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I still play this semi-regularly on X360

Let me know if anyone wants to play a non-lariat mashing Zangief for a change.

I JUST lost to one five minutes ago. Completely unavoidable when you're M.Bison and every move you try gets stuffed on a laggy masher. :(

I JUST lost to one five minutes ago. Completely unavoidable when you're M.Bison and every move you try gets stuffed on a laggy masher. :(

Bison eh? In that case, you'd have to deal with my jumping headbutt spam.


lol That's far less of an issue than getting camped by lariat. Gief drives me insane, though. It doesn't matter if you're brain dead or god's gift, I still have to work overtime to not get demolished.


If the Gief is rocking lariat spam I just devil's reverse spam right back. It keeps me safe, does the same amount of damage as a roundhouse and generates meter regardless of it I hit the guy or not. You gotta be 100% attentive even if the guy is a simpleton. One botched advance and you end up eating SPD off a whiff.


Yo, Sologamer, have you done Zangief's ultra as a counter to akuma's raging demon ultra before? It's the coolest thing to listen to.

Akuma: "Prepare Yourself!"


And then akuma gets hit by a massive spd, lol.

My friend was so positive that you couldn't do this, but we tested it out pretty thoroughly in training mode. I haven't been as lucky with countering akuma's regular raging demon, though.


It's good to know that another ultra can counter that. I was thinking of trying to counter it with Chun's just for the hell of it.

Anyone here play Championship mode? I love it, and I play it all the time.

Yo, Sologamer, have you done Zangief's ultra as a counter to akuma's raging demon ultra before? It's the coolest thing to listen to.

That's awesome. Didn't realize that was possible. I usually trigger Akuma's ultra by jumping over their fireballs, which I respond to by mashing HP.

I'll keep that in mind, after some practice in training mode.

Anyone here play Championship mode? I love it, and I play it all the time.

It's the only mode I play. Currently sitting on about 5k GP. I usually lose in the first or second match, so I'll probably be there for a while.


It's the only mode I play. Currently sitting on about 5k GP. I usually lose in the first or second match, so I'll probably be there for a while.

Yeah, same here. Sometimes people play pretty gayly to get that GP, but overall it's great. I'm getting close to 6,000 GP, but I've had a bad run the last few days.


Man .. As soon as I came in the G2 section .. I knew the fun would dissappear.

I still don't understand people playing Guile called me a corner sitting Ken.

Bastards. I'm all up in your face while these so called 'pro' charge character assholes do nothing but sit in the corner waiting for you to attack.

I'd play a Ryu, Ken or Akuma anytime over these people.

Let alone stand the Bison Jump on your Neck > Slash down > Slide > press repeat. Now that's skill. AssJeebs. If they would play guitar with the other hand while doing those moves maybe. Snaps.


I don't mind the gayness, because that's inevitable. What I do mind is people who rely on lag. I played an Akuma that got a perfect on me by doing nothing but throwing fireballs because the lag was SOOOOOO bad. I always avoid people with less than two bars, but this guy had two bars and it was still unbearable.

I swear, some people have a switch at their house to lag when they want to. It's the only way to explain it.


Less than three bars is far safer. 2 bars is asking for murder. Even with three bars links are a pain to get off, especially if you got someone mashing on the other end.


cassanova, we should do some friendlies later

Also, last three game today in a g2 tourny earlier:

First game - Akuma

air fireball spam -> teleport to other side of the screen.

That is all he did. 14k player and that is what he did. Jeez

Second game - Ryu

What a fucking turtle. Was the most annoying shit I have ever played against. Didn't advance to me a single time

Third game - Sagat

tiger tiger tiger tiger lagspike tiger tiger tiger lagspike ti spike ger


i finally got back into the game after being gone for a month. i went from 1500 to 900. What is really annoying are most of the matches i lost i should have won. I either did a "Canon Spike" instead or a "drill" or fucked doing something else that set me up for an Ultra or something else that cost me the match. Also i forgot how unbalanced Ultras are. Cammys Ultra does not do as much damage as Kens. Kens is retarded. So is Akumas, its basically half your bar. I still hate Sagat players the most. I did a championship mode and lost in the finals. Then i went back and got my rank back up to 1200. It was a fustrating/fun experience. Which is pretty much what SF is about.


Ken's ultra has to hit point blank and Akuma's is pretty much avoidable unless someone skilled is using Akuma. You can combo Cammy's ultra into a grip of situations and has range. However you are playing a low stamina character so I can't really compare damage.

Ken's ultra has to hit point blank and Akuma's is pretty much avoidable unless someone skilled is using Akuma. You can combo Cammy's ultra into a grip of situations and has range. However you are playing a low stamina character so I can't really compare damage.

None of the console exclusive characters (except Gouken, and Gen's AA ultra) will do their entire Ultra animation off of a mid-air connection. This hurts both Fei and Cammy a ton, as they are only getting fractions of what a full ultra would do.


Cammy's ultra is front loaded anyways. The last hit is practically superficial. It's far more beneficial to combo her ultra than it would be to save it for full effect. Fei's damage comes off of the third(or fourth, not sure) rekka, his ultra being most damaging in the final part.

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