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does gamestop have a monopoly in used games and consoles?

IMO not really, they're just the biggest douchebags when it comes to used games/consoles. I know of a couple of cheaply named shops (Game-Junction ftw :lol:) that do better business than gamestop. For fucks sake the cheaply named shop got games from the old atari, nes, snes, gen, ps1, ps2, dreamcast, xbox/360, gb/gba/gbc that actually work! Plus the shop also do disc repairs.. :)!!

Also I've seen a couple of the old consoles on display, including 2 dreamcasts, an nes, snes, an n64 and the old fat ps2

does gamestop have a monopoly in used games and consoles?

If you're in the Saint Louis area, Slacker's is a good local store that's kept Gamestop from doing much business in the area. They do all the way back to NES-era games, so anything from Super Mario Bros. to new games like Sluggers are kept.

That, and they do DVD's and CD's and comic books too, but they mostly do games.


Oh, yeah. I've seen this guy. What he says seems to make sense, but my gamestop employee experience was quite a bit more positive than what happened to him.

Well, in other (on-topic) news:

Too Human

EDIT: You know, his Christianity rant felt rather unnecessary to me. Little does he know that there are perfectly logical reasons that God lets good people prosper and bad people suffer, and vice versa. The short answer: HE'S GOD, and He can do whatever He likes, being that he's perfect and knows everything.

I suppose getting worked up about Yahtzee is rather pointless tho, since that's his goal, no doubt. -_-

The rest of the review was pretty good, and fairly enjoyable.

What...are you a pokemon? :-P

Um, nope. No way. That definitely wasn't what I was trying to sound like. Not at all. And this totally isn't a sarcastic reply. Yep. totally isn't.

The "Baldur's Gait" line got me laughing pretty good.

I knew there would be some reference or pun at some point from the time I heard that name.

Um, nope. No way. That definitely wasn't what I was trying to sound like. Not at all. And this totally isn't a sarcastic reply. Yep. totally isn't.

JCvgluvr used Sarcasm.

It was ineffective. :<

........I got nothing. My noobish amount of Pokemon knowledge has failed me........

Go Atmuh, use glare~!

*Atmuh's loafing around*

Use simple retort~!

*Atmuh's targeting JCvgluvr*

*go play pokemon fgt*

*Simple retort is super effective!*

*JCvgluvr fainted*



The first time he did that was kind of... kind of like how Family Guy likes to drag out an shitty joke or gag for far too long. Like, thirty seconds too long.

The second time was exactly like how Family Guy likes to reuse the same shitty joke later on, only this time it's even more shitty.

I think this is proof that one of the Family Guy writers now works at, or near, the Escapist.


Fuck no. He's already got 55 to 65 percent of the video dedicated to ads now, the last thing I want is drawn out crap. His reviews are supposed to be fast witty jabs at the flaws and cartoony mini-lust for the good stuff.

I do not need less of what makes his reviews entertaining in the first place.

Fuck no. He's already got 55 to 65 percent of the video dedicated to ads now, the last thing I want is drawn out crap. His reviews are supposed to be fast witty jabs at the flaws and cartoony mini-lust for the good stuff.

I do not need less of what makes his reviews entertaining in the first place.

I don't think he has much of a choice when it comes to the advertisements... Then again I could be wrong..?

I don't think he has much of a choice when it comes to the advertisements... Then again I could be wrong..?

They had an Warhammer Online ad at the beginning, a Warhammer Online ad at the end (the same one as last week), AND a Warhammer Online site skin!

I was like "Just let me watch this thing in this tiny window and get the fuck out of here!":-x

Anyway, the Spore review was funny enough--although nothing I hadn't heard before from other reviewers.

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