully understand it. Maybe if the intro was a bit shorter, to still keep the message but not put people off from the music... If I didn't care for Cid's Theme I almost certainly would have deleted this track after 12 seconds. But I didn't, and that was lucky. (Love that evil voice though... ) Overall, a great remix. If you don't like the intro don't let it put you off from the awesome stuff within. Quote
Beatdrop Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 Um... did you even read the write-up? The intro is a birthday message to Haroon's buddy. I made it out pretty easily... Quote
Strider Kyoden Posted November 13, 2002 Posted November 13, 2002 Good, The Intro kinda confused me when I had my volume down but when I cranked it, I realized exactly what he said. Even though It wasn't hard to understand. But With that small little personal touch, It gives this Mix a more homely feel, at least to me personally. Other than that I like the mix as a whole, gotta love Cid's Theme. ~*~Strider~*~ Quote
Blak_Omen Posted November 13, 2002 Posted November 13, 2002 I KNEW that is was a Birthday message, I just wasn't sure what exactly was being said. Quote
ffmusic dj Posted November 16, 2002 Posted November 16, 2002 didnt anyone ever thing that this would be ... embaressing? considering i was the one singing?? gha! hahaha ............. WELL IT WAS! Quote
Child of Kirby Posted November 25, 2002 Posted November 25, 2002 Okay, for the slow among you, I made this account JUST to type out what he said, and finally put this to rest. Sorry if I come up harsh, but I absolutely adore this remix, and I thought the intro was pretty clever, even if it was a bit... odd? "Hey buddy, happy birthday! Guess what?! I made ya a remix of... Cid's theme! Let me sing it for you! .... *odd singing ahoy, including some clipping!*" I can't make out the next part, but I THINK it's... "You really think I'd remix like this? Hell no..." That about cover it? Quote
Azy Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 I love the remix, just another sweet addition to my game trance collection.. and I thought it was a girl with some high-pitched voice who did that intro... well..i did thought Quote
Old Omen Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 Once again, Haroon pulls it off. Amazing trance, absolutely amazing. He may have even surpassed his BoF remix, and that was pants-wettingly awesome. The intro is, well, questionable... but that's for Otanjoubi to decide, not me. And if you'll notice, one can not only easily amputate the intro (as soon as it starts clipping), but the "Happy birthday!" at the end is sufficiently spaced from the end of the music to allow for removal. So quit complaining. You can do it with free software, if you're that adamant. Or you can drive around town in a convertible with the volume way up, with just the intro burned onto one track of a CD, set to repeat. See how many chicks you can pick up. Honestly, though, phenomenal work. The attention to detail is obvious. Quote
Samiril Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 Actually, I love the intro thing.. Doesn't take away from the song at all I thought the bass needed to be slightly extended or something when I first heard it, because I felt it cut off a little too early. It just grew in me so I'll definetely keep this one. The remix is wonderful! --Samiril Quote
Emjay Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 Any remix that can make me laugh AND has replayability gets a definite vote from me. I guess on this one it depends on your sense of humor whether you liked the intro or not. (Not saying that if you have a bad sense of humor you won't, but if it's just not your piece of pie.) I really liked the cut into the rest of the song from the intro. I like how I can be sitting here in the middle of browing the 'net or typing something and all of a sudden I hear this goofy voice that breaks away from whatever I was listening to before, makes me laugh, and then cuts into a really good remix. Not one I'd keep on my playlist for long because it is the type of remix that can get old fast, but something to occasionally put in there when everything else gets tiresome. Quote
Ingonyama Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 People, relax. The intro isn't that long, at least not compared to the rest of the song, which doth verily KICK ASS, if you'll pardon mine French. I think this one's a breath of fresh air. The silliness of the intro really does make a lot of difference in the attitude of the song itself. Without it, the song might...MIGHT...have become just another good technotrance number. But it does stand on its own very well, especially in the latter half of the song. With the intro/closing, it makes for a great blend of replay value (for the techno-y goodness of the mix!) and just plain silliness. Quote
Hobbes Posted May 3, 2003 Posted May 3, 2003 The only problem I see with the intro is that it takes that much longer to get to the actual song, which is an incredible piece of music. It's not that weird, but pretty funny if you ask me. So if you don't like it, cut it off. Otherwise, just leave it. Any way you look at it the song is great and a worthy addition to anyone's music collection. Quote
playingtokrush Posted May 3, 2003 Posted May 3, 2003 I simply... do not... understand what ... people like ... about his music. Protricity! My main man! I'm sorry that absolutely no one in this thread agrees with you, but I've come to change that. I really can't get into any of FFDJ's stuff. It all just irks me. So much of all of his songs is just "THUD THUD THUD"... ugh. I'm sure I'll catch hell for this, but I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who thinks that way. As for Otanjoubi Cid? Blah. Follows the usual format. I can't get into it. I didn't think the intro was funny, and just imagining having to hear it every time this song (that I don't particularly care for in the first place) plays makes me cringe. As for the defenders of the intro, it is most definitely longer than 20 seconds. Winamp does have an elapsed time display. Use it. I haven't liked anything of FFDJ's since CC Time Scars and FF4 Ground Up. At least those have no overpowering thudding sounds and no distinct sonic qualities that make me shudder. Protricity, I absolutely love some of your stuff. You're one of the best at extending songs beyond the original melody without stinking it up in the process. Please stop punishing us for FFDJ's music and submit something new! I've missed you! In closing, Cursed Pirates of the Sea broke my jaw. It's that good. Quote
Protricity Posted June 13, 2003 Posted June 13, 2003 CC Time Scars Indeed, I listen to that one regularly. I liked his old style far better. Quote
Jukebox Brian Posted June 13, 2003 Posted June 13, 2003 I have to say, I'd love to see more stuff along the lines of Timescars/Prelude/Zanarkand from him. Quote
ffmusic dj Posted June 13, 2003 Posted June 13, 2003 it's coming, just keep up with oneup studios .. Quote
Eccles Posted June 24, 2003 Posted June 24, 2003 More of the same from me... I really like the track...the synths and stuff are good, yes indeed. However, like most everyone else, the intro kinda spoils it (especially being so hard to cut out without COMPLETLEY ruining the track) I also think the drums could have done with a little variation... how this could be achieved exactly I dont know, but after a while the thump-thump-thump kinda gets annoying. also the ending is kinda bad...Im not entirley sure how this thing could end, but the abrupt stop with the echoed 'happy birthday' is I must say, though, when I played in a set, the people really liked you can certainly dance to this one and not have any major prollems with it that way... Quote
TCK Posted June 28, 2003 Posted June 28, 2003 I won't let the intro/ending make up 50% of my argument, all I'll say is that it's an aquirred taste, but it is NOT the remix. Elsewise, upbeat trance track which when in the mood I like. I never was a great fan of Cid's Theme, but this ReMix does it justice. He didn't just take the piece and remake it with trance beats. But beware, if you don't like trance, it is highly unlikely that this track will change minds. I can see why some people like FFmusicdj's stuff. It's what brought me to the site (a certain Jenova ReMix). But nowadays it doesn't float my boat. But good trance tune. Not FFmusicdj's best, but up to scratch. Quote
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