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recently we've been accused of being "businesslike" or "corporate", which is laughable in one sense since fiscally we'd have the worst business model imaginable, giving everything away, etc., but we ARE trying to get more exposure, pursue conventions and events, etc. in an orderly fashion, which takes both time and money, unfortunately...

It's your site, and if whiners don't like it they can go to another videogame remix site. I say "all of the above" as far as ad placement goes.


PS: when you have an IPO, then I'll be concerned about the site being too businesslike.


Cool, thanks for the feedback and support, everyone.

Initially I'm just going to reinstate the footer ad and login-dependent sub-first post ad, but I'll definitely be looking into some of the other suggestions that have been made.

I'm not sure whether we'll get enough fundage in by the end of the year to do any posters or bumper stickers or what not, but if not, '08 for SURE. I want one for myself, dammit.


I think what everyone is saying by not saying it is that we are not ready to put advertisements on the profile pages, at least not yet.

As for the left sidebar ads, would they harmfully disrupt the layout when there's only one or two posts on a page? If so, I'd rather go without them for the time being. The other stuff is probably a good idea for the longevity of OkRaMix.


Yeah. I don't care about ads at all, as long as:

a. they aren't bright and flashing, and don't play sound without you asking them to,

b. they don't disrupt the page layout (I've seen it before),

c. they're never even slightly nsfw, and

d. THEY DON'T HAVE VIRUSES IN THEM! That one's the kicker - I've seen multiple instances of ad services getting hacked or tricked into serving virus-loaded images, or javascript that tries to download something illegitimately onto the computers of everyone who sees it. That is never ok.

But, given that you're getting ads from a reputable source (i.e. google), I don't think any of those concerns will be issues. So do what you like.

I realize that things like this tend to rub people the wrong way when they just show up one day, without any input being solicited.

That is really rich. I guess it could be worse, if pixie was the owner of this place and saying it, though.

Not that anybody still holds a grudge or anything though. You're right, it is your site, so do as you please.

That is really rich. I guess it could be worse, if pixie was the owner of this place and saying it, though.

Not that anybody still holds a grudge or anything though. You're right, it is your site, so do as you please.

I'll tell you what's rich: tempban for a week. THAT'S rich. And creamy, too. Off-topic trolling and insulting site staff.

Honestly, if you're going to hold a grudge, don't do it in a way that's so readily addressable.

have you considered offering various individuals/sites the ability to "sponsor" a remix and have their ad permanently on the remix page?

I have now... it's not an awful idea, but it creates a relationship between the advertiser and the ReMix/ReMixer that I'm not sure I'm cool with; I suppose as long as the ads in question were videogame-related, it COULD work. Anything like this, that's more involved, is potentially something to consider down the road - for now, in order to focus on other site development features that people will actually like, I really just wanted to quickly reinstate some basic google ads. Beyond that, we'll see, but I like the ideas people have been coming up with and am documenting them for future reference.


I don't have a problem with you including googleads. Pretty much every site on the internet has some kind of advertising on it now, and it's getting quite odd to see a site without advertising if I'm honest.

As long as they are subtle and don't detract from experience of using the site then it should be fine.


honestly i dont mind google's text adds. it really adds to the whole practicality that 'running a website isnt free' idea.

i dont like the member vs no member idea. something small and relatively out of the way. i think smashboards came close with an ad after the thread creator. a small horizonal google ad would work great imo. or maybe after the first post on every page if you guys need funds that bad.

  • 3 weeks later...

Google's ads are generally the most relevant *and* the least obtrusive. Good choice with them as the ad service.

Especially when they're at the bottom of the page. More obtrusive ads for unregistered users is also not a bad idea, djp.

Do we have a significant percentage of forum traffic from unregistered users though?

Google ads are a great idea. If you were buying Flash ads, odds are the creators would say "Hey, it's a music site!" and put a bunch of generic boom-tss techno crap.


Okay seriously, yeah. Do it already Dave. You need the money.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay seriously, yeah. Do it already Dave. You need the money.

Umm... I was using "Generic boom-tss techno" as a complex modifier for the noun "crap". It's crap of the generic boom-tss techno variety. You know, the stuff that would get the letter.

And I'd like to voice my support yet again for ads. Hell, I'd even be willing to deal with jpeg ads in all the places they sell them for unregistered AND registered users because this site definitely deserves the money.


I've actually found that I am no longer on top of most of the new games coming out because I don't see TV commercials anymore, and I don't read gaming magazines.

If there were ads for current generation games, I would actually find that useful. Everyone would win.

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